Minor adjustments have been made to chapter one. The orignal idea was for Dino to be the OC's sister. But, I found a better person for that job, therefore some parts of the story is being changed. I apologise for the trouble caused.

This storyis a 100% Hibari X OC story! It follows after the Ring Conflict!

Some parts of the story may seem confusing but eventually you'll understand them!

Thank you for clicking on my story! If you have questions please leave a review!

P.S Please forgive my lack in ability to describe scenes perfectly! :)

It was once again another morning in Namimori. Hotaru took a deep breath, allowing a small smile to grace her cute features. To her, this town was the perfect epitome of beauty.

The skies in Namimori were vast. During most nights, you could get a clear view of the shining stars. In the morning, the sun shone so ever brightly. The sunlight was gentle. Hotaru always felt as though it was because the sky and the sun were good friends that enjoyed each other's company. Hence, their ability to make the people around them so happy with their cheery mood.

The neighbours were kind. Kind enough that if you went to knock on a random house, the owner would smile at you and ask if you wanted to come in and sit. If they knew your name, they would greet you 'Good Morning' each day. Their smiles made a warm fuzzy feeling rise in Hotaru's heart.

In Namimori, there were alot of kids. In the middle of pathways, you could see small children playing with each others. A pure childlike innocence shown on their face. They were so cute when they smiled that Hotaru couldn't help but do the same.

Hotaru scanned her neighbourhood slowly, smiling as she noticed little details. Housewives walked down the streets together, swinging their little basket gently as they made their way to the market .

Hotaru raised her hand up as a small yellow bird landed on her fingers.

She watched it with a curious smile "Ne.. you're a canary aren't you?" Her voice was high pitched and sweet. It was very childike but had a very light mature tone at the end of it. It was one of the reasons why the people around her always gave in to her requests. She was simply too cute to say no to.

The little canary chirped merrily, as though replying to her question. Hotaru giggled as she smoothed down his head gently with her index finger "I heard that canaries can learn how to speak. Can you do it?" The bird blinked cutely, tilting it head to the side slightly.

"Ne.. Why don't you try it? My name is Hotaru" she smiled at the bird as she repeated her name slowly "Its Ho~ta~ru!"

The bird blink once more before singing out happily "Hotaru! Hotaru! Hotaru!"

Hotaru's mouth fell into an 'o' shape in awe. She moved her free hand up to cover her mouth in surprise "You realy spoke!"

"Hotaru! Hotaru!" the bird continued chirping joyfully. Hotaru smiled. She looked up slightly and noticed teenagers were rushing down the streets in a hurry. They were dressed in uniforms. Most probably afraid of being late. One of them had messy brown hair while the other-



"I forgot about school!" she screeched loudly. Hurriedly, she picked up the school bag she had left next to her on the floor and hugged it in her arms and rushed off, leaving a trail of smoke behind her.

The canary quickly flew down from her hand and landed gently on a metal fence by the pathway she was previously standing at.

"Hibari! Hibari!"

The teacher could only stare at her class in an exasperated manner. They continued chattering like idiots even after she entered the class. This place was like a mad market.

Feeling thoroughly annoyed, she slammed her hands down onto the teacher's table. A loud 'bang' reveberated throughout the class, catching everyone's attention. Clearing her throat in a superior way, she couldn't help but twitch her lips up into an amused smirk "We're having a transfer student."

Frowning as the class began babbling about the new student, she gave up all thoughts of making them shut up and continued, not caring if they were actually listening "Hotaru-san has jumped a grade to join us here. I hope that everyone of you will treat her kindly and not take advantage simply becaue she is younger than you. Remember that mentally, she is of the same age as everyone of you here."

"Hai! Sensei!" the class chorused, though their eyes spoke differently. Some of them were curious about how she looked like, a few didn't even look like they bothered while some were already cursing the girl in their heads. Why? Because they apparently, had never ever managed to even pass a test and yet a little girl had managed to jump to their grade so easily? They were annoyed. Whereas some of them, had tried very hard in their studies but never managed to even get an A in their grades. Therefore, a smart little girl who jumped a grade was not very welcomed at the moment.

Giving herself a satisfied nod, the teacher turned to the door and gave a small shout "Hotaru-san! You can come in now!"

The class stared expectantly as the door slide open. A petite girl stood there with the cutest smile ever. She rushed into the class excitedly only to trip on her own feet. Everyone's heartbeat increased in worry for her. Luckily, she managed to balance herself before she dove straight onto the floor. She placed a hand over her chest and gave a sigh of relief.

At the same time, everyone let out the breath that they had been holding in. Noticing this, Hotaru looked up at the class and giggled, her blue eyes twinkling. I knew it! The people in Namimori are so nice...

