Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar the Last Airbender,

Summary: At 12 years old Aang ran away from his home and was found by the fire nation. He tried to escape and go back home on his bison Appa, but during a storm was pulled into the ocean to be frozen for 100 years. The fire nation goes back to the northern air temple believing that he is there, and kills everybody there. 100 years later the fire nation re-discovers the Avatar, and make him a part of their people, so that he can help them conquer the world.

A/N: I guess you could say this is sort of AU. This is a new story I'm starting. Hopefully ya like it. Let me know please. All of them are older. Aang is 16, Katara 18, Sokka 20, and I think you get the point. Well anyways, I hope this isn't completely terrible, we'll just have to find that out together lol. Review, review, review please. Enjoy :)

Knock You Down

Chapter 1


Katara sat on the wooden log, staring into the flickering fire. It was very early in the morning. The sun was just rising, but she had no desire to do anything. She was tired. Tired of running from the fire nation. Sick and tired of it. But something else was on her mind as well. Her brother, Sokka, took a seat next to her and put an arm around her shoulder, apparently feeling the same way. The two were very quiet, as they just watched the flickering of the fire.

"It's been 10 years..." Katara spoke, so softly, yet her voice was filled with so much hurt. Sokka only nodded his head in agreement.

"It has..." He refused to look anywhere else, but the flickering fire ahead of them, afraid that he would cry. Afraid that the tears he had held in for so many years would just come out, and flood the world.

Katara put the sleave of her jacket up to her face, wiping a tear. "I miss her... so much..." You could hear the crackles in her voice as she spoke. Sokka was still quiet, biting his lip in order to keep from crying.

"So do I..." His voice had the same wear in it that hers did.

Katara got up and crossed her arms, refusing to face her brother. "This isn't fair Sokka! I hate the stupid fire nation! I hate that Avatar. What kind of Avatar is he...?"

Sokka sighed, got up from his spot, and placed a comforting arm around his sister. "I hate them too Katara..."

Katara threw her hands up causing his arm to fall back to his side. "They have taken our whole family from us! We have no one left Sokka! We have no one..." She couldn't hold it back anymore, the tears just fell out of her eyes like a million raindrops from the sky. Sokka held his sister in his arms, doing his best to stay strong. Doing his very best. But inside, he was weak. He was broken.

That's when they saw the black snow began to fall. Both of them pulled apart iymmediately and ran to the boat. Katara grabbed their bags, while Sokka yelled at his sister "Come on Katara! They're coming for us!"


Azula stared at Aang who stood across from her at the small oval table. She slammed her hand on the table making some papers and maps fly.

Anger was evident in her voice, as she gritted her teeth. "Who am I?"

Aang rolled his eyes, and mumbled "You are the firelord's daughter..."

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that! Would you mind repeating it for me Aang?" Her voice was thunderous as she spoke.

"I said you are the firelords daughter!" His voice was now almost at the same pitch as Azula's.

Azula narrowed her eyes and pointed her index finger at Aang. "You better watch your tone with me Avatar. You know how much my dad loves me. I'm sure he would have no problem with me teaching you some respect..."

Aang's eye twitched at what Azula said. He had seen many instances of her teaching somebody "respect" and they never ended well. He knew she wouldn't hesistate to do the same to him either.

He dropped his head and stared at the floor beneath them. "I'm sorry Azula."

Azula smiled and clapped her hands together. "Very good Aang. Now go check on Zuko, and make sure everything is going as planned. We have to get those last two stubborn waterbenders, after that, the fire nation will have conquered the world. Father will be so pleased."

Aang nodded his head, still staring at the ground. Part of him was afraid to leave without being told. Azula cleared up any confusion by yelling at the top of her voice, "Dismissed!"


Katara scrambled trying to gather up all their things. Never had they been this close to being captured before.

"Forget about the stuff Katara! Our lives are more important at this moment!" Sokka yelled at the top of his voice. Katara was about to drop them. when she remembered something. Her necklace. Her mother's necklace was still in the tent. She forgot to put it on this morning.

"Katara! What the hell are you doing?" Sokka yelled as he hopped out of the boat and ran over to her.

