Helloo people who are actually taking the time to read this short introduction and really, I applaud you for reading this, for this will clear up some information.

So I know all of you are well aware that Remus and Tonks are NOT the same age (13 years difference) but me, being the huge fan I am, came up with a more unique storyline, one I've rarely seen before. What if they went to Hogwarts together?

Now, I know many of you will take this story as complete rubbish. But don't. Please have an open mind when reading this story. What if Tonks was friends with James and Sirius? What if Lily was her best friend? What if Sirius and Tonks had no idea that they were related? Please, just think "what if" in this kind of situation.

So, to all of you who are actually going to open your mind to my ideas, I hope you really enjoy it. I love Remus and Tonks. They are my favorite characters along with James and Sirius. I mean, come on, who doesn't love James and Sirius? ;)

I'm currently in the process of rewriting the earlier chapters because I know they are pretty rough. It was my first go at writing ever, and now that I have a grip on the whole idea, I believe it's time to go back and do a little correcting!

So, if you are new to this story, I hope you really enjoy it! It's been my life for about a year now, and I would love if you could leave a review and such. And thanks to all of you who have already been with me. It's the best feeling in the world to have support for something I care so much about. (:
