Here's the second story up! I debated long and hard over the plot of this story, the word being medicine. Of course, when I think 'medicine', I think 'healing'. And when I think 'healing', I think 'KATARA!' So, I had tried to come up with a story that was Katara-centric, and I wanted it to be a sibling-y fic or a Zutara one, I couldn't decide.

Then, one day while I was watching T.V., I heard the whole 'laughter is the best medicine' and I felt the proverbial lightbulb go off, in the process scaring the heck out of my sister. 'Thats it!' I thought, 'laughter!' And when I think 'laughter', we all think 'SOKKA!' So, I came up with this one.

I don't particularly support Zutara, but I do like it as a pairing. I EQUALLY FEEL THE SAME WAY about Kataang, and other pairings. If anything, I like to lean towards Tokka, or Yukka when present. But, I am pretty neutral on the whole shipping thing, so please don't flame my fics about it. If you must flame, flame about the WAY I wrote it or something, NOT the pairing involved. Thank you!

Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar: The Last Airbender. They belong to Bryan Konietzko and Mike DiMartino.


You know, I like to think of myself as a healer, too.

What? Just because I can't do freaky water magic like Katara or Aang, I can still help people feel better! Well, Katara is the one that heals with Waterbending. Aang mostly sticks to whipping and waving the water around to our advantage...and yet, I always end up getting wet...

Anyway, I can openly brag that my little sister is the greatest at healing using Waterbending. She first used it to heal her hands when Aang burned her (I never really forgave him for that...), and then another time when Aang died (ooh, now that was scary, let me tell you) and she used 'magic super water' (yes, you heard me) to bring him back to life. If it wasn't for Katara, we probably wouldn't be here right now, and neither would the Earth Kingdom.

But, she can't take all the credit. While she can physically heal someone, I can heal them...uh, not physically? You get my point.

How can I do that? I can't bend, you might point out. Well, I can...heal people, I mean. And the secret, my friend, is laughter!

You've heard the saying, 'laughter is the best medicine'? It is so true! (No, that wasn't sarcasm. Trust me, you'd know if it was.) Although, it's not like I do things on purpose...actually, it's mostly at my expense, now that I think about it...

Even at our most desperate times, like when we were in enemy territory in the Fire Nation (those birds looked suspicious, I'm telling ya), I would do something (on accident) or say something (also on accident...why is that?) that would undoubtedly make people burst into giggles or whatever. The only time I didn't say something funny on accident was when I was training under Master Piandao, I think...or maybe it was, since I didn't understand what I said that was funny at that point. I came back to the others for their help to make my awesome space sword when Aang told me to say something funny, which I did, and they all burst out laughing—well, Toph didn't, but I could tell she wanted to. What? I have a way of knowing...just don't tell her that. Anyway, that apparently made them all feel better for whatever reason, and truthfully, I liked it.

I mean, I know I'm the Meat-and-Sarcasm-Guy, and the Boomerang-Guy, but hey; I'm also the Funny Guy. I make people smile, or try to (especially the ladies; I hope Suki didn't hear me). I also learned that laughing at yourself, just a little, makes it a little less humiliating...or so I like to think. I bet it works, try it out sometime.

I may not be as capable as my little sister, and I certainly don't give out hope on a silver platter—Katara calls me a pessimist, I call it being realistic, but hey: to-may-to, to-mah-to—but I have a medicine that's just as good as magic water, that's for sure.

And isn't Sokka just too funny? Lol, I hope I didn't shame the good Sokka name. I always feel very nervous when writing in his POV, or anything about him, because he's my favorite character and I feel like I'm not very funny comparatively. I did my best though, I think it helped when I kept hearing Sokka's voice reading this and it sounded okay. Anyway, to cut off my stupid rambling so I can get some sleep, just hit the pretty button. ^_^
