I Think I Would Die - Prologue

January 16, 1965

It was a usual dreary night in the uptown ares of the UK. The rain, which started off the night as a light drizzle, had formed into a nasty thunderstorm.

Despite the weather, the streets were unusually populated with late night club goers. Word had got around that 2 of The Beatles, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, would be attending one of the clubs. And once Lucy Hastings found out about this, there was no stopping her.

"Oh, come on, Eleanor. It'll be fun," Lucy said to her best friend of seven years, Eleanor Rigby. Eleanor gave Lucy an ice-cold look, and crossed her arms. "You know I don't like clubs. Too many drunkards and not enough sluts to pass around."

Eleanor's looks were modest. She was very tall for a girl, reaching to about 5'9". Her hair, which was an unusual blue-black color, reached to just her shoulders, and was a huge mass of curls. Her eyes were a shade of icy blue, and were often described as her best feature. Her personality, just like her looks, were modest yet endearing. She was a very strong willed girl, and she wasn't afraid to speak her mind. She was often very blunt, which at times made her appear rude, but her intentions were (almost always) good.

Lucy, on the other hand, was the complete opposite of Eleanor, in looks and personality. She was petite and tiny, her height being a good 5'2". Her hair was a soft blonde, the color of honey. It was also long and straight, reaching to at least her elbows. Her eyes were round hazel orbs, and were often accented with Twiggy-styled makeup.

All though her style seems very prim and put-together, her personality was all over the place. She was a definite party girl, which Eleanor believed to be caused by years of social restriction by her parents. But just like Eleanor, her intentions were always good.

Lucy sighed. At this point, she'd give anything just for Eleanor to go with her. "Please just consider going? Just for an hour or so? I promise you'll have the absolute time of your life," Lucy begged, her Scottish getting thicker with every desperate plea.

Eleanor considered it for a moment. "Ugh, fine. But I'm not going to stay for long." Lucy jumped up and down in excitement, for this was going to be one exciting night for the both of them.

It was almost 11 p.m. before Eleanor and Lucy arrived at Club Wha? Lucy was, like always, over dressed for the occasion. She wore a short red dress that puffed out and made her look like a pudgy red marshmallow. Her hair was done up in a towering beehive, and was decorated with a single red rose. Her make-up was in it's usually Twiggy style, and it seemed like the only one of her features to be in its usual style.

Eleanor was dressed as simple as ever. Wearing a short blue dress and with her hair loose and curly, she had the same simple beauty she always did.

Club Wah? was definitely lively tonight. Music boomed throughout the room. What seemed like the whole town was crowed into the one club area. People danced, and they drank, and they sung, and they just had a good time. But not a Beatle was in sight.

Lucy grabbed Eleanor's hand, and attempted to drag her out to the dance floor, but was to no avail. Eleanor snatched back her hand, and yelled over the music, "I'm going to the bar so I can get drunk. Go dance with yourself or whatever." Lucy shrugged and disappeared into the mass of people.

Eleanor walked over to the bar and found herself a seat at the farthest left, next to a shady looking man with a large nose.

The bartender leaned toward her. "Whaddaya want?" he asked, his voice husky and deep. "Vodka straight up," she replied. She had all the intents to get drunk tonight, and she wasn't going to take that lightly.

Once her drink was in her hand, she chugged it down. After all her years of skillfully teaching herself to tolerate the sting of alcohol, vodka was more like water. She slammed her glass down and ordered another drink.

The shady looking man turned to her, taking off his glasses, which revealed a set of deep blue eyes. He smiled at her. "How do you tolerate vodka like that?"

"Years of practice," she replied, finishing off her drink.

"How about we do a little drinking game?" the man suggested. "It's called 'Beat the Barman'." Eleanor agreed to it, being familiar with the game herself. It was quite simple to play. A player would order a shot, and pay with too much money. Once the bartender went to get change, the player would chug the shot. After the bartender returned with the change, the player would go back to the first step of paying too much for a shot.

The man was first to go. He ordered two vodkas, and payed with a fiver. The bartender disappeared to get the change, and Eleanor and the man downed the shots. The bartender returned, and the man ordered two more shots with a fiver. The man sighed, and went to get more change. Eleanor burst out laughing, with tears in her eyes. She was obviously drunk.

The game went on for two more turns, before the bartender became angry. "What the hell do you think you're doing? I know by now ya have enough to pay exact change, so why ya being so difficult? I want you and ya girl to get out of my bar. Now."

The man grabbed Eleanor's hand and led her out of the bar. They both laughed hysterically with tears running down both their cheeks.

Trying to call a cab, Eleanor stumbled and fell into the man's arms. She burst out laughing. "S-sorry," she stuttered, not even bothering to try and pick herself up. The man, who was considerably less drunk, held onto her tight, calling a cab.

The man carried Eleanor into his hotel room, and laid her on the bed, flopping down next to her. Eleanor giggled again, rolling on top of the man. She began caressing his neck, kissing it and snuggling against it. He ran his hands up her dress, and in a second they were both naked.

Paul McCartney managed to notice her all the way across the room. And he was mesmerized.

She was a small girl with a beehive up-do. She reminded him greatly of Twiggy, all though she had short hair. And her ability to party was admirable.

Paul grabbed two drinks, and waltzed his way over to the girl, tapping her on the shoulder. "Drink, my dear?" She gasped as she turned to see who the man was. "P-Paul Mc-McCartney?" she stuttered, with her eyes as wide as saucers. He flashed her a dazzling smile and handed her the drink.

"H-how about-t we go... sit at the b-bar?" she managed, pointing to two empty seats. He agreed, grabbing her hand and walking over to the seats.

"So, what's your name, dear?" Paul asked the girl, taking a sip of his drink. "Lucy," she replied, offering him a hand. "Lucy Hastings." He kissed her hand gently. "Beautiful." Lucy giggled. Wait until I tell Eleanor about this, she thought.

"So what brings you to Club Wah?" he asked her conversationally. She giggled, "You, of course. And that Ringo Starr character. I love you both, really."

Paul smiled. "Even Ringo? I'm glad someone does. It's tough to love the old boy." Lucy giggled again. She just cound't believe that she was here, with Paul McCartney. The Paul McCartney.

The two continued their conversation, which varied all the way from different bands in rock n' roll to Twiggy and various other models. Over the course of their talk, Lucy began to worry more and more about Eleanor. She usually would have found Lucy by now and taken her home before she did something stupid in her usual drunken state. But it was almost 1 in the morning and she hadn't seen a sign of her since they arrived her.

"Listen," Lucy said to Paul, "as much as it pains me to say this, I've got to go and find my friend." Paul sighed.

"It's been a joy to talk to you, Lucy my dear. May I get your number so I could possibly call you later on?" he asked. She took a pen out from her purse, wrote her number on a nearby napkin, and thanked Paul for the nice chat. And with that, she began her search for Eleanor.

Well, it's been many of weeks, and I've finally finished the prologue for this story. It wasn't very hard to write, but I felt I needed to get it absolutely perfect before I uploaded it, and this is the best I got. And as you can see, I stuck with Eleanor for this story, because she is my absolute favorite character. I made a few modifications to her appearance, but for the most part she's the same.

I hope you liked the story as much as I liked writing it. Please review, because it'd mean a lot to me if you'd critique it. So yeah. Thanks for reading!
