No More Hate – Epilogue

The story of Benitsubasa's struggles in the S-Plan was over. She survived Minaka's atrociously misguided game and escaped Kouten along with Madoka and Saki, arriving home safely to be reunited with their friends.

Minaka also escaped, for a time. With the final stage of his plan, there was no more hiding anything. And his plan had left him with very few friends and many enemies. His actions were as reprehensible as they were dangerous.

He was perhaps the only one surprised or outraged when found himself charged with a myriad of crimes and placed in prison. He'd been turned in by his own people at MBI. However, Minaka may have been the perfect example of a mad scientist – insane, but brilliant. It was only a few years before he secured his release.

There were those out there who were eager to make use of him. But Minaka was loathe to "waste his time" working for someone else. Before long, he disappeared to pursue his own goals once more. He hasn't been heard from since.

But that's enough of his story. That's not what you're here for.

. . . 5 Months After Kouten . . .

Things had calmed down and become almost... routine. He had four sekirei, one of which had less than a years worth of memories and was horribly awkward, and yet his life was somehow becoming routine again. Well, what else could he do?

There was one other thing that was torture. He hadn't told anyone what he had tasked Kouten with. He didn't know how to explain it, that the terminated sekirei would be brought back. He didn't want to get their hopes up when he had no idea what to expect or what would happen. He'd told Benitsubasa and Saki to be quiet about it and then just done his best to put it to the back of his mind and hope for the best.

Also, while things had calmed down, there had been a big change shortly after Kouten. Early on, he'd heard that Minaka had been arrested – something he was very thankful for. After that, a woman had gotten into contact with him.

Takami Sahashi, Minato's mother of all people. With Minaka deposed, she was now in control of MBI. His relationship with Takami had started out... rocky. He had no love for MBI and had only given the woman the time of day because she was related to Minato.

Eventually Takami had proven herself by and far more reasonable than Minaka. While she was certainly no saint, she was going out of her way to make reparations for what Minaka had put them through. So far, that included money to pay for his sekirei's needs an finally getting his upper floor renovated rather than leaving it a charred husk.

With that taken care of, Avaron now lived there, making it easier to keep an eye on her. He'd even convinced Takami to have MBI help sell her old house and let Avaron keep the money. For a while after that, his interactions with MBI became little more than receiving his regular "sekirei support" check in the mail every other week.

That was until his phone rang one day.

"Yeah?" he sat up straight, having been reclining on his couch after work.

"This is Sahashi." Takami, rather than Minato, since the voice was a woman's. "I need you to step outside. Alone. Now."

"You're not going to kidnap me, are you?" He sighed.

"No. Now hurry up, it's rude to keep a lady waiting. And I mean it when I say alone. I need to explain this to you before your sekirei get involved." She sounded impatient, but not exactly angry.

"All right, all right. I'll be right there." He stood up and motioned to his sekirei to stay put as they all shot him confused looks.

Once he was certain they weren't going to follow him, he made his way outside. He found Takami already there waiting for him, standing on the sidewalk besides a black car with tinted windows.

"I thought you said you weren't kidnapping me." Madoka stared at the car.

"I'm not. It's a standard business vehicle." Takami frowned. "I'm here to update you on a few things."

"Such as?"

"Kouten finally activated a few days ago," she said. The second the words registered, his heart lurched.

"Wh-what? And you're just telling me now?!"

"There wasn't anything to tell until now!" Takami snapped in response.

"S-so... then what's going on? What happened?" He could only assume she meant that Kouten was beginning to do what he'd asked Miya to have it do – reviving the sekirei.

"Well..." Takami just sighed and turned her head back toward the car. She motioned with her hand and then the rear door opened.

His heart stopped for a moment, only to begin again at a breakneck pace. He feared it would give out. He knew that face. He recognized every little bit of her – Oriha. She was back, just as he'd hoped.

He broke himself out of his momentary stupor, wanting to rush over to her. Takami's arm got in his way, physically blocking him and pushing him back.

"Wh-what are you-?"

"She doesn't remember you." The words didn't quite register with him. Some part of him chose to ignore her words. But when he looked at Oriha, their eyes met for a moment. She just tilted her head, looking confused.

There was no sign of recognition. She didn't know him.

"I don't... understand..." He felt dizzy. He was barely aware he was speaking – it didn't sound like him. His voice sounded so small and broken.

"From what we can tell, when a sekirei is terminated, even if the body survives, it's still comparable to death. The best comparison is to that of a computer. You can wipe the-"

"Oriha isn't a computer!" Madoka snapped, feeling a hot pit grow inside him. He saw Oriha flinch at the sound of her name, but she simply folded her hands together and bit her lip nervously.

"The point is," Takami sighed, choosing to keep her cool, "she's not the same person you remember. The Oriha you knew is gone. That may be the same body, but the person inhabiting it is... different. New, I suppose."

"Memory loss doesn't mean-"

"Look. We don't know for sure what exactly happens when sekirei are terminated, and we know even less about reactivating them. All we know is that her memories are gone. I suppose we don't technically know if the person inhabiting that body is the old Oriha, or some new being implanted by Kouten." She took a long breath and sighed. "Look, I brought her here as a courtesy. She needs some place to live, and I know Oriha was your sekirei. However," she paused a moment, "I'd understand if it's too painful. If she'd just be a reminder..."

"N-no!" Madoka massaged his eyes, trying to focus. He'd lose his mind knowing Oriha, in whatever form she currently took, was wandering around out there. He knew his sekirei, Kaie, and even Avaron... they'd never forgive him. "But... what should I say to her?"

