Santana Lopez sat at her usual table in her favorite restaurant, Breadstix. Earlier that day she had asked the dorky, idiotic- and clearly gay- Blaine Anderson to meet her here. She had a master plan and she knew Blaine would agree to it and call it brilliant, like she already knew it was.

"Hey Santana," came Blaine's voice, he still had his Dalton uniform on; he must have just gotten back from school. "I'm so sorry I'm late it's just I got all involved in-"

Santana held up a hand, "Save it. We have business to take care of." Blaine gave her a confused glance but then slid into the bench of the booth across from her. Santana spoke to him in her normal "I'm better than you" tone, "Okay, I have an idea." Blaine opened his mouth to speak but then Santana held up a hand to stop him, "Don't even think about saying anything until I'm done." She paused, as Blaine nodded, signifying he understood. "Well okay Mr. Anderson," Santana's sarcasm was overwhelming, "I know that you're gay and you're in love with Kurt Hummel."

Blaine's eyes widened, but Santana didn't care. She continued talking anyway. "Look I'm gay too… and I want us to go out to hide the fact that we're gay. I want to make Brittany jealous. And it'll help make Kurt jealous, too; I know he likes you." She took up a sip of her soda, waiting for Blaine to respond. "Well?"

"Santana…" Blaine began, "I think I'll do it, even though it sounds crazy. But how? How did you know I liked Kurt…?"

"Easy!" Santana replied as if she was offended Blaine asked such a stupid question, "I'm a judgmental bitch and closet gay so I know."

"So… how are we going to convince people that we're together?"

"Easy, you'll come to McKinley tomorrow, I already know you have a day off for Martin Luther King Day, and we'll like make out and stuff. You know just convince people that we're absolutely in love." She sipped more of her soda, till it was all gone. She snapped at a waiter to bring her more.

"Okay, I'll do it." Blaine nodded as if to reassure himself, "For Kurt." He raised his glass to give a form of toast.

"For Brittany." Santana said as she raised her now full glass.

"Let's shake on it." Blaine said as he extended his hand, "To clarify that this is all for jealousy's sake?"

"Yea." Santana said and she shook Blaine's hand. The deal was on.