Katara was frantically searching everywhere for the necklace. "I can't find it Sokka!"

Sokka grabbed her by the shoulders forcing her to look at him and calm down. "You can't find what Katara?"

Tears rested on the corner of Katara's eyes waiting to fall out. "Mom's necklace..."

"We have to leave it Katara!"

Katara shook her head and pulled herself away from Sokka's grip, continuing her frantic search. "I can't leave it Sokka! I cant..."

Sokka frowned deeply as the fire nation boat got closer and closer to them. "Katara! Come on!" He grabbed her hand and pulled her along.

She cried as hard as she could, trying to get out Sokka's grip. "No! No! Sokka! You can't make me go! I can't leave it Sokka! I can't!" Sokka hated having to do this, but he could not leave his little sister. That was not an option. They had to get away.

The ground shook beneath them. Sokka and Katara both stopped their argument and turned their attention to the large boat that had just approached the snowy land. "Oh no." Sokka very quietly said. He grabbed his boomerang which was nearby. No more running now.

Five people exited the large black boat. Two were big and strong guards. The other three looked to be around their age. They recognized the famous faces. Azula, her brother Prince Zuko, and the Avatar.

Katara looked all three of them over, memorizing each of their features. Azula and Zuko both had golden eyes and black hair. They both wore the same evil smirks on their faces. Zuko had his hair pulled back into a ponytail, while Azula had hers in a bun. Katara noticed a scar on Zuko's left eye. It was a huge burn scar. Both Azula and Zuko wore official fire nation armor clothing.

Katara then noticed the boy standing a little distance behind them. He must be the Avatar, she thought to herself. He was quite young though, which was weird, because she expected the Avatar to be an old man. He had an arrow tattoo running along both arms. Some of the tattoo could be seen on his forehead. He had on the same fire nation suit that the other two had. He had short black hair. She had to admit he was the most attractive young man she had ever laid eyes on. She desperately wanted to see his eyes, but he kept them down

Azula and Zuko approached Katara and Sokka, while Aang waited behind keeping his eyes cast down. Katara couldn't help but wander why the Avatar looked so afraid. He was the Avatar! She figured he would be the one in charge of this mess.

Katara wiped up any tears she had and frowned at the Zuko and Azula, who wore evil smirks.

Azula smiled at Katara and Sokka. "I guess the running's over now huh?"

Sokka clenched his teeth, and held his boomerang tightly by his side ready for any sudden attacks. "Look. Take me. I'll be your prisoner. Please, please just leave my sister alone."

Katara gasped at her brother, tears ready to fall. He was the only family she had left. They couldn't be seperated. He was all she had. "No! Sokka! You can't do that to me. I need you Sokka...your all I have left!"

Azula chuckled and clapped her hands. "Wow. This is a truly adorable brother and sister moment. I'm sorry to interrupt, but you're both coming with us."

Katara gritted her teeth having her hand ready to freeze the brother and sister. "And if we don't..."

Zuko smiled, and gestured for the guards to come up. "I'm glad you asked that." The guards were big and strong and had their stances ready to firebend at any given moment. "There is absolutely no way of you surviving, against these two here," than he gestured his hand toward the Avatar, who still had all of his attention on the snow beneath them. "Not to mention, we have the Avatar back there. Come here Avatar!"

The Avatar slowly walked up to the four of them, refusing to look up. Zuko smirked as he did so. "Look at them Avatar." The Avatar slowly raised his head, and looked as if he was on the edge of crying. He had the most silvery grey eyes Katara had ever seen. They were beautiful eyes. Beautiful eyes and a evil heart she told herself.

Katara almost slashed the Avatar's neck with Sokka's boomerang but the guards held her back. "You monster! What kind of Avatar are you?" She yelled at him.

Aang stayed in his place, letting his eyes look directly into Katara's. "Your right..." He softly spoke. "I am a monster...and I'm sorry..."

Azula glared at the Avatar as he said this. "Stop being such an idiot Aang. Your not a monster, your helping keep balance. With all of the nations under our control everything works better. You know that. Now come on and help us put these peasants on the boat."