He saw Takami's face soften, looking sympathetic. "I don't know. You just can't treat her like you know her. No matter how strange it might feel, it wouldn't do her any good. You have to leave the past where it is."

"I... I understand-"

He heard the door fly open behind him. It was followed by the sound of stampeding feet and the next thing they knew, Oriha was being smothered by four very excited sekirei.

"Well." Takami shook her head. "So much for taking it slow."

Oriha looked totally bewildered as the four other girls swarmed her with hugs and kisses as tears flowed freely. Fortunately, she didn't seem scared, at least not too much. It was obvious enough that they were happy to see her.

"W-wait. Saki? What are you doing?" Benitsubasa stopped to look at Saki who had also latched on to Oriha, despite not knowing her from a hole in the wall.

"I wanted to be included," Saki replied deadpan.

"Back off! You don't know her!"

"Shh! Let's just be happy she's back!" Kaie scolded Benitsubasa.

"Kaie! Don't yell at Beni!" Sukaime took her turn, presumably just to complete the cycle.

"Hey, hey! Let her breathe!" Madoka chuckled, trying to keep himself from crying as well. Their happiness was infectious, and he shared it. But the pain deep down remained as the tiny seed of hope he'd had withered away.

He managed to shoo them all away from Oriha, though he practically had to drag Kaie away. "Sorry about that. They're just really excited to meet you."

"Oh... OK." Oriha averted her eyes, still seeming lost.

"What?" Benitsubasa voiced her own confusion. Madoka caught her eye and for a moment, he let his smile fade. He could see it happen.

Benitsubasa had been there on Kouten to see what had become of Saki. It was fresh in her mind that a sekirei's personality, their identity, could be erased all too easily. It hurt to see her just wilt, eyes becoming pained. In the blink of an eye, her happiness was gone. She knew they hadn't really gotten Oriha back.

And then that was gone as well.

"Yep! Nice to meet you! You're with us now!" Benitsubasa stood up straight and held her hand out to Oriha. "We won't take no for an answer!"

"Um... Mhm!" Oriha awkwardly smiled back as she shook Benitsubasa's hand.

Sorrow spread like a plague. Sukaime clearly didn't understand what was happening. How could he explain it to them? He couldn't do it in front of Oriha. If she knew what she represented, it would hurt her too much.

He saw Sukaime squint and stare at Benitsubasa. He silently prayed that she wouldn't do it, but she did. Her hand clutched her chest and she looked so shocked and pained. She'd read Benitsubasa, what she was feeling deep down.

He almost wanted to avoid her eyes, but she looked to him next. He could offer her nothing better. If anything, it hurt even worse for him. He wished Sukaime wouldn't subject herself to it, but she did. A tear fell down her cheek and her head fell.

But she was smart – and strong. In a flash she flicked her tears away and shot over to Oriha's side. She threw an arm around Oriha's shoulders. "Yep! Stick with us, kid, and you'll go far!"

It wasn't so simple for Kaie, though. She needed an extra push.

He stepped over to her while Benitsubasa and Sukaime kept Oriha busy. He placed a hand on her shoulder and leaned in close. "I'm sorry." He squeezed her shoulder, offering what little comfort he could in the moment.

"I see." Kaie sniffled and pulled away. She took a shuddering breath, and just like the rest, put on a tough front. "It's not your fault," she whispered. She then took her turn, going over to introduce herself to Oriha. "Yes! We're very happy to have you. If you'd like, you can think of me, of us, like family. At least, I hope you will in time."

"I'll even go easy you! I promise not to cop a feel for at least one week!" Sukaime chimed back in. He supposed it was only fair that Oriha know what she was getting into.

"Wh-what?" Oriha's eyes grew wide with something resembling horror.

"I lasted two weeks before she got to me. You'll be fine." Saki tried to dismiss Oriha's concerns in a feeble attempt to comfort her. "Just try not to let her stand behind you."

"Well, it looks like you have everything under control then." Takami cleared her throat. "I'll get out of your way."

"Thank you." Madoka looked her in the eye and she nodded before getting into the black vehicle and driving away.

He was sure it was an overwhelming day for Oriha. Avaron and Akitsu had joined them shortly after and she now had five, Akitsu didn't care, strange people hounding her constantly, giving her multiple tours of the house, asking her questions, and asking if she needed anything. He couldn't blame them, of course. They had a rare chance to rebuild something they'd lost, and they wanted to do it as fast as possible. At least Avaron was sensible enough to keep them from being too overbearing.

Obviously, it would never be the same. They'd never be able to look back on the struggles they'd shared with the Oriha they'd known, but they could at least move forward with her. It was bittersweet, but perhaps a little more sweet than bitter. After all, the worst part of losing something, someone, was the knowledge that you could never make a new memory with that person.

And honestly, he wasn't sure they really could, but they were happy nonetheless – and he wouldn't take that from them.

As Madoka was preparing to cook dinner that night, Oriha wandered into the kitchen to stand next to him.

"Heh, did you manage to escape the frothing horde?" Madoka asked with a chuckle.

"They really like me..." Oriha mumbled distantly. She shook her head, managing to make her eyes focus. "I don't know why."

"There aren't very many sekirei. They're happy you're here with us," Madoka told her.

"I know that's not really why." He froze. What did she know? Had someone slipped up? "I have the body of an adult, but my memory only goes back a week. I'm not dumb enough to think I was born like this."

"Oh..." He supposed it hadn't been hard for her to figure out. "Um, do you have any questions?"

