Okay...I admit it. The ending here is cheesy, corny, hokey, silly, and maybe a little lame. So sue me! LOL

The sun was just beginning to set over the desert. The sky had taken on a brilliant orange glow and the air was beginning to cool. This was Jared's favorite part of the day here. He sat on the steps outside his trailer eating an orange. Colin was leaning up against the railing of the steps sipping on a beer. Both men felt very much at peace.

"This is nice. You know, just relaxing like this? I'm glad we finished up early today and got some time to chill. Oliver was a little less of a slave driver today."

Colin shook his head. "Yeah, he seemed to be in a decent mood for once, and he only yelled at us a couple times. That's an improvement!"

Jared bit into a big segment of orange, and the juice squirted out and nearly hit Colin in the eye. "Geez, Jared…you're going to turn into a fruit."

Jared shot him a dirty look, and Colin caught on.

"Oh, come on Jared! Not THAT kind of fruit, you idiot. Although…you are MY favorite fruit!"

Jared threw an orange peel at him. "Fuck off, Colin" he said, laughing softly.

Colin laughed. "Now, now Jared…you know you love me." He leaned down and kissed him gently.

"I never actually said that" Jared said quietly.

"No, you didn't." Colin agreed. "But I said it to you, and I didn't see you trying to get away. In fact, you immediately drug me away to fool around. So admit it…you love me!"

"Yeah, I guess…." Jared mumbled.

"What's that? I couldn't hear you!" Colin smirked.

Jared stood up and glared at Colin. "Fine, I love you, goddamn it! I didn't want to, but I do. So there. Happy?"

Colin grabbed him and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. "Yep. Quite."

After a breathless moment, Jared pulled back, shaking his head. "I should probably have my fucking head examined. You really are a pain in the ass you know."

Colin just grinned.

Jared sat back down on the step. "Colin, did you notice anything different about everyone today?"

Colin sat down on the step beside him, leaning against him affectionately. "What do you mean?"

"Well," Jared began, "I know you have noticed over the last few days there have been whispers behind our backs, suggestive remarks from Francisco, insinuations from Oliver, plus what Dennis spoke to me about. But today…today I saw none of that. No one said or did anything out of the ordinary. It's like they forgot about it or something."

Colin nodded. "Yeah, now that you mention it. Francisco loves to push my buttons, but he didn't say a single thing today along that line. Weird, isn't it?"

Jared stared off into the distance, thinking. "Honestly, none of it makes sense. You and I having feelings for one another, now this? If I didn't know better, I would say that the gods were playing with us. You know that in those days they believed the gods interacted and influenced most everything they did. It is like someone made us desire each other, then love each other, and now someone has made everyone else forget about it so that we aren't being harassed over it. I think someone out there must care for us."

Colin laughed. "Yeah, if you believe that sort of thing, it would make sense. Unfortunately, it's all a myth."

"Perhaps, but Colin, I remember you telling me once that love was myth. Do you still feel that way now?"

Colin took Jared's hand and linked their fingers together. "No, I don't. I guess some myths really are true. Like us. Who would have ever believed it."

Jared slid his free hand up Colin's thigh and breathed in his ear. "So, we are a modern myth then. I like the sound of that."

Colin grabbed Jared's hand and placed it in his lap. "See what you do to me? Come on, let's go inside and make the myth real."

Alexander and Hephaestion smiled.

Zeus smiled.

Sometimes, in love, mythical things can happen.