Enkidu07's Drabble Challenge

Challenge Word: RED

Word Count: 100 words

Other players in the challenge are now too many to list here! There're lots of people building these Supernatural snowmen. You can find the list of names at Enkidu07's profile page and/or OnyxMoonbeam's profile page. Also, to find all of the lovely drabbles, there's a sweet little C2 community out there to subscribe to and enjoy. You can find the link on their profile pages mentioned above.

Disclaimer: Neither the boys nor anything related to Supernatural belongs to me. I'm just having some fun with the boys, playing around with Eric Kripke's sandbox.


By: Vanessa Sgroi

The chuckle was completely unexpected in the thick silence permeating the car. Dean jumped at the sound before glancing at its source.

"Wha'z so funny?" he mumbled.

"You're starting to look like Rudolph."


"You know, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Only you're Dean the Red-Nosed Winchester." Sam shrugged, chuckling again at his own wit.

Dean scowled. "What the hell, man? You been in my stash of bottles in the back?"

"Nooope. Just in a mood, I guess."

Dean sneezed then rubbed miserably at his nose. "God help me—he's in a mood!"

"Yeah, scary, isn't it?"

Dean sneezed again. "Yep."