CH 4

After everyone was introduced to mom we all sat back down in our same spots,

"So Bella how is your father?"-Mom asked me

"He's fine, creepy but he is just fine"-I answered her

Everyone raised their eyebrows at me in questioning while Killia nodded in

Agreement with me

"Your father is not creepy."- Mom told us

"Then what is he?"- Killia asked her

"He was romantic when we first met each other."- She told us

Suddenly the room became extremely hot and in front of us there came a huge fire the Cullen's became really nervous with the flames so close to them

"Oh no!"- I groaned

"Dad's here"- Killia sighed

The flame went away and in its place was dad but he has to be dramatic about it and instead of his wings being hidden away they were on full display in what he says 'is in all there evil glory.'

"Talking about me I see."- He said

"Hi dad"- we said together

"Hi girls, how are you?"- He asked us

"Fine."- Killia answered

"Happy"- Rose, Jass and I answered

He raised his eyebrow at our answer we sighed knowing that he wanted an answer, Rose went first

"I have my family and I can now have kids with my mate."- Rose smiled at Emmett

"I get the hot cowboy instead of the prude, oh and because the family is back together."- I told him smiling

"I'm happy because the family is back together."- Jass said smiling brightly

Dad nodded and smiled at us happy that we were all happy, and then he got this glint in his eyes that ment he was going to do something

"So who is the 'prude' as my daughter so elegantly put it?"-Dad asked

We all pointed to Edward, who was sitting on the recliner with Alice sitting on the floor in front of him, dad turned to him

"So you're the one who cheated on my daughter with her 'best friend' and then left her?"- He asked raising an eyebrow

Apparently Edward was no longer able to speak so he just nodded dad nodded his head looking deep in thought

"So the first guy she decides to date cheats and leaves her in the forest."- Dad said

"What do you mean when you said the first guy she decides to dates?"-Alice asked

Dad looked at her with a raised brow

"Did you think he was the first to show interest in Bella?"-Dad asked her

Alice nodded her head, dad, mom, Killia, Rose, and Jass all broke into hysterical laughter

"Not by a long shot I think every boy in the underworld has asked her out at LEAST three times, and that's just the underworld."-Dad said

"All of the guys in heaven have been super nice to me hopping that I would put in a good word with Bella"-Jass told her

Alice and Edwards jaws dropped

"But she wanted to wait for Jasper."-Killia said

Jasper squeezed my hand and smiled at me

"But she had no experience with guys?"-Edward said

My family nodded

"She wouldn't because she has never DATED before you num-nut."-Killia said to him while rolling her eyes

Both Edward and Alice nodded but they both still looked non believing about what my family told them about me. Dad rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers and a flame appeared next to him, when the fire died down I saw Jeremy, a 'kid' the same age as me who ALWAYS asked me out no matter how many times I told him no. He bowed to both of my parents, and then my sisters when he saw me his eyes widened before he ran over to me grabbing my right hand and kissing it,

"Bella, how I have missed you and your wonderful personality!"- Jeremy 'gushed'

I made a face as I removed my hand from his

"Hello Jeremy"- I said politely

"Will you go on a date with me?"- He suddenly asked me

"No"-I said while shaking my head

His expression fell from hopeful to upset. But he nodded his head in respect before turning back to my dad

"How many times have you asked my daughter out Jeremy?"- he asked

"1,289 times my lord"-Jeremy answered

"And how many times has she said yes?"- Dad asked

"0. But I'm hopping to were her down"-Jeremy replied

Dad nodded before directing Jeremy's attention to Jasper sitting next to me

"Jeremy, this is Bella's mate Jasper."-Dad told him

The second dad told him that he looked crushed but he sighed and nodded his head in what was hopefully acceptance.