A/N: So sorry for the delay I fractured my finger and couldn't type for a whole week! I still can't type I'm actually typing this on my notes in my iPod because I felt bad about the gigantic wait.

Without further ado...

Max's Pov

Now Fang seems to be avoiding me, only he was slightly less obvious than me. Every time we pass each other he looks the other way, only saying hi when I instigate the conversation. I hate this, not knowing. I hate finding out that he's avoiding me even though I did the same to him. At least I didn't avoid him for three damn weeks!


I walked though the lobby of my apartment and walked up and down the cold cement steps over and over again, trying to control my thoughts and distract my brain. It was working (trust me it was) until I hear a familiar high-pitched squeal.

"AW FANGY! OF COURSE! YES! YES! YES!" Brigid sang, shattering not only my ears but my heart as well. Why- no how could I fall so hard for someone I barely know?

I could practically hear Fang shrug from over here. I crouched down and stated through the railings at the two placed towards me in the garden. It was a pretty well kept garden with only a few patches of yellowing grass and absolutely no weeds.

I was well hidden by the hedge in front of me, only my eyes could be seen if you looked hard enough. Fang's eyes were trained on the hedge and I gulped, could he see me? He shouldn't be able to, god I hope he can't. "No problem." Another casual shrug from Fang and a squeal from the girl.

She stuck her hand out and admired the silver band on her ring finger... on her left hand. I swallowed the lump forming in my throat and forced myself not to cry. You didn't even know the guy... I shook my head sadly and pressed my forehead into the cool metal bar. I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths. "You knew this was going to happen," I murmured to myself, "don't act like it's a surprise." then I stood up stiffly and fast-walked up the seven flights of stairs leading to my hall, all the time feeling a pair of eyes following me.

But I refused to look back


Fang's Pov

I admit I have been avoiding Max lately- three weeks to be exact. I didn't know what to say to her, what could I say? That I was secretly crushing on the girl next door? Obviously not. I'm not good with feelings; I'd fail any class based in feelings.

Every time we pass by in the halls I look away hoping that she didn't see me only to be disappointed by her soft voice ringing through the empty hall.

All my thoughts have been centered on the girl next door. I can't get her out of my head, I have this horrible addiction to Max and I needed to get over it before it was too late and I hurt us both.

I had a meeting with my dad last week, if you could even call it that. It was more of an unfriendly disagreement if you asked him, but if you asked me it was world war three in our backyard. I kept trying to convince him that Brigid wasn't for me that I had another girl in mind. Did he care? Absolutely not. For once my dad didn't care about what others thought. He kept saying that "what's been done has been done" and crap but he wouldn't tell me what has actually been done.

Then I threw every bad word I knew at him, making his old face swell up like a red balloon blown too big and about to pop! He kept saying that I was too young to understand. I guess he forgot already but I'm freaking twenty-seven! I think I'm old enough to understand what he thinks I don't.

The next day I go two small packages in the mail with a note signed by my dad telling me that whatever box I chose would destine my future. That I could only one and I'd have to send the other one back unopened. So I did that little eenie meanie minis mo trick and chose the smaller one.

I carefully slid my keys through the packaging tape, dreading what I was about to find.

I opened it and read the note taped to the bottom a billion times; only three words were on written on it, but they were the best thing since indoor plumbing.

"Go for it."

I swear I haven't smiled that much since... since never. I happily sent him back the other package, not caring what the hell was in it only that he was finally changing.

I sent the package back to him only to have it sent back with another note. "Wrong one." I angrily threw the package at the wall, hearing the contents inside rolling around while I crumpled the stupid note and threw it away. The next day my dad paid me an unwanted visit. It was high school all over again, me being the puppet, being controlled by the puppeteer, never thinking for myself.


I sat Brigid down on the cold cement bench, facing away from the garden and towards the building. I kept my eyes trained on a tiny spot in the hedges where I swear I saw Max's beautiful brown eyes.

God, I was going crazy.

Brigid was blabbing about something unimportant when I let out a big breath. "OHMYGOSH! YOU BREAKING UP WITH ME!" She screamed, pressing he eyes into he palms, her shoulders suffering with each loud son. I wanted to agree, to nod my head and hide y relief, to walk away and never look back. But he threatened to tell, I couldn't let her find out, no I would tell her myself. Will you really? My dad's deep voice rumbled in my head.

