I love dragon type Pokemon. Ever since I was young I've loved dragons. The reason why is probably because I was introduced to Spyro at such a young age. But, this isn't a story about Spyro, at least not today. This is about a certain dragon type Pokemon, one I'm sure everyone has at least seen/battled/owned at least once in their Pokemon gaming life.

Which Pokemon is it you may ask?


I haven't played a Pokemon game for a while after reading so many creepypastas mainly about Pokemon; I was scared something might happen to me. Hell, I was scared to play any game meant for children because of creepypastas!

Anyway, I had a really random urge to play SoulSilver. Silver version was my favorite game out of the whole series, but since it stopped working for unknown reasons, I had to resort to SoulSilver. Of course, I don't mind it; I like walking around everywhere while your Pokemon follow you. It's a great addition to the game, if you ask me, and should have been in Pokemon Black and White to.

Like I said, I love dragons, so when I started up my SoulSilver I was happy to see my dragon team, which consisted of Dragonite, Kingdra, Flygon, Garchomp, Charizard, and Tyranitar (they aren't all dragons, but they're awesome and most dragons are legendary). My favorite dragon of all, Dragonite, was following me. The usual heart and text appeared when I talked to it. I swear I was surrounded by happiness. It was as if I never read any creepypasta to scare the living shit out of me in the first place.

Suddenly, the stupid phone on the pokegear rang. I thought it would be some unimportant trainer calling me to talk about something 'amazing' their Pokemon accomplished, or almost accomplished. I was surprised to find out that the Day Care Man was the one who had called me. I guess I must have forgotten that I left some Pokemon with him.

I immediately jumped on my Dragonite (she was the only one who knew fly in my party) and flew over to Goldenrod. Being a lazy ass and excited to see which Pokemon had an egg; I rode my bicycle to the day care.

"Ahh crap," I said when I arrived outside. I forgot that I had to have extra room for the egg. So, I went inside the day care and put away my Kingdra, then went outside to claim my egg.

This is the part where something strange is supposed to happen, right? The day care man warns me of the egg, or just gives it to me because another trainer didn't want it. Well, if you thought that…you're wrong. Typical dialogue popped up. You know, we were surprised to see an egg, oh my gosh we didn't know that happened Pokemon could produce eggs. Well not the oh my gosh part, but that's probably what he wants to say.

I checked the egg's status, all normal, and placed it in front of my party like I always do whenever I get an egg. I got back on my bicycle and rode it up and down Goldenrod, waiting for the thing to hatch.

When it did, I was extremely happy, I shouldn't have been though. The egg hatched into a Bagon, a 'shiny' Bagon. At the time, I didn't know that it was supposed to be green. The Bagon I got was black instead of blue, had red eyes, it's white head was a dark purple color, and the yellow under side of it was red as well. Honestly, I thought this was the coolest thing ever. It reminded me of Shadow Lugia, in an odd way. I nicknamed him Shadow.

I never talked to newly hatched baby Pokemon in SoulSilver, so I didn't know if this little guy was supposed to talk like a newly caught wild Pokemon.

"…" Popped up when I talked to it.

"Hello, Shadow," I said to it. I was imagining how cute it must be to have a baby Bagon in real life.

"?" Popped up as he looked around. I guess it was confused, being a newborn and all, so I flew back on my Dragonite and headed to New Bark Town. I was curious to see if Shadow would say something else, you know comment about how relaxing it is or something.

"Shadow wants to fly like Luna!" The text box said. How did it know my Dragonite's nickname? I never found out, but I thought it was cute. It was looking up to Dragonite, wanting to fly just like it.

"Don't worry, you will," I say, as if that will reassure him. So, I began to train him, starting off with the easy-leveled Pokemon and slowly battling higher leveled ones as I traveled through Johto.

"Shadow is impatient."

"Shadow is looking up at the night sky."

"Shadow can't wait to fly."

Those were the odd texts that popped up every now and then. I passed it off as nothing. I should have seen it as a sign.

Finally came the time when Shadow was to evolve into a Shelgon. As it evolved, the music was normal and it kept its shiny colors. Still pure black and red eyes.

"What happened to Shadow?" It asked me once I talked to it after it evolved.

"You're one step closer to flying," I answered it again. Yes, I'm that weird that I talk to my Pokemon…

"Shadow will be able to fly like the others?"

A yes/no box appeared, which caused me to get a bit paranoid. I answered yes.

"Shadow is happy! Shadow will be able to fly with Shadow's friends!"