"Did you... know me?"

"We did. Well, maybe. Your situation is pretty unusual. We're not really sure how everything works."

"I'm sorry I don't remember you." She looked upset, frowning and avoiding his eyes.

"No! It's not your fault." If anything, it was his fault. He should have been able to do something. He should have found some way to keep her safe.



"Uh, c-can I help? With the cooking that is. I-I need to do something, and I feel like I should help if I'm going to live here." She looked desperate to distract herself. He couldn't answer her at first.

Cooking? Was it just a coincidence?

He refused to over think it. He'd just go with it and be happy for the bit familiarity her request afforded him. Mostly he was glad she hadn't asked what had happened to make her that way.

"Chores on your first day here? Well, if you're offering, why not? Got a bunch of mouths to feed here." He chuckled. "Ever since Avaron moved in upstairs she's been making me cook for her as often as possible. I was supposed to just be teaching her... but she's kinda lazy."

"Avaron... she's the one who isn't a sekirei. Like you?"

"Yep!" Madoka smiled. "As far as non-sekirei go, she's my best friend." He then froze. "Err, I-I have another friend named Kouji. D-don't tell him I said that." Oriha nodded in response.

Madoka then got the distinct feeling they were being watched. He turned around to see the other six residents peering around the corner. Except Akitsu, the perpetual odd one out, who really didn't seem to care - she just stood out in the open looking bored.

"Are we excited about something?" Saki asked. She received only glares in response. Of course they were. Oriha was about to help cook food.

And so she did. It wasn't bad, but still horribly disappointing, but everyone ate it without saying a word, although Saki required an elbow to the ribs to keep her silent.

Oriha promised to get better.

. . .One Week Later. . .

Madoka found himself sitting at an outdoor table, once again in the presence of Takami. She'd called him out of the blue, as she always did, and said she needed to speak with him. He was alone. For some reason or another, she never wanted him to bring his sekirei.

Maybe she was afraid of them or felt guilty.

"Where are you going?" Benitsubasa had asked.

"On a date with Minato's mother."

"That's not funny! It will never be funny!"

"To you..." He probably shouldn't have been harassing a girl that could break his legs, but it was too amusing. At least Sukaime was on his side when it came to that.

That said, it almost did feel like a date. They were at a, surprisingly cheap, western style restaurant. Calling it a restaurant might have been generous, actually. Suffice it to say Takami was eating a greasy burger and fries while Madoka had chosen to abstain.

"Couldn't you have, I dunno, just bought a nicer place to eat at?" Madoka asked.

"Shut up. I'm stress eating." Takami glowered at him and then muttered under her breath, "punk..."

"Right then." Madoka leaned back, hopefully out of harm's way. There were very few people that Madoka was really afraid of – Takami was quickly becoming one of them. Running MBI in Minaka's stead seemed to be putting her in a progressively worse mood as the months went on. Though, from what he'd gathered, she'd practically run the place even before he'd gotten himself arrested.

"Speaking of which, that's kind of why I'm here."

"This isn't some creepy stress relief thing is-" His unfinished thought quickly earned him a high-heel to his shin and agonized tears in his eyes.

"No! Keep your mind out of the gutter and just listen quietly!"

"Y-yes, ma'am..." he squeaked out painfully.

"I'm guessing that since it was you who ended up on Kouten that it's no coincidence that Oriha was the first sekirei to be revived, but she wasn't the last. We've just had two more sekirei revived. I'm going to imagine that pretty soon the rest will follow," she told him. "I want your help."

"I'm not a scientist. I don't know what I could do."

"No, but you did derail Minaka's plans and I know you care about the sekirei. I want you to be a... mediator. If a sekirei is in trouble, you help them. If the sekirei is causing trouble, you rein them in."

"You want me to be your new disciplinary squad?" Madoka narrowed his eyes.

"No. The disciplinary squad was a tool of terror to enforce a sick game. Your one job would be keeping everyone alive. Sekirei are dangerous, but they're also vulnerable and few in number. It's easy for them to be abused by someone who doesn't appreciate them, and it's even easier for them to cause mayhem during a temper tantrum. Humans can stop them, but it'd be a bloodbath that would most likely end with a dead sekirei and who knows how many human casualties. You can't exactly handcuff a sekirei and put them in a police car – they're too strong." She then smirked. "However, you just so happen to have the strongest sekirei around, so I can't think of anyone better to ask."

"OK. And what do I get out of this? You know, aside from feeling good about myself and you stroking my ego?" Madoka crossed his arms.

"A job at the biggest company in the world?"

"Also the most infamous. Try again."

Takami glared at him. "Don't jerk me around. What do you want?"

"Good question!" Madoka grinned. "I have a friend who could use a job-"

"You want me to hire that mentally unstable girl?" Takami stared at him in disbelief.

"W-well couldn't she just be a lab assistant or something? Nothing big!"

"We're already giving her money to help take care of Akitsu! We even offered to give her medication, for free, and she refused!"

"What if Satoru agreed to work with her?" It helped that he happened to know an MBI scientist who was currently not in possession of an assistant.

Takami pinched the bridge of her nose. "Fine! Is that all?"

"For now."

"Don't think I don't see how you're abusing this..." Takami's eye twitched.

"Can you blame me?" Madoka chuckled.

"Whatever. Just try not to be too unreasonable." She took a deep breath and sighed. "I swear to god, if I didn't need you..."

"But you do! So, since that's settled, I have a question. It's so rare that we have opportunities to talk like this." If nothing else, Sukaime had taught him how to be a huge pain in the ass.

