Disclaimer: Trigun is not mine nor will it ever be mine.

***I have seen this idea used. I`m not stealing the idea. I actually had it before then someone put their own up. I`m not trying to steal ideas. I`m just writing stuff that comes into my head. Anyways…I hope that you enjoy this! : )

In this story Knives is intentionally out of character for a great majority of it. Do not be alramed and do not mention this in the reviews as a downfall. It is part of the story. I apologize if the others go out of character too much. I try my best and this is my version of what happens when the series ends.

Chapter1: Lost Memory

A few weeks after Knives was defeated…

I hate the fact that he`s here. Just the thought of him in the other room makes me both scared and pissed off at the same time. I asked Vash why he decided to let him live. He simply said that he could not kill his own brother. Well…that makes sense now that I think about it. I mean…I wouldn`t kill my family members if they were evil.

Still….somewhere in the back of my mind I still find it hard to believe that Vash could trust him. I mean….this is Knives we`re talking about here! Millions Knives! The one that wants….or wanted to destroy all of humankind. Sure…I don`t really know when he….if he wakes up if he will have the same feelings or not but I still feel afraid.

Of course I offer to help Vash all the time with his brother. I hated touching him…I still hate touching him. I took care of him more than even Vash did. He found a job in town. I`m not really sure what he does but I think that it has something to do with cooking. He is an amazing cook though Millie and myself do most of the cooking around here.

Oh yeah! Off the subject of Knives for a moment: We stayed in that town! After we struck water the town held us up as heroes! They accepted Vash and his brother after a little bit of coaxing and the obvious fact that they would have someone there to protect their town. It worked. After a week they treated Vash with respect. I`m glad that they see him as we see him.

Millie has not changed much. She`s still acting as happy go lucky as ever. I`m glad that she did not change on account of Wolfwood still being alive. I like seeing her happy. I really do.

Back to Knives…I hate that man! I still can`t stop thinking about that! Each day I wonder how any of us will get along when he wakes up! What if he comes after us? What if he tries to hurt Millie? I know that Wolfwood will protect her. Just the other day we heard from him. We all were ecstatic that he was alive. He said that he would come by in a couple of weeks. I know that Vash would protect me…but only out of his deep friendship that he has with me, Millie and Wolfwood.

I`ll be ready for him! Yeah! I hope that he wakes up jus so I can smack him and wring his neck! I want him to feel bad for what he did to all of those people! He killed so many people. I want him to feel their pain. I want him to feel it so badly I can taste it!

I shouldn`t be thinking like this. That knucklehead wouldn`t be happy if he knew I want to hurt his brother. I guess that I`ll have to learn to deal with my anger or something for awhile…..at least until Knives is gone or he mellows out….whichever comes first.

So much is happening at once. I feel a restlessness that I haven`t felt since our journey with Vash ended at this town. I don`t know. Maybe I want to travel around again. I don`t know. I think that it`s the opposite of homesick. Funny…you never hear about somebody who wants to be away from home. I guess that the insurance jobs Millie and I used to have gave us so many adventures that I got accustomed to travelling. Millie wants to stay home. I can`t blame her. With Wolfwood and his orphanage he plans on building here I see her reasoning.

I`m happy for them but somewhere inside I feel so empty. I think that it`s jealousy…yes that`s it. It`s jealousy. I feel horrible for being jealous of Millie and Wolfwood. I tell myself over and over not to feel that way but the feeling gets worse.

I wish that something would happen and the feeling would go. Something has to come along and get rid of this feeling.


"Meryl, I`m home!"

I hear him calling my name. He does that when he gets home everyday.

"Hello, Vash! Are you hugry?"

"Am I ever!" he replies gleefully. I smile as Vash comes bounding into the kitchen. He wore the usual tan khaki pants and white work shirt. His shoes are black and shining. It is still a bit strange to me to see him in human clothing but I don`t really mind. He smiles back. Millie walks in before he gets to say anything to me and soon enough the two abegin to chat up a storm. I never do know what they talk about. Those two talking together can be very confusing. The only thing that I catch is the end.

"…so I told the guy to back off! Anyways…Meryl, how is Knives?"

"He`s still asleep if that`s what you mean. To that effect I had no trouble with him today."

"Excellent! Thanks a lot, Meryl! You sure are a big help!"

I roll my eyes at this. Sometimes I find his compliments are only to keep me here all the time to care for his brother. I think that he finds me to be a big help towards getting Knives to like humans.

I don`t believe that for a second….until I see it anyways.

"I`m going to go check on him. It`s nearly time." I say to Vash. He nods with a mouth full of spaghetti hanging out of his mouth. I leave the room and walk down the hallway. I look at the pictures that we have along it. I cannot help but smile.