I shook my head a little and could've sworn that the hedge moved, "No."

Immediately Brigid's head perked up, all of her tears gone, her frown replaced with a bright smile. "REALLY?"

I nodded a little, "Yeah." She sighed angrily and turned her body to face me.


"Will you marry me?" I shocked her into silence and I wanted to turn and see Max, but when I did... I only saw Brigid, plain ol' Brigid. Her jaw was on the floor and her eyes were bulging out of her head. A very unattractive look. I'm not saying I was ever attracted to her.

"AW FANGY! OF COURSE! YES! YES! YES!" She screeched and I sighed inwardly. I knew she'd say yes but a can hope. I shrugged nonchalantly, hoping that she got the message.

"No problem." But she wasn't listening anymore; she was texting away on her phone grinning like Chesire the Cat. I frowned a little at her and ran a hand through my hair.

My head shot up at the sound of footsteps on concrete. I looked up and watched Max's retreating figure, noticing the way her shoulders shook a little and every once in a while her hand would shoot up to her face, obviously wiping something away. Tears. There was only one thought racing through my head and it wasn't about the red-head sitting next to me, texting away.

I made Max cry.


Max's Pov

I threw open my bedroom door and flopped onto my bed. A day has passed and I haven't seen him yet. I knew he saw me and I knew that he knew that I knew that he saw me. But I wanted him to tell me in person, because only then would this be real.

Angel was at Nudge's place for tonight because I needed some time alone to sort out my thought and drop the 'tough girl' act for a few days. In other words- I needed to cry.

There was a light tap on the front door, it echoed throughout the apartment and rang in my head. Only one person that I knew was capable of that light of a tap. Fang.

I looked at my door for a moment, debating whether or not I should open it. There was another more urgent tap and I slowly stood up, not making a noise. Did I want to see him?

"Max?" His low voice rang through my head and I froze. I heard him sigh and then there was a light thump on the door letting me know that he was resting his head I my door. I let out a shaky breath, no use hiding; he already knew that I knew. And I'm pretty sure he knew that I was home. We were going to have to talk sooner or later... Preferably later.

I walked to the door and yanked it open, catching Fang by surprise. His head shot up and he stumbled forward a little, almost running into me but I took a quick step back. "Yes?" I said, gripping the door tightly.

"Can I come in?" No, I thought but sighed, opening the door a little more gesturing for him to come in.

"Thanks." I gave him a dry look and shut the door. I turned to face his back, crossing my arms I walked past him so I stood in front of him.

"What?" I asked trying desperately hoping that he'd just leave.

"Can I talk to you?"

I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. "You're talking to me right now." he gave me a look and I rolled my eyes again. "What do you want, Fang? Because frankly I have things to do."

"Like what?" He asked a smirk playing I his lips. I pursed my lips and glared at him.

"I'm going out with Dylan." The words were out of my mouth before I could think twice about it. Immediately he dropped his smirk and anger flared in his eyes. It wasn't technically a lie... I really was going out with Dylan only not on a date. I really hope Dylan thought it was just a friendly outing. I wanted, no needed someone other than nudge to talk to and frankly I wasn't about to talk to Iggy. I was considering talking to Ella's tombstone but I decided I've cried enough in this lifetime.

"Oh," He said bleakly.

"Yeah..." I trailed off not knowing what to think. Or say.

"You um… needed me?"

Fang looked like he regretted coming here and my gut clenched. Why did I care? He's one of my best friends, nothing les nothing more. Nothing more than a friend.


"Never mind," he murmured and ran a hand through his hair, "wouldn't want to keep Dylan waiting," he added bitterly before turning on his heel and storming out of here. I stared at the door for a while and regretted letting him leave. I regretted everything, meeting him, crying on his shoulder, that one kiss...letting him in. I let him sweep me off my feet but never in my mind did I think that he would drop me and watch me fall. But that's just what happens when you fall; you're bound to hit the bottom. Only the lucky ones get caught.

Too bad I'm not lucky.

A/N: Yeah, please don't kill me. I hate this chapter too. I'm thinking about changing it... but I wanted to post something so here it is. So sorry for the wait! :)

~~Dream Beyond Infinity~~

"Even the sun sets in Paradise."

Maroon 5