"Something I'm quickly becoming grateful for. All right, what is it?" She pushed her now empty plate away from herself and began wiping her hands clean as she waited for him to speak.

"It's like you said, Benitsubasa is the strongest sekirei right now. But, at the same time, I know that's only luck or circumstance. If everything was made equal, or all the tuning was undone, that wouldn't be the case."

"That's not a question."

"Why? I'm sure by now you know what I'm talking about."

"I'll give you the basics. Not sure I'll have all the answers, though. The glowing crest thing? That was her drawing pure energy directly from her core. Something like that is supposed to be reserved for a norito. I can only guess she first was able to do it because she was so in sync with you that she could do a sort of pseudo norito. Of course, doing it in that way is horribly inefficient and less powerful. Sekirei have crazy endurance, but doing something like that would leave even her exhausted," she told him.

"But Saki-"

"That was artificially induced. Sekirei cores are artificial – inorganic. Sekirei are totally programmable."

"Sukaime..." Madoka muttered under his breath. He still remembered that haunting moment in Satoru's lab, looking at a picture of a young and totally unrecognizable Sukaime.

"Right, the 'prototype.' I guess you know what I mean." She folded her hands before her. "Something like limits, what a sekirei can and can't do, in time we could change all the rules. We won't, of course, we're done messing with them, but giving Saki unrestricted access to her core was something we were able to do." She sighed. "We, err, borrowed data from Benitsubasa after Kamikura."

"I figured..." Madoka's eye twitched.

"The point is, sekirei have no real identities. It's not a mystery to us what they will be. When a sekirei is 'born' there is no question as to what they will become. It's all predetermined... unless we deem to change it. Of course, once they're winged there's not much we can do. Their cores lock down."

"But... Benitsubasa-"

"What? Minaka's little trap?" Takami chuckled. "Oh, I know all about that. Minaka was arrogant. He assumed he could intimidate Satoru into doing what he wanted. He figured if anyone could figure out how to weaken Benitsubasa even though she was winged, it would be her tuner. Even though it was impossible, Satoru told him it was. I don't know what he did, but he didn't 'tune' Benitsubasa. As you saw, her power came back quickly enough. Satoru played Minaka."

Madoka chuckled and shook his head. "He turned his trap back on him."

"Exactly. But I've wasted enough time here." She stood up. "Although, I should ask now that I'm thinking about it... How's Saki been doing with you? Everyone getting along?"

"It's a little cramped these days, but yeah. She won't admit it, but I think Benitsubasa likes having her around. She's the only one who can put up a good fight. I think she'd be bored without her."

"They're... fighting?"

"You know those weird thunderstorms that have been happening lately? You know, on clear days?"

"Oh my god that's them..." Takami's eyes went wide. "Th-that's irresponsible!"

"It's fine! Every now and then they just run off to an unpopulated area and have at it. Would you rather a pair of absurdly powerful sekirei go stir crazy?" Madoka questioned her.

"Fair enough... just tell them to be careful." Takami groaned tiredly. "And there goes my stress relief..."


. . . Another Week Later. . .

Employment. It was something that Avaron hadn't considered in a long time. She'd never had a job. Everyone had always known it was beyond her. She'd have been fired within days after her first, inevitable tantrum.

But now she had a chance, one given by MBI. She'd nearly slugged Madoka when he told her. However, when she'd been told that, should she agree, that she'd be working under Benitsubasa's old tuner, she'd decided to give it a chance.

Madoka had also told her that more sekirei would be waking up. Of course she'd considered that upon seeing Oriha, but she'd been distracted. She'd focused on Oriha, she hadn't contemplated the future. She hadn't wanted to, not at the time.

But now she couldn't ignore it anymore. She could feel herself panic. She knew Masukagami wouldn't remember her, and that fact crushed her, but it also motivated her. She couldn't let Masukagami suffer again.

She'd done so many horrible things to her in the past – she couldn't let that happen again. She had to put herself at ease at least a little. She had to go home.

"You're not telling anyone?" Akitsu asked her. Akitsu was the only one who knew her plan... mostly because it was impossible to hide it from her.

"No. They'll stop me or want to go with me. I want to do this alone." Avaron sighed.

"I don't understand. Your mother locked you away and now you want to go back?" Akitsu tilted her head.

"Technically she had every right to do so. I hurt someone. I just happen to think he deserved it..." Avaron took a deep breath and smothered the hot pit of rage in her chest before it took over. Just thinking about it tended to put her emotions on tilt – dangerously so.

"But... won't she just lock you up again?"

"She may try."

"Then let me go. I can help you run away if you need to," Akitsu offered. "I'll stay out of the way otherwise."

"Akitsu." Avaron sighed. "You... Oh very well. I can't have myself being locked up. Madoka would be sad and then who would look after you? Fine, come along and see to your own well being at the very least," she said threw on a light coat over her usual calf-length dress. "Fortunately, we can take the train now."

And so they were off. The train ride wasn't terribly long and it passed mostly in silence; Akitsu was hardly the chatterbox Masukagami had been. As time passed and they grew closer, it became to feel more surreal. She was only vaguely aware that she was moving as she struggled to think of what she should do when she finally arrived on her mother's doorstep.

She was scared. She was far more scared than she'd thought she'd be. She had nothing.

"Well then. Wait here, Akitsu," Avaron said.