`We sure do have some good memories here. I hope that Knives won`t ruin them!`

I open the door to the guest room that Millie and I trasformed into Knives` room. He`s there now. He is lying on the bed in an almost comatose state. His color has been rapidly improving in the past few days.

It`s all happing too fast.

`I should get this over with.`

Everyday around dinnertime I walk in here and check him to see if he is coming around. Everytime I find that nothing much changes. I pull up one of his eyelids. His lifeless ice blue eyes are still turned up towards the top of his head. I shiver at the thought of them fixed on me…watching me. I close his eye quickly. I check his coloring once more.

`A little more color. He`s almost back to what his coloring should be. Vash will be pleased.`

I check his pulse. Normal. I put my ear against his chest. I rose and fell faintly….and perhaps a little fatser than I expected.


I did not expect him to wake up. Suddenly his arms wrap around me. They got tigher. I want to scream but I cannot. I imagine his hands wrappign around my neck and being crushed by them. I do not expect what happens next.

"What are you doing here? Who are you?"

I manage to pry his hands away from me. I stare at him in fascination.

`Maybe he doesn`t know who I am. I never really met him.`

"Oh! I`m Meryl! Meryl Stryfe!"

"What happened?! Why am I here?!"

"W…Well I…"

The look in his eyes is strange. He does not not appear threatening. He appears frightened. Deeply frightened.

"K…Knives….are you okay?"

"What did you call me?"

"Knives! Millions Knives! That`s your name!"

"It is?"

It dawns on me.

`He has amnesia. How bad is it?`

Knives looks around as if the walls would close in on his. He practically curls himself into a ball. I take a step towards him and he cringes away.

"Stay back!"

"I`m only trying to help!"

I am becomign upset for no reason again. I hate it when I do that. It`s just been a habit of mine. He backs up as far away from me as he can.

"Don`t come any closer!"

"Do remember anything about yourself?"

"No! I don`t know who I am or what I`m doing here! Why am I here?!"

This was getting interesting. I never thought about him not knowing who he is. I put up my hand then think twice. I put it back down to my side. I turn and yell towards the open door.

"Vash, come quick!"

Vash got up there faster than I expect. He comes bounding through the door. Knives practically has a fit trying to stay away from him.

"Vash, be quiet! Don`t run in like that!" I snap at him. He stares at Knives with a look of wonder and joy.

"You`re awake! Great! Now I can tell you about what`s been going on and…"

"Who`s he?" Knives asks me. I cannot ask him at first. I sputter through a great deal before words are formed.

"I…uh….he can`t remember anything, Vash. He doesn`t even know who he is."

Vash looks scared. Really scared. Not like Knives but he is scared. I feel bad for him there. He gives me the most heartbreaking look that I`ve ever seen.

"….I`ll be helping Millie out. Can you…"

"I`ll do what I can." I reply. Vash leaves quickly. He left me alone with him. Unlike my previous fears I have a new fear: I am afraid of this. I am afraid that he`s lying just to be able to kill me to hurt Vash.

"Is he gone?"

Knives peeks out from under his sheet. Somehow I cannot see him as lying. This would be too childish for someone like him.

"Yeah. He`s gone. He`s your brother. You could have tried to be more trusting."

"He is?!"

I nod. He seems to trust me a little more now. Amazing what a few minutes will do. I take a ste towards him. He does not move but I can see the apprehension in his eyes. I stop and wait. When he does not move again I step closer. His fists tighten on the matress. I decide to leave him alone.

"I`ll be back up later. Do you want anyhting to eat?"


When he thanked me I nearly died. He stares at me with such innocent eyes I can hardly imagine him as once being evil. He is so timid…almost like a little puppy. I feel my recent anger leave me.

`I can`t attack him like I planned. Well…if he doesn`t remember than maybe we do have that chance to change him for the better. I watch him for awhile at the doorway. He falls asleep evetually. I leave the doorway once I am sure that he is asleep. I walk to my room after I say goodnight to Millie and Vash. I walk to my bedroom and sit on my bed. I stare at the wall.

`What will things be like in the morning? Will this get easier….or will they turn out to be just a dream?...Hmph! If this is a dream then I really will kill Knives!`

I laugh to myself. I will not hurt him unless he threatens life again.

`Maybe he`ll never remember.`

I run my fingers through my hair. I take off my earrings and lay them on the table beside me. I lay down. I somehow all asleep into a dreamless sleep.

***So whatcha think? This is only the first chapter. I plan for the other chapters to be longer. Expect more OOC Knives since he has amnesia and more action to come(no not fighting…this fic is more to be dramatic and romantic while humorous. Give me your feedback please! : )

Actually I don`t know if I should continue this. Give me a review saying so and I will.