Authors apology to the 3 readers I have...

Hai guys, I am writing this apology because I haven't uploaded anything in forever! The reasons are that I fell into a deep depression least year probably during the time that i started fan fiction, I also was super busy over the summer and a lot this year, I have also had drama at school lately too. I have lost a bunch of my friends and I just don't like my self too much. You can probably also tell that I have changed my name as well, Scout Scarlet was a fake girl who I wanted to be. Now I am Jessiekitty and this is the real me. My instagram, youtube, and now fanfiction have all been changed from Scout to Jessie. Ignore who Scout was..she was a bitch lol. Anyways, thank you guys so much i am defiantly going to try and post more and I hope you guys read and review my fanfictions. Thank you all so much again! Have a beautiful day!
