A/N: I finally watched the fourth Pirates of the Carribean. And I fell in love with Phillip; he might be the most unselfish character of the series… And who doesn't love a gentleman? But his ending was so confusing (and at the same time, AWESOME) that I just thought I should write a bit…

A Mermaid's Nature

A moment before her lips touched mine I felt a sudden sureness that I was destined for death. I knew the stories. As good and beautiful and compassionate as she was, she would still wrap her arms around me and pull me into the water. And I would drown. And my mortal life would end.

I was not alarmed, though. I had placed myself in her hands, and I wasn't about to pull back now.

She pressed her lips to mine, and I felt my mouth respond immediately to hers; my body stiffened with pure unexpected pleasure. I had never felt any physical thing that made me feel as wonderful as this mermaid's kiss.

She pulled me under the water. I went willingly, contentedly into her arms, slipping into the water as smoothly as a practiced dive, as smoothly as butter melting… As smoothly as she kissed me. My head was submerged, and then the rest of me. I couldn't breathe, but there was no need to draw breath now. There was no fear in me—I was dying anyway, wasn't I?

And besides, I realized as her body seemed to twist about mine as tightly and securely as a rope's strands entwined about each other, there was no malice in her taking me into the water. This was not brought about by anger for what I had done. No, it was simply the nature of a mermaid to take the mortal man under the water as he was kissed. Just as it was the nature of a man to breathe, to swallow, to think—to desire kisses. I could not begrudge the mermaid her nature. Frankly, I had no wish to.

I'd asked if I could be forgiven. This was her way of saying yes.

And if I was to die this way, I found I didn't mind. Everyone died. Not everyone was given a kiss like this one.

Yet, I wondered… Here she kissed me yet again, soft, wet lips against my face. Yet, if this was the end, why was it that I no longer felt anything like a dying man?

A/N: If you review and tell me what you think, that would be nice!