"Um, which house-"

"It's not here," she cut the sekirei off. "It's nearby, but I can't have you hovering. I'll be back as soon as I can." She shoved a crumpled piece of paper into Akitsu's hands. "This is the address... just in case. I shouldn't be more than an hour. I don't plan on staying long." That seemed to placate Akitsu who finally nodded.

And so, mind swimming in a thick fog, she suddenly found herself on the strangely unfamiliar doorstep of her old home. It didn't feel like home anymore, but rather just a house she happened to recognize. She could still turn back...

She knocked. Then she waited. Then the door opened.

Silence – for a moment. No one seemed to know what to say.

"Hello... mother." It was Avaron who finally broke the silence.

"Avaron. You... look well," her mother spoke, sounding absolutely shocked. Considering Avaron had escaped a mental hospital a year ago, she supposed it would be surprising to see her at all, let alone healthy and in clean clothes.

"Yes. Some strange turns of events led to me being well taken care of."

"B-by who?"

"I have friends. One in particular, he-"

"He? What?" She looked horrified. "Are you OK? What does-" Avaron could only imagine what her mother was thinking, what horrible things she was imagining. She'd really hoped their conversation would last longer before she got angry.

"Oh be quiet, mother!" Avaron snapped. "Don't act like you care now! You had me locked away in that horrible place and never once came to visit! You didn't care how they treated me! I was bound and kept in an empty room and questioned by an old fool who hardly tried to understand me!" Finally it was all coming out, not as a story to be told, but as anger to be vented. "Are you really so ashamed of me that you couldn't bring yourself to visit? Are you so ashamed that I would hurt someone for you?!

"I know what I did, I can't even blame you for locking me away, but did you really have to abandon me?" By the end of it she wasn't even yelling, just crying and lamenting all the time wasted in that awful place. Her mother was speechless. "So don't bother worrying, mother." She took a breath and managed to compose herself a little. "I have people who look after me and a place to live. I even got a job recently."

"I-I see..." It was clear the older woman had no idea what to think.

"Tell me, mother, are you going to have them come after me again?" she asked. "I think it's obvious that I'd prefer you didn't."

"Are you... really OK?"

"Relax mother. This friend of mine, we care about each other quite a lot but that's it. He's never so much as touched me." Oh, she'd certainly "touched" him, but... that was a long time ago and not worth bringing up ever again. "And of course I'm not all right. I'm thee same person I was before; I'll never be all right. Just... better. Right now I suppose I'm a lot better. Does that satisfy you?"

"It doesn't matter. You're right. What I did was wrong. So is what you did, but I made it so much worse. It wasn't fair..."

"No. It wasn't." Avaron felt herself smile. "But... the way things turned out were probably for the best. I hate what I had to go through to get to where I am, but I wouldn't change it. So just forget about it."

"I see. That's good. You really do look well; I'm glad to see that. Better than you have in a long time."

"Yes. I have people who keep me happy. It helps."

"You're leaving again, aren't you?"

"Well of course. Do you think I could be so happy here?" She shook her head. "I bet he still lives here."


"Well... This went a little different than I expected... but... thank you for understanding I suppose. I guess I don't know what I expected."

Her mother only nodded silently.

"Don't look so sad, mother. I'll be back someday. After today, I can't really resent you anymore." Not the most uplifting way to put it, but it was the simple truth.

"I... I'd like that."

"Yes, but I should be going now." If she seemed calm, it was a facade. Part of her wanted to run away and hide, and another part of her wanted to collapse into her mother's arms and just cry until her pain faded. But she could hold herself together, she knew she had people to crawl back to that would pull her back together, and she'd be able to look back and finally say it was all behind her. "Goodbye, mother." And leave she did, without waiting for a response.

She didn't even go the right way, just getting as far away as she could as quickly as possible. It was a solid five minutes before she realized she wasn't making her way back to Akitsu. It was fine, though. She knew her way around the area and she had plenty of time before Akitsu would begin looking for her.

So lost in thought she was, she was easily caught off guard and shoved into a nearby alleyway. "I can't fucking believe you'd actually come back here." It was a chillingly familiar voice. Her uncle.

"Don't be so upset. I'm not staying," she told him. She really wished she'd run back to Akitsu. She wouldn't mind having her freeze the man solid... just for a little while of course.

"Upset? I was livid when I hear you'd escaped! No, you're staying just long enough for me to put you back in the hole you belong in!"

Put her back? He probably could. She was almost certain MBI could get her back out... but why risk it?

"No. I'm never going back to that place! I know what I did to you, but... that's a punishment I won't accept. And besides, I suffered through it already."

"Suffered? Take a good look!" He leaned close, breath washing over her. He had a jagged scar from his chin up to his left eye. His left eye was a milky blue. She didn't remember that.


"Do you get it? I'm fucking blind in that eye now! That is what you did you psychotic little whore!"

She hadn't realized how much she had done... and yet... she still didn't care. All she could feel was that familiar anger boiling back up. Honestly, in that moment she just wished she had another knife so she could blind his other eye.

"Get your ugly face-" His hand crashed into her throat, lifting her off her feet and slamming her into the wall behind her, leaving her to drop to the ground choking. Her anger did nothing for her. He was bigger and just as angry. She couldn't cow him or fight him.

At this rate, he'd leave her body just as broken as her mind.

And suddenly she did feel regret. She'd acted out again and now she'd finally pay for it. No one would save her or suffer through her and tell her they still cared – that it was OK. It wasn't OK.

"Well, in that case, why don't you pay with your body?" He scoffed. "Don't give me that look! I'd never touch you like that, you're disgusting. How about we just go with an eye for an eye! Literally in this case! Shouldn't be too hard to shatter that eye socket!"

