Movie: Labyrinth

Pairing: Sarah & Jareth.

Disclaimer: I owns nothing! Please enjoy this!

He finally had her.

He had her! After so long of watching from crystal balls and reflections in her mirror, he finally had the young girl! A triumphant chuckle left his lips as he swooped down and picked the girl up in his arms. There really was no reason for him to carry her, the perks of magic, but he wanted to feel her close and hear that spunky heart beat calmed into submission. With a last glance around the space he had dubbed her sanctuary, the Goblin King smirked down at his prize and vanished in a shower of sparkles, a dramatic exit wasted on the empty room.

The King appeared back in his chambers, away from the ever prying eyes of his nosy subjects and the insistent chatter of the child-like creatures. He would think of them as children for eternity, but in all respect to himself there was something childish about himself as well. The proof lay before him, sprawled out on the rich sheets with her dark hair fanned out above as a shadowy halo. The green eyes he wanted to see so desperately were closed in sleep and the only sound was her breathing as her chest rose and fell in the rhythm. He was mesmerized by the sleeping figure, but years of experience aided him in looking away and instead busying himself in preparation for her stay. The castle had changed some since her last visit; carpets had been added to a majority of the rooms, he had finally forced the goblins to clean up the straw and dust that had littered the floors for centuries and over all everything was cleaner than usual. He had tried to overcome the goblins strange obsession with chickens, filthy creatures, but that was one too many changes for his otherwise obedient subjects. The chickens and his throne were probably the only things that had not changed…even he had changed a little. She had actually insulted his looks once, when he tried to make contact with her once she was back in her world, and that hurt had panned out but never truly gotten off his mind. He was not one to usually care for his looks to the point of impressing women, when you were a noble it really didn't matter if you were up on all the trends as long as you had the money. There was also the fact Jareth had his own style, something fashion designers of his Realm had never truly mastered.

Jareth's problem was not in his lack of money, power, and was the fact that his chosen lady did not care for these things that caused him to cut his hair and wipe off a bit of the sparkle, some of them impossible to remove due to being a Fae, not the manliest of characteristics, but there was only so much he could do for his lady. He wandered about the castle, finding servants to set up rooms, maids to draw baths, everything his love could ever want he had prepared for. He finally halted in his over excitement and turned to go to bed as it was so late, his thoughts on the beauty that await for him in his room. As he lay beside her, his arm on her waist and his eyes exploring her body, he felt the closest thing to content he had ever had.

Sarah awoke to a warm sensation surrounding her, as if she were awakening from a very deep sleep in a very warm place. She snuggled into her pillow, delighted in the feel of the sun on her skin, knowing full well that if she didn't get up now Toby would be late for school. She sighed to herself and opened her eyes. Panic rushed into her heart when she did not see the pale wallpaper of her room, but tan brick. She recognized that brick color and gave a panicked gasp as she sat up to find she was not in her room anymore. She was in a very big and unfamiliar bed! She glanced around her and glared at the all too familiar bedfellow who lay asleep beside her through her entire turmoil.

Jareth was beautiful when he was asleep. Sarah was surprised to see this, after all, she had never seen him in any state of relaxation that didn't include watching her squirm beneath his attentive gaze. His hair fell lazily over his eyebrows, his eternal smirk was set in a lazy childish slant, and his body was still but for the rise and fall of his chest. Sarah would have been transfixed if her anger had not gotten the best of her and her fist not come down on the man's stomach in her rage to see him content. The man jumped with a loud complaint from his injured stomach and ruined sleep. Sleepy yet surprised eyes came up to meet hers with a sly smile that reached up to his mismatched eyes.

"Good morning, precious." He smirked, rolling towards her, his arm coming to loop around her figure.

"Get off, why are you sleeping next to me?" She glared.

"Whose bed do you think this is?" Jareth smirked, rubbing circles on her back. She shoved his hand away and scooted to the opposite side of the bed in embarrassment. He followed, his arms snatching at her sides and bringing her back beneath him to where he was nearly straddling her. "I can have whomever I wish in my bed with me."

"Get off, you creep!" Sarah glared, struggling to sit up. Jareth was keen on keeping her beneath him as he laid his hand upon her shoulder, trying to keep her down.

"You do not give orders here, Precious." He smirked back, lowering his lips to her ear. "You are in my Realm now, welcome back, child."

