Aqualad sighed. He glanced at his watch and gasped. It was 12:56 pm. How was he going to get any sleep tonight?

He entered the Titans East's Tower, and ran toward his room without even greeting Speedy, who was sitting on the couch with Bumble Bee having an all night movie marathon. The twins were probably asleep upstairs. The Christmas tree glinted and flashed in the corner, gifts piled up beneath it. He didn't understand it all. Why would the others want to bring a tree into the house? Weren't the vegetations suppose to stay on the outside of the home establishments? The humans of the dry land kept puzzling him time and time again.

He laid down in his bed after glancing at the alarm clock on the bedside table. He felt like he should just sleep right through tomorrow. Heck, it was tomorrow! Then he would sleep through today instead.

Aqualad was asleep just before his head hit the pillow. That being a figure of speech, of course. That never actually happens in real life, even though it is used many times in novels to explain how very tired the character was.

It seemed like he was only asleep for a moment or two, maybe less, when something woke him up. He kept his eyes shut and strained his ears to hear the... Christmas music?

An arm reached out to grab him. "Go away. Now." The hand froze, as if suspended by time.

Speedy jerked back. "Whoa! Aqualad, are you awake?"

The Atlantian glared at him. The archer was oblivious from his anger. Seeing his friends face, he chuckled. "Right, sorry. Standard question."

Aqualad was about to go back to sleep when he realized that the moron was still in his room. Just standing there, by his bed, grinning like an idiot (which he was), and staring at him. Unblinking.

It was kind of... creepy.

After a while of sitting there, unmoving, unblinking, and not talking, Aqualad was starting to worry that his friends brain had turned itself off. That was before Speedy started to jump on his bed.

"Hey! What- the heck- are- you doing!" The whole room was bouncing.

Speedy was insistent. "Dude! Wake up! It's Christmas!"

Really? That was why the imbecile had woken him up?

Aqualad growled furiously. Even Speedy, himself, knew that was dangerous. He stopped bouncing. "Awe, c'mon! You don't like Christmas?"

"No. I don't celebrate Christmas."

Speedy's jaw dropped. "What!" The redhead started to shake him. "No! You have to! Wake up!"

Aqualad was at the end of his fuse. "I'm awake! I've been awake!"

He crossed his arms. "Since when?"

The mariner glared at him. "Since you came into my room, two minuets ago, without asking, and started to jump on my bed!"

After ranting like that for a while, he sighed. "I was out been patrolling the city until 1:02." The archer seemed to not take that in. "So?"

Aqualad stopped and looked at him. For a long, long while, until he concluded that he wasn't having a nightmare. "Speedy, it's 1:05."

The archers arms dropped. "And?" He was grinning. Like a maniac.

Aqualad didn't even bother to answer that. He rolled over and pulled the covers over his head. "Your still in my room. Get out."

The annoying little prat just wouldn't listen, would he? The redhead grinned mercilessly. "Nope!" He popped the 'p'.

Suddenly, Aqualad was there. He grabbed the front of his friends shirt, and growled at him. "Speedy, I'm tired, I haven't slept in days. Get out of my room." He whimpered.

"I will hurt you."A thousand words were running through his head at the moment, but those were the only ones that made it to his mouth. "It will be a fatal wound."

Thus, there was no more Speedy to say of. The boy was out of the room before you could say Jack Frost.

Aqualad sighed. Sleep at last, would claim him.