He reached for her, but this his hand halted. "Leave her alone, you creepy prick!"

Avaron could only stare dumbfounded as a girl half the man's size grabbed his wrist and held him at bay.

"Who the fuck are y-" She then proceeded to kick him and send him sprawling. So shocked was he, that he just stared at the strange girl in fear before scrambling away like the coward he was deep down.

Strange, but Avaron realized she knew her. She was petite and blonde.

"Err, you're kinda being creepy now too. Q-quit staring at me like that!" the girl demanded. "You got a fuckin' problem with me?"

"What... is your name?" Avaron asked after a few more seconds dragged by.

"Um... Sai?" the girl rubbed her arm nervously.

"Sai-chan! Oh, there you are! Ah! What did you do?" another voice reached her ears, followed by the sound of rapid footsteps.

"D-don't look at me! I saved her! I found her like this! Some jerk was beating on her!" Sai insisted.

Avaron didn't need to see the newcomers face, the voice had been enough. Like a crystal bell, ringing clearly. She didn't need to ask her name other. The only thing she needed was one glimpse to confirm that she was really there before her.

She should have known better, she'd been there to see how Oriha had lost all her memories, but she was in no state to control herself.

"Masukagami!" Avaron flew at the girl, arms wrapping around her waist. She hadn't even made it back to her feet, just kneeling in the dirt on the hard concrete as she sobbed and clung to her beloved.

"How the fuck does she know your name?"

"I... d-don't know..." Masukagami gulped nervously. "Oh, wait! A-are you Avaron-san? Takami-san told me that we should look for you around here! Um... Oh dear..." Avaron was inconsolable. She couldn't answer any questions. Masukagami could only gently pat her on the head and wait.

. . .

She had finally regained... nothing at all. She was a total mess. She'd simply run out of strength and tears and Masukagami had managed to carry her to a bench where she could sit down and breathe.

It turned out that it was not just Sai who was with Masukagami, but Shi. She certainly had some questions if she could ever bring herself to speak.

"Um. A-are you OK?" Shi asked. Avaron had been sitting quietly for a few minutes at that point.

"Huh? Oh... I suppose. Just... yes, I'm fine." Honestly, that had been a loaded question, but that was the easiest answer she could give. "May I ask why you were looking for me?"

"Don't look at me. It all has to do with Blue over here! She just dragged us along because she's fucking annoying." Memory loss or not, Sai and Shi certainly acted a lot like they had before.

"Yes. Takami-san said there was someone I should meet and we ended up coming here when you weren't home," Masukagami explained.

"What?" Avaron rubbed her eyes. How would they know where to look? "Who told you where to find me?"

"I think his name was Madoka!" Masukagami smiled. "He seemed nice and Takami-san seemed to know him pretty well."

Avaron sighed. "I see..." Akitsu was in for a serious talking to. Who else could have told Madoka? "Why did she want you to meet me?"

"Well... um... She said that ideally I wouldn't stay at MBI forever. I guess she thought I could maybe live with you?" Masukagami squirmed uncomfortably. "I-I don't know much about... anything, but I'd try not to be a pest! I-I'll understand if I'd just be a bother th-"

"No! I'd like that! Please live with me!" Avaron must have looked like a desperate fool, but she couldn't help herself. She wanted Masukagami back so badly, even if it was just a phantom of her. She loved Masukagami so deeply. Her beloved sekirei had done so much for her.

Even if that Masukagami was truly gone forever, Avaron owed it to her to take care of this Masukagami. No matter what, she could never turn her away.

"R-really? Thank you!" Masukagami grabbed her hands, smiling with excitement. And... then she didn't let go.

"Is... something the matter?" Avaron asked. It wasn't that holding Masukagami's hands was unpleasant – rather, it was a little too tempting.

"You're very pretty," Masukagami said dazedly, as if without thinking it through. Of course, the moment the words slipped from her mouth she looked mortified and jerked her hands away.

Avaron couldn't help but giggle. "I see. Well, if I'm pretty then you're... absolutely perfect." Self control had never been her strong suit anyway, and she rather enjoyed watching Masukagami flush and becoming a flustered, sputtering mess.

"Woo, good for you. Fuckin' great. Now that you have a place to live, you're out of my hair forever, right?" Sai grumbled deadpan. Masukagami just gave Avaron a pleading look.

"Hm, I suppose you two could come with me as well. It would be a little cramped, but I'm sure it would all work out just fine." She sure as hell didn't want them ending up with Higa again. Even if it ended up being temporary, she could give them a proper home.

"The fuck? Who said I want to live with you!" Sai shouted.

"B-but Sai-chan! Takami-san wants us to find a place to live too!" Shi whined and shook her companion.

"My my, how did you end up with these two?" Avaron laughed.

"We woke up around the same time and they seemed lonely!" Masukagami told her with a smile. "I thought I should be their friend."

"You are so annoying!" Sai yelled. "Ugh!"

"It's settled then. You'll all come with me!" Avaron said and Sai just roared helplessly at the sky.

Upon making her way back to Akitsu, she found the sekirei accompanied by Takami. She explained that she was happy to house all three sekirei and Takami made it official. By then, Sai seemed to have resigned to her fate.

She also confirmed that, indeed, Akitsu had ratted her out, having told Madoka her plans at the first opportunity. On the outside, she berated the sekirei for breaching her trust, but deep down... she was glad Akitsu had played it safe and looked out for her. She couldn't even get mad.

How had she gotten so lucky?

. . . 7 Months After Kouten . . .