Sarah awoke suddenly, jumping out of her skin. The look in her captor's eyes, the flick of his devil's had been so real. Her dream had been so...fuzzy, so real and yet so wrong. Jareth was a lot of things, but...he wouldn't force himself upon her, would he? It was totally ungentlemanly! Even if he were a creepy, selfish, and sparkly weirdo; the weirdo had morals...right? She sighed, trying to see in the dark of the room, but being blinded by the night around her. She felt very soft sheets beneath her, too soft to be her own. Don't panic, Sarah, she told herself, there must be a logical reason. She shifted her hand to try and find the nightstand beside her bed to turn on the lamp. No table and no lamp were nearby. She froze a little before taking her other hand and reaching out into the darkness beside her. She felt a warm body beside her and a shiver ran up her spine as the panic set in once more. She was fully clothed, she noted. She was not in any pain, no cuts or bruises or aches that she could tell of, and a partially calm sigh escaped her lips before she turned to the body beside her and was able to make out the outlines of Jareth's face in the slight rays of the dawn and the sight of him made her jump. A familiar anger erupted inside her as she thought to smother him with the pillow her head had once lain upon, but a new idea entered her mind as she placed both her bare feet upon his back and shoved with all her might, rolling the king from his bed to which he landed in an astonished pile upon the floor. The Goblin King jumped up from the unfashionable position and bared his angry glare upon the equally irritated face of his prize. She was far from amused as he crossed his arms dangerously.

"How dare you awaken me so." He glared, his voice dangerously low.

"How dare you sleep beside me." She countered. Jareth seemed to take a moment to calm himself even though in his eyes his actions were justified by the fact it was his bed and he had obviously brought her here to be his queen. Hwy should she protest?

"It seemed prudent at the time." He stated the closest thing she would ever get to an honest apology, but that familiar smirk flew across his face once more as his devilish eyes met hers. "I simply could not resist you." He turned from her. "Perhaps it is your fault for being so tempting."

"Don't try and blame me for your dirty mind." Sarah scowled at his back as he picked up a cane from beside the door and gave it a twirl before turning back to face her.

"Why, Sarah, I'm surprised at you," He gave a fake gasp. "I never thought you to be the sort of girl who fell prey to womanly fantasy's." She blushed, only confirming his theory. He gave a sly smirk at her. "Though I must say, it makes you seem like a grown woman." He turned to the door. "I'll have clothing sent to you shortly."

She did not thank him as he left the room. She was angry at him, angry at life, but most of all she was angry at herself. If she had never made that wish, never told Toby those stories, if she had just changed some twist in her fate at some point this would not be happening. She would be home and waking up to Toby, teasing him for not knowing what birthday gift she had bought for him. What would her parents think? That she had finally given up and left? She suddenly felt guilt and sadness leak over her as she thought how she would miss Toby's birthday, after going through all that work to make sure she could afford that new bike he wanted so desperately. She sighed as the door opened for her.

"So, here we are again." A patchy voice called from the door. Sarah looked up, joy spreading over her face as she saw who stood in the doorway. "Seems you can't keep out of trouble, can ye?"

"Hoggle." Sarah yelled happily as she jumped up from the bed and fell to her knees before the dwarf, hugging him as he tried to juggle an arm full of clothing. He grunted in irritation, but she knew he had missed her hugs as much as she missed him.

"Well, at least you remember who your friends are." He mumbled, limping past her to place the clothing on the bed.

"Hoggle." She smiled happily at him. "I've missed you."

"Well, you could always write." He tried to joke, but it came out like a negative comment, just as Hoggle always seemed to sound. She smiled.

"Sorry, letters must have been lost in the mail."

"Typical." Hoggle grunted as he leaned on the edge of the bed, his arm the perfect angle to lean comfortably. "So, he finally done it, huh?"

"I guess." Sarah looked down, ashamed of the situation she was in.

"That ain't the Sarah I remember." Hoggle stated. "What happened to the spunk, the fire, the stupidity?" Sarah laughed.

"It's here, but…" She looked up at the rich room of the Goblin King. "I agreed to this and…I never go back on my word." Hoggle sighed as he began to limp back to the door.

"You know something Sarah, that kid has a way of getting you into trouble." He mumbled. "Get dressed now, you can't stay in here all day." Sarah smiled and turned to the clothing beside her.


Finally a new chapter! Sorry it took so long, internet issues and all those wonderful excuses. Hope you enjoyed! I'm preparing the next chapter now!
