Never Judge a Book

Chapter 15

I don't own a thing!

Since I got lazy in actually looking up spanish, I decided to just BOLD whatever they're saying in spanish. Sooo...

BOLD= Spanish

*The picture for this story is what Jen looks like*

Sadly this is the last chapter of NJAB, but I might do a sequel to this since it might be cool. It would be coming from Bobby and Jen's kid's POV. I don't know yet. Still working out the kinks, but let me know if you actually want me to do a sequel with their child.

I'd like to thank everyone who read/favorited/alerted/reviewed this story. It's really appreciated.

Now a gift from me to you guys,

Here's the last chapter of Never Judge A Book &&& Happy Holidays to all. :)

I sat on the couch with my cup of tea, and the remote in my hand. I was gonna find a good movie to watch since I don't have to work nor do I have to deal with the Mercer brothers. I have the house to myself and it's relaxing.

As soon as I found a movie to watch, the television turned off. There was Bobby with the remote in his hand.

"Hey!" I exclaimed.

"Let's go," He said.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it." He said. He tossed me my jacket, and walked out the door. I let out a sigh, and placed my tea on the coffee table


He brought me to the park where they went to play Hockey.

"I have to ask, Bobby. Why'd you bring me to the park?" I asked, walking with my hands in my pocket.

"To talk." He answered.


"Anything," I looked at him. "We haven't really talked unless it had to do with finding mom's killer."

"True," I agreed.

"So What's up with you?" He asked.

"Nothing much, just working a lot." I answered. "What have you been up to?"

"Nothing much, just trying to survive." He said.

"How's that going for you?" I asked with a chuckle.

"I'm here, aren't I?" I smiled.

"Yes, yes you are."

"So was it true?" He asked I looked at him; confused.

"Was what true?"

"You having a crush on me in middle school?" I chuckled and nodded.

"Yes it's true. I've had a crush on you until my sophomore/final year. Then once I graduated, I moved away to college." I elaborated.

"Well, Can I tell you something?" He asked. I nodded. "I sorta had a crush on you too."

"How do you sorta have a crush on someone?" I asked.

"I wasn't sure about my feelings."

"When did you develop these feelings?" I asked.

"When you were a freshman." He answered.

"And you couldn't have told me then." I said, playfully slapping his arm.

"I didn't want people to know."

"Why not?"

"Because, I wasn't sure about my feelings. I never noticed how beautiful you are until I saw you in the halls." After he finished his sentence, he was greeted with a snowball to the face. "What was that for?"

"Not telling me that you liked me." I said. I saw him reach on the ground for snow, and I ran from him.

"Don't run." He called, as he chased me. I hid behind a tree, and looked for a split second and got hit with a snowball. I took off my jacket, and grabbed another snowball. We were in the middle of the park having a snowball fight.

I walked towards him, and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You put up a good fight Mr. Mercer." I said, looking into his eyes. He smirked.

"You as well Ms. Daniels." I kiss his lips, as his hands traveled to my ass.

I barely opened the front door, as Bobby's lips were attached to mine. The house was quiet when we walked through the door. He picked my body from the ground, and brought me upstairs. I pulled away to open the door to his bedroom, and we walk in. He places me on the bed, and locks his closed door. He kissed me once again, but this time he was feeling my boobs from under my sweater.

"Jen?" I stopped.

"Ignore it," Bobby whispered, as he kissed my neck.

"Jen?!" The sound of Angel's voice was pissing me off.

"Go away," I moaned out as he kissed my sweet spot.

"Jen, I need your advice."

"I'll give you some later." I said taking off my sweater, revealing my red bra from Victoria secret. I took off Bobby's sweater and tossed it to the ground. His lips were kissing every inch of my stomach. He slid off my jeans, and tossed them. He kissed my inner thigh, teasing me. I gripped his blanket at the pleasure.

"Bobby!" Angel yelled from the other side of the door.

"Angel, Go away!" Bobby yelled.

"I seriously need advice from one of you two." He said.

"Shit." I cursed as Bobby moved from his position. I slid my jeans back on, and grabbed my sweater. Before Bobby opened the door, He kissed my lips. "My place?" He nodded.

"Yeah, just wait in the car." He said. He opened the door, and Angel was standing there. He looked at Bobby then at me. I just shook my head, and walked past him putting my shirt on.


Me and Bobby laid in my bed after an hour of exercise.

"You know, I think this whole situation has brought us closer." I said.

"What sex?" I shook my head.

"Looking for Evelyn's killer. We went from enemies to boyfriend and girlfriend." I said.

"We weren't really enemies, you just had a crush on me and I didn't have one on you." He said.

