Weeaboo Monogatori

Author's Note: This is my new ohanashi. It is not a story because its Japanese style. There are no stories in Japan, only ohanashi. It is completely different.

Birch was in her classroom eating pokkii and reading manga.

"Birch stop eating that candy and reading those comics!" said the teacher.

"Its not candy, its pokkii! Its Japanese so its totally different!" said Birch. "There are no comics in Japan, only manga. It is completely different!"

"Well stop that, and pay attention!" said the teacher.


"Speak English! Now back to the subject, after Pearl Harbor..."

"Japan didn't do it, that was China."

"No, it was Japan, Birch."

"Okay but its only because Amerika-jin bombed them first."

"Birch, if you would stop drawing in class you would know more about Japanese history."

"Its not a drawing its a senga!"

"Whatever." said the teacher.

After class Birch met up with her friends, Riian-chan, Sandura-san, and Raffui-san. They were wearing Naruto forehead protectors, and eating microwave sushi.

"I think Naruto is really in love with Kakashi!" said Raffui-san. "I'm writing some fuanfikuchin about it!"

"Kawaii!" replied Sandura. Then she turned to Birch and said, "Hey Birch, you look kawaii!"

"Fuengusu! Geddit cuz I'm otaku!" Said Birch. "I heard about Naruto/Kakashi, I should draw a senga of them yaoiing! But I've got to write my manga first."

"What is it called?"

"Mai Raifu Mii!"

"Kawaii!" said Riian.

"Sugoi!" said Sandura.

"Des!" said Raffui
Just then a Japanese foreign exchange student named Hanako walked by.
"Kawaii, nihonjin desuuuuuuu!" Birch, Raffui, Sandura, and Riian all said in unison.

Hanako turned around and kicked all of their asses.

The End.