Kushira Hikamara knocked on the door to his office. Captain Jushiro Ukitake looked up with a smile "paperwork?" she asked sitting cross-legged in front of him. He shuffled the papers on his desk and nodded "a necessary evil" he smiled "do you need something Shira-chan?" Kushira shrugged and pulled a sheet towards her to look at.

He laughed and continued doing his paperwork. He was wondering why his friend would do this. She would come over and sit quietly while he did his paperwork, she did it often and he wondered why. He glanced up at her; she was chewing on the end of her hair looking content.

His musings were cut short as another knock resounded from the door and they both looked up "seems like you're a popular man Jushiro" Shunsui Kyoraku grinned entering the room and plopping down next to Kushira setting a bag of sake bottles on the table.

Jushiro sighed and shook his head, he didn't mind Kushira because she would just sit quietly and let him get his paperwork done but when Shunsui wanted to drink he was persistent. He couldn't help but smile at his best friend though. Shunsui was already pushing the papers away and pouring three cups of sake "cheers!" he grinned and with a resigned sigh, Jushiro drank the cup.

Jushiro was most definitely not planning on getting this drunk. His vision was beginning to get blurry and he watched Shunsui pass out. Kushira held a hand to her head "this might've been a mistake…" she mumbled getting up "I think I'm gonna try and get back to my division…" Jushiro nodded as she stumbled.

She fell across his lap with a cry "you okay?" he asked "uh huh" she mumbled "sorry. I'm on your lap" he slid one arm underneath her and lifted her up, she held onto his arm for support "no, it's fine" their faces were inches apart and her face was flushed. Jushiro was unsure whether it was from the sake or the proximity.

"Ju-" she was cut off when he pushed her on her back "Kushira, do you love me?" her green eyes widened "huh?" she asked unintelligibly "I love you…it's not as though…" he lightly pressed his lips against hers "I've ever said in that way…or any way…that I love you but I love you. I've always loved you"

She widened her eyes more "Shiro-kun…I think you're drunk…" she whispered "maybe just a little bit…but everything I've said is true" he slipped his tongue into her parted lips and kissed her deeply. When he broke the kiss she let out a soft cry of shock, her face burning brightly "please, Shiro-kun don't play with these kinds of things…I…I…don't know how to answer" she pushed him away and stood up, clumsily running for the door.