It was overwhelming. There were so many of them. Avaron had not only returned with Masukagami but two others. It wasn't so bad, though. Kaie was certainly never lonely. But with the four revived sekirei, it was a constant reminder, a constant nagging in the back of her head.

When would Tankako be waking up?

She couldn't even say that it would really be her, but knowing she was out there, in any form, would drive her mad if she just did nothing. She'd eventually worked up the courage to have Madoka ask Takami to tell them when Tankako was revived.

And, finally, the day had come.

No meeting was arranged.

It seemed that most sekirei were not given a ride back to their previous ashikabi. Madoka was special, being the one who'd toppled Minaka's plans. Avaron had also benefited by association.

Most sekirei were taught how the world worked and eventually allowed to wander freely, though unlike before they were allowed to return to MBI where they would have a safe place to eat and sleep.

She simply waited until Tankako was set loose and followed her. She told herself that she just wanted to keep an eye on her, but in reality her reason was far more pathetic – she was scared and guilty.

She had been the one to terminate Tankako and now she couldn't even apologize. How would such a conversation even go? Tankako didn't remember her or the fighting.

And so, whenever possible, she'd head from work and immediately look for Tankako... until, one day, something broke the pattern.

Tankako stopped outside of a store and just stared through the window. Kaie wandered over so that she could see what had capture Tankako's attention. The store sold things such as anime and figurines, but also novels and manga. It was a manga that Tankako stared at.

It sat on a stand in the window, the price low due to a clearance sale. It was an older one that Kaie recognized. It was one she'd read with Tankako when they were young. She and Tankako had read to each other a lot when they were young. The concept of sisters... that's where they'd learned it. The very series Tankako now eyed, that had been the one.

They'd loved the sisters in that story. They'd wanted to be like them. At the time, she'd thought they'd loved each other even more – she'd thought they'd become sisters, family, for real. In the end, they still had been, that's what she wanted to believe.

But now she'd never be able to know. Tankako could never tell her how she'd felt in those last moments.

She rushed into the store and bought the first one without a second thought. When she stepped out of the store again she saw Tankako already wandering away, but she chased after her this time.

"Here!" Kaie held the book out to her.

"Huh?" Tankako blinked, looking at the book and then at Kaie.

"You were looking at it, right? You should read it, it's good. I mean... it's probably aimed more at children, but it's still worth it." Kaie knew she was being selfish, but wanted any connection she could get.

"OK... Um, why?"

"I'm a sekirei too. Not... exactly like you. I didn't wake up at MBI. When I saw you I... I just felt like doing something." At least it wasn't a total lie.

"Oh. Um, thank you." Tankako gingerly took the manga.

"If you like I'll even get you the rest. Th-there's not many of us... so... yeah..."

"All right." Tankako shrugged. "Though, that might be hard since I don't know who you are."

Kaie winced. She was so stupid. "K-Kaie! Just ask Takami, sh-she'll know how to find me. Um, even if you don't like it I wouldn't mind talking again..."

"Sure. I guess I'll see you around then, I was heading back anyway. Thanks again." And just like that she walked away.

Kaie quickly dug a cellphone out of her pocket, she had her own now, and... immediately kicked herself for not just giving Tankako her number. After that, she called Madoka.

"H-hey. Um, I talked to her," Kaie told him. It didn't take him long to figure out what she meant. "Y-yeah. It went well." There was no fighting it. She was openly crying. "She... she's not entirely gone. Even if it's not her, th-there's pieces... I-I'm going to see her again soon... I hope..." She sniffled. "Y-yeah, I'll be home soon... I love you too..."

. . .One Year After Kouten. . .

Some things changed and some things didn't.

For example, Benitsubasa really wished that after an entire year that sharing Madoka wouldn't be so awkward. She loved Madoka and she loved the sekirei she shared him with, and they all loved her back. And yet when actual intimacy became involved... they couldn't look each other in the eyes.

The first time Kaie had experienced such "intimacy" had quite possibly been the most painfully awkward thing any of them had ever experienced. That had been months ago, and while they were making strides towards figuring out the complex web of emotions surrounding them... they really needed to make some bigger strides.

Otherwise, Sukaime might never get her long sought after three-way. She really wished the girl would just give up on that one and make things a little easier.

However, it really wasn't that big of a deal. No one got angry or had their feelings hurt and all things considered a few awkward glances every now and then was a small price to pay.

The biggest change was that sekirei weren't much of a secret anymore. After a full year, word had spread. Ayumi knew what she was and Madoka's coworkers knew what Kaie was.

Another important thing was that Benitsubasa finally had her damn cat back. He tended to live in Madoka's room where it was more quiet and less crowded. He'd also taken a liking to sleeping on Madoka's chest at night... which Madoka wasn't necessarily a huge fan of.

Her worries of being at a loss without the Sekirei Plan to occupy her were so far unfounded. Between sparring with Saki and keeping an eye on the revived sekirei, she had plenty to keep her busy. Almost all of them had been revived, and issues had certainly popped up on occasion.

Fortunately, she was strong enough to drag any delinquent sekirei back to MBI, alive, where they could be disciplined and set on the right track. Being terrified of her also tended to help set them straight. And she also had Saki on the off chance she actually needed backup.

"You know what I haven't done in a long time?" Madoka suddenly asked one day.

"Eh?" Benitsubasa looked at him curiously.

"Visited my parents," he said. "Wanna know what'd be funny?"

"Um, what?"

"If we all went. Right now." Madoka nodded to himself, seeming to quite like that idea.