"You said, you did though?"

"I did, but you had a crush on me first." He said.

"I shouldn't have told you that. Now it's gone to your head." I said, chuckling. He just laughs, and kisses my forehead.

It's been weeks since we killed Victor Sweet. It's now Christmas time, and we're all together for the holidays. Bobby moved back into Evelyn's home, and I did as well since the house needed a woman's touch. Also, Jack basically begged me to move in so I can continue to do his laundry like before.

I sat in Jack's room wrapping presents for their nieces. Jerry pretty much stashed all of his presents for the girls here. Now we're left to wrap them since tomorrow is Christmas. We even threw a few gifts into the big pile of presents.

"So, What'd you get me for christmas?" Jack asked.

"For the last time, I'm not telling you." I said, placing the newly wrapped barbie doll on the floor with the rest of the stuff.

"Come on, tell me!"

"Fine," I said. "I got you coal."

"Funny, but what'd you really get me?" He asked.

"I'm being serious." I said.

"Fine, don't tell me." I got Jack the guitar that he'd been eyeing for over a year now. It cost me over 500 bucks, and I got him a a case to go with it. What I also managed to get was his guitar signed by Slash. It wasn't easy, but I know a guy that's close to his people. Jack is going to freak once he sees it, but first I'm gonna give him a box full of coal as a gag. "But what's the news that you're gonna tell the whole family tomorrow."

"If I tell you, You have to act surprised when I tell it tomorrow. You can't tell anyone." I said. He nodded.

"Jen, it's me. I can keep a secret." He said. I shrugged. I reached into my purse, and pulled out the picture. I handed it to Jackie, and waited for his reaction. "These are ultrasound pictures."


"What's that dot in the picture?"

"Your future niece or nephew." I said. He looked at me with wide eyes. "I'm pregnant."

"Wow," He said. "Congrats." He fully embraced into a hug.

"Found out yesterday." I said.

"Does Bobby know?" I shook my head.

"I was gonna tell him tomorrow like everyone else."

"How do you think he's gonna react?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know, but I'm excited." I said. "But now that I've told you my surprise, Who are you bringing tomorrow?"

"Not gonna tell you." He said.


"Just set an extra place at the table." He said. I roll my eyes.


"You really did get me coal." Jack said, looking into the box.

"I told you," I said as I sipped my tea and the other Mercer brothers are laughing.

"That's not cool." I smiled.

"Calm down," I said, getting up from the couch. I walked upstairs and reached into my closet to pull out the guitar case. I walked downstairs, and I could see Jack's face change. He looked excited. "Merry Christmas Jack." I handed him the case, and sat next to him. He opened the case, then looked at me.

"I love you!." He said, hugging me.

"Love you too,"

"What is it?" Angel asked.

"The guitar that I was looking at for over a year."

"That's not all, look in the corner." I said, pointed to the signature. He looked at the guitar once more.

"YOU GOT IT SIGNED MY SLASH!" He exclaimed. I nodded. "How'd you even do that?!"

"I know people." After everyone opened their presents, it was time for dinner. My plan was to show Bobby the picture, and hope for the best.


We sat down at the table, and the spot Jack told me to make was still empty.

"Please don't say I wasted my time setting a spot, unless that's for your imaginary friend." I teased.

"No," There was a knock on the front door. "There they are now." Jack got up from the table.

"Who's coming?" Bobby asked. I shrug. Just then Jack walks in with a brunette. She had blue eyes that stood out, and a petite figure.

"Everyone, This is my girlfriend Aubrey." He said. Everyone looks at the two, and is apparently speechless. I knew about Aubrey since Jack never really stopped talking about her.

"I'm Jen. Nice to finally meet you, Aubrey. Jack has said so much about you." I said.

"You knew?" Bobby asked. I nodded.

"He didn't want me to say anything until he was ready." I explained. As dinner went on, I kept trying to figure out the best time to say something. "Bobby, Can I show you something?"

"Sure?" He said, hesitantly. I took the picture from my lap, and handed it to him.

"What's that?" Sophie asked.

"What's the dot?" Bobby asked. I took in a deep breath.

"A baby." I exhaled. "Our baby."


"I'm pregnant, Bobby." I said. I could feel everyone's eyes on me and Bobby. I look at Jack, and he catches my gaze.

"We're gonna have a baby?" He finally asks after a while of silence. I nodded. I looked at his face to see he reaction. "We're gonna have a baby!" He hugged me causing me to smile.

"I'm almost a month." I said. A wave of congratulations went around the table. I'm pregnant with a Mercer child. Something tells me that I should be a little worried because after all they're a Mercer.