I may have been paranoid, but I thought that maybe, just maybe, this was a good thing. Maybe, this won't be like the many creepypastas I've read that will make me scared of the dark. Boy was I wrong.

Shadow was extremely powerful for being a level 30 Shelgon. I found it amazing that he practically ended up one hit KO'ing most Pokemon we fought.

"Shadow will be able to fly soon."

"Shadow tried to jump up in the air."

"Shadow is hoping you're telling the truth."

The last box scared me. Of course I'm telling the truth! I'll prove it to you! I trained him to level 50, making him evolve into a Salamence. Of course, black instead of blue, dark purple instead of red, red instead of white, and those red eyes…

"Shadow has wings! Shadow can now fly! Shadow is happy you told the truth!"

I was about to smile, but found the text a bit creepy. Especially the next text box that appeared.

"Shadow loves Victoria."

I almost dropped my DS. My character's name was Vic, a shorter version of my name. I could never put in my whole name, it never fit. I shook my head, and told myself I was imagining things. I wish I was.

"Does Victoria love Shadow?"

A yes/no box popped up. No matter how freaky this shit was, I still loved all my Pokemon, so I answered yes.

"Shadow is happy."

I trained Shadow up to level 100. Once satisfied, I switched him with Luna. I walked around Johto a bit and finally decided to turn off my game. I had meant to play SoulSilver the next day, but I got distracted. I remembered that I hadn't finished playing Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess and went back to playing that game.

Months passed and I forgot about Shadow and everything that I experienced with him. When my youngest nephew brought up SoulSilver (he was stuck on Morty) I remembered him, Shadow. I went to my DS and started up the game. The opening was normal and everything, but when it loaded…

Luna wasn't following me; Shadow was. I was confused, at first, I vaguely remembered having Luna first. I accidentally talked to Shadow instead of pressing start.

"Shadow is crying."

"Huh? Why are you crying?" I asked him.

"Shadow didn't mean to hurt them."

"Hurt who?"


I tried talking to him, but all he said was that. Then I checked my Pokemon. I gasped in terror. My dragon team…they were all…dead? Where it was supposed to say the Pokemon's name, it read DEAD. My Pokemon looked bloody, cut opened, and burned, but Dragonite, Luna, looked the worse from what I could tell. I didn't understand how this could happen. When I exited out a text box popped up.

"Shadow is sorry. It was an accident."

"What happened?" I asked. Fear and anger welled up inside me. What had he done?

"We were playing while you were gone. Then…Shadow…got angry…Shadow couldn't control himself. Shadow is sorry."

The Pokedex entry for Salamence had said they are uncontrollable when angry…had this…THING proven it to be true?

"Shadow wants to be forgiven. Will you forgive Shadow?"

Another yes/no box appeared. Would I forgive you? Do you think I would? Just because you're different? Just because you said you loved me?

I let my anger take control of me, leaving any type of fear behind me. I pressed no.

"Shadow is sad. Shadow thought Victoria loved him."

"How could I love a monster like you…You killed them!" I practically shouted at the DS. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. My Pokemon…dead…

"Shadow said he was sorry. Why can't you accept Shadow's apology? Shadow will make you pay."

I turned off the game. I don't care what kind of revenge he would exact on me. I didn't want to deal with him anymore. I stopped playing SoulSilver and Pokemon in general.

Eventually, I calmed down (I can't stay angry at someone for long). I figured I would be able to forgive Shadow for what he had done. I would make him promise to never lose control and kill anyone ever again.

I started up SoulSilver, skipping the opening and heading straight into the game. I wish I hadn't. I was in my room (character's room) and there was no Shadow behind me. No Pokemon at all. I headed downstairs only to find Shadow and my mom in the kitchen. It was a horrible sight. The kitchen was full of (what I assumed) blood. The mom of the game looked as if she had been ripped opened and there were burnt markings where the table should be. Shadow came up to me.

"Shadow looks bloody."

"Shadow didn't mean to do it! Shadow was angry. Shadow is sorry."

"That was the same excuse as last time…" I muttered.

"Shadow wants Victoria to forgive him. Shadow promises to never do it again. Will Victoria forgive him?"

I hit no immediately when the box popped up. If he wouldn't have done this gruesome act…I would have said yes.

"Shadow wanted Victoria to say yes."

He then let out a roar and headed straight to my character. The screen went black. I assumed the game froze (I didn't want to think of what else could have happened to the character). Then a text box popped up.

"Shadow only wanted to be loved by Victoria."