"Are you trying to give them a heart attack?"

"No. 'Course not... At least not a fatal one." He then frowned at her. "Don't give me that look! I will not be ashamed of my sekirei!"

She felt herself blush. "W-well that's good, but... I'm not sure I like being used to mess with your dad."

"Well, I mean I expect it to be funny, but at the same time I kinda wanna show off. Also, I'm sick of keeping you guys secret from them. They're the only people who don't know."

"All right, let's grab everyone and go."

. . .

"So... your parents, huh?" Sukaime said, staring at Madoka's parents' house. "How annoying am I allowed to be?"

"So you admit you're a pest?" Benitsubasa raised an eyebrow at her.

"As long as you don't blatantly insult them... fire at will," Madoka said.

"Are you sure coming in our normal outfits was a good idea?" Kaie asked.

"I dunno. I'm actually wondering what my father will find more outrageous; you being a sekirei or your pants only covering one leg." Madoka shrugged.

"Anyone who has a problem with those legs answers to me." Sukaime crossed her arms.

"Am I OK?" Oriha asked.

"Honestly, you're so OK it's boring. They probably won't even notice you." Madoka shook his head. "Saki on the other hand."

"Is it because I look like and actually am a science experiment?" Saki asked deadpan, wearing the skintight bodysuit she'd had ever since Kouten.

"Yes." Madoka answered flatly. "So... ready?"

"I almost want him to just not bat an eyelash. Either way this is going to be hilarious." Sukaime rubbed her hands together in anticipation.

Madoka went to the door, knocking and letting himself in. His parents were both there. Benitsubasa was the first to follow him in, and his mother actually seemed happy to see her. After all, Benitsubasa was the first steady relationship he'd had since Hiromi.

When the rest of them came into view however...

His father, who had been in the middle of eating, just froze. His chopsticks clattered to the table while his eyes just slowly widened until they were fit to burst from his skull.

"Mom. Dad. These are my sekirei."

. . .As Years Go By. . .

Eventually, the whole world knew about sekirei. A few of them even left Japan to live in other countries. Things went more smoothly than anyone would have expected when the S-Plan began. In large part, it was thanks to Madoka working with MBI to keep the sekirei safe and under control.

It took a while, but eventually MBI regained some of the respect and trust Minaka had robbed it of.

Something else that was unexpected was what became of Madoka's "alliance." Most of them ended up at MBI. Minato worked with his mother, eventually becoming a scientist like her, working to understand what sekirei were. Kouji went through college, becoming an engineer and working to help reverse engineer the technology of the sekirei ships. Avaron stayed on as Satoru's assistant, eventually gaining much knowledge of sekirei herself.

Madoka never stopped making sure that sekirei had a place in the world.

And the sekirei themselves? Most lived as regular people, taking on jobs. Some put their abilities to use and were even considered heroes. For example, when she wasn't protecting, or "scolding," other sekirei, Benitsubasa would work as a bodyguard for humans.

Of course, for a group such as them, a little two story building hardly sufficed, and when they moved on, Avaron went with them. After the struggles they'd gone through, Madoka and Avaron had formed their own bond of sorts. As of yet, they still haven't parted ways.

As painful as it all had been... it perhaps ended the best way it could. But, in the end, it took a few years before the aftermath of it all came clear.

. . .

November 1, 2028. A student at the Mitaka Observatory in Tokyo sees a new star in the sky.

August 13, 2032. Various observatories have reported strange, distant objects. Repeated observations suggest the objects are moving.

December 24, 2033. MBI holds a press conference, confirming that the objects approaching Earth seem to resemble the original sekirei ship found on Kamikura island. It is unclear when they will arrive.

July 6, 2035. "Various objects have entered Earth's atmosphere. These objects are apparently ships. These would not be the first alien ships to land on Earth. According to experts at MBI, various ships have landed in the past. The first of these new ships landed, or rather crashed-"

"Mom!" a young girl with bright red hair shouted, "come see this!"

And that's it. One the one hand, I'm sad to see the girls go, on the other hand... FUCKING FREEDOM! After exactly four years, it's time to move on.

I hope this puts a neat little bow on things, while also giving you a sense that they're still moving on and doing things.

There were things that I had considered that got left out, but honestly, things would have just dragged on for far too long otherwise. I honestly couldn't bring myself to cram anything more into this. It was time to let it end.

And now I don't know what to say here. I wanted to answer questions, point out things that maybe you maybe wouldn't have been able to guess at on your own, and tell a few jokes... but now?

Now I feel kinda lost. (If you really need, PM me any burning questions you have.)

So, one last big thank you to everyone who read this whole thing. Whether it's now or if you pick it up from the beginning after this, thank you. There's no point to this existing unless someone reads it. Doesn't matter if you were with me from the very start or not.

However, a big thank you to Mordreek, my most thorough a critical reader. Made me think a little too much sometimes, but I appreciated it.

And also SpecialRelativity. Your review a while ago was one of the things that really gave me a kick after that one-year break I took. It was nice knowing someone thought I had something good that should be finished. The ones that came after were nice too.

And now I'll name drop a few people I've come to recognize: jugar38, wolfdude16, Godric Kharg, reality deviant – and I'm sure I'm missing a few, but I actually came to know that I'd always have at least five or six reviews on every chapter because you guys were around. Only three reviews? Well, that's OK, I haven't seen (insert name)'s review yet! More are coming!

But it's time to say goodbye. I'm not done writing, oh hell no, but this story is over and I probably can't take you all with me to the next.

See you around.