The way that I see it, many people are homophobic for one reason.

They are just not comfortable with their selves at all.

I mean they are quick to bash homosexuals, because they don't like their selves.

I think they were raised to hate people that don't follow every page of the bible.

So what if they like the same sex, does it matter that they express their love to the public.

No, it doesn't people it's 2012, not 1950 the world have changed and the only way for the world to be better is if they change their selves.

People still say gay people contract aids, but anyone can and diseases don't discriminate so why should you.

Straight people are the reason homosexual people are in this world.

Straight people make the kid, and the kid decides their sexual orientation not the parent or the peers.

If you have a problem with gay people then why don't you just have problems with straight people.

Maybe not everyone can accept people being gay, but if more people stopped caring about what people thought about them the world would be better.