Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.

Author's Note- Inuyasha Christmas drabble series. Not much more to it than that. All are, to some extent, based off of various experiences I've had this Christmas season. Bear with me if not all of them follow the plot exactly as I've set it up here (some may occur before the following drabble). Also, yes I am aware that the Japanese probably don't celebrate Christmas like we do. I've obviously taken a lot of liberties. ;)

Just try to relax and enjoy, if you would(: MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Preface- Home for the Holidays

Word Count- 578

Come on… you remember the midpoint formula, you do! It's gotta be somewhere in your memory… As she finished the last question on her Geometry midterm exam, Kagome Higurashi came to one simple conclusion.

This subject was worthy of the seventh circle of hell.

Sighing with relief as the bell rang, she rushed out of the school building without bothering to tell her friends goodbye. Because it was Friday. Her exams were over. Winter Break was here. And most of all, Inuyasha was waiting impatiently for her to leave so she could return through the well.

"A whole two weeks where you won't miss school to come hunt for shards?" he'd exclaimed. "We're making the most of it!" It was the only reason she'd been able to return for the full week of review and cramming before the tests.

A mere half hour later, she was riding on Inuyasha's back as they sped through the Feudal Era countryside. Miroku, Sango, and Shippo kept pace on Kirara flying above.

The entire afternoon passed by without any sign of a jewel shard, and that evening as they set up camp, Kagome decided to broach a subject she knew would be touchy. Really, she hated to do this to Inuyasha… but in the face of her mother's guilt trip earlier that week, she really couldn't back down.

"Hey, Inuyasha… well, in a couple days… ?"

Which of course, despite its speed, resulted in an explosion from the irritated hanyou over the issue of how often she went home and their pressing quest against Naraku, after which she had to explain what Christmas was and why her mother really, really wanted her home. Why she really, really wanted to go home.

Shippo especially found the idea of Christmas exciting, and she promised to bring him her candy when she returned after the holiday. ("What do you mean, returned? Keh, nobody said you could go in the first place!")

"So, if you guys wouldn't mind too much," she concluded, sending a pleading glance Inuyasha's way, "I'd like to spend at least a few days, maybe even a week, with my family, for the holiday."

"I'm sure none of us would find it a bother," Sango replied, glaring at the sulking hanyou. "Besides, look at this weather. Traveling's going to be miserable." She gestured at the wet, foggy clouds casting a grey, dull light over the earth.

"Yes, Lady Kagome, by all means, go spend some time with your family," Miroku added. "It would give me and my dear Sango more time to spend tog-" He was abruptly cut off by the aforementioned taijiya's slap as his hand wandered a big too far for her liking.

"Shut up, you perverted monk."

"Well, it's settled, then," Kagome said briskly. "I'll go home again in the morning, and come back as soon as Christmas is over!"

After that, everyone readied themselves for a day of traveling the next day, and went to sleep, Inuyasha leaping up into a tree, grumbling to himself.

That night, as everyone lay sleeping, Inuyasha came down. Kagome was woken up by his whisper.

"Hey, Kagome."


"Can I… come back with you, for this 'Christmas' thing?"

"…why would you want to?"

"Feh. Somebody's gotta look out for you, wench. This holiday business sounds like trouble."

"Okay." She laughed a little. After all, the thought of Christmas being dangerous or difficult? Please.

However, she hadn't factored Inuyasha into the equation.


Author's Note: So yup, not very long. All around 500 words or so. And most are meant to be funny, although a few are more serious. ^_^ Hope you enjoy my little Christmas present! Series will be finished today, in a rapid sequence of updates, by around eight to ten o'clock. I hope.

Review please! Hope you get a laugh or two by the end. (:

Happy birthday, Jesus!

-Lady E