During that single moment, all sorts of negative emotions towards the girl was erased from their minds. All that were left were admiration, love, surprise and tons and tons of blushes.

'S-she's cute!'

Throwing her thoughts aside, Hotaru gave her new class a small scan. Her eyes stopped on a rather farmiliar brown haired boy. She frowned lightly. She still owed the boy an apology. So that's the rumoured Vongola Decimo.. He looks just like the boy in the photo Reborn-san sent me.. Ahaha.. of course he does, it is him after all..

She looked away from him and focused on her other classmates. Gokudera Hayato... The Storm Guardian..Ah! There he is! What about the Rain Guardian... Oh, the boy with black hair huh? He seems nice...

"Why don't you introuce yourself? Hotaru-san" the teacher spoke gently with a smile, snapping her out of her dazed stupor. Turning back to the teacher, Hotaru beamed. The teacher reminded her of a strict yet kind mother. The teacher looks kind too.. "Un! Arigatou! Sensei!"

She turned back to the class, her smile widening as she bowed down slightly "My name is Gioiello Hotaru! I got my hair color from my Otou-sama and my eyes from Okaa-sama! I like smiling! Because, if you smile, good things would definitely happen! Please take of me for next few years!" She finished her introduction with an extra wide smile.

Hotaru watched as they class stared at her with what seemed like awe. She blinked. Did she say something wrong?

The teacher nodded before clearing her throat once as she faced the class, her strict demeanor back on "Any questions?"

Instantly , 7 hands were raised. And for some reason, those students who had their hands raised, had some sort of pervy twinkle in their eyes.

Hotaru however, was compltetly oblivious to that. She simply blinked at them curiously at smiled "Yes?" The teacher briefly wondered if she was going to be okay, surrounded by so many idiots everyday.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" one of them shouted. Hotaru blinked in surprise at his questions. W-w-w-why on are they asking that? Nevertheless, the thought of having one caused a light blush on her cheeks.

"N-no..." she stuttered out lightly, unsure of what to say in such a situation "What kind of guys do you like?" another boy shouted almost instantly.

"E-eh?" she flushed red before looking down, twiddling her fingers slightly "I-I d-don't k-know.."

Hotaru was never one of romance. Of course, she liked them just as much as any girls. However, when she just so as much as try to imagine herself in a shoujo managa scene, she would lose control and start squealing and blushing so much at there was no more blood in any part of her body but her cheeks. Therefore, she tries not to think about them too much. Of course, once in a while, someone would comment that she would never get a boyfriend that way but that only made things worse.

If onii-chan were here, he would've shot all of them already... Hotaru turned even redder at the thought.

CUTE!" the class exclaimed at her childlike gesture. She flushed into a deeper colour of red "E-eh?"

"Alright! Stop!" the teacher shouted, slightly annoyed. It was obvious that the class had forgot her previous words. She sighed lightly in exasperation which made Hotaru blink at her curiously. The teacher smiled gently at Hotaru . At least after this, she would have one more student among the few that would actually listen to her "Hotaru-san , why don't go sit down? Your seat is next to Sawada-kun. Sawada-kun, raise your hand up."

Sawada? Sawada Tsunayoshi?

Hotaru smiled at the boy as he nervously lifted his right arm. Yay! I get to sit next to Vongola Decimo! Eagerly, she rushed to her seat and sent him a huge smile. Her smile widened when the boy returned the smile albeit, blushing a little.

She did wonder though, why the class were all glaring at him. It looked almost as though they wanted to murder him... The boy seemed to realise that as well, because, Hotaru noticed, that he was shaking throughout the class.

She giggled lightly. This boy was cute. He reminded her of a younger version of Dino. He used to get flustered so easily too. Hotaru wondered if Reborn was torturing Tsuna too. Turning back to the class, she frowned lightly at the glares that seemed to intensify by every minute that passed. This isn't good... The innocent aura is changing...

In a flash, lunch time came. Hotaru remained in her seat as she watched most of the boy population gathered around Tsuna's seat. One of them had kicked Tsuna's table to the side. Oh the irony, Hotaru thought. She remembered from the information Reborn had sent her that the first time Tsuna had met his storm guardian, Gokudera Hayato had kicked his table in annoyance.

Ah..but who knows, he might gain a few more Family members this way...

Hotaru raised her eyebrows as she listened to their conversation absent-mindedly. They were threatening him to give up his seat. Something about how he didn't deserve to seat next to such a cute girl.. Hotaru wondered who the cute girl was. She must have been really attractive to get almost have of the class this riled up. She turned to see who was seating next to Tsuna curiously. Wait... I'm sitting next to him, aren't I?

... .. ..

By then, both Tsuna's rain and storm guardian had rushed to his side. Gokudera Hayato was threatening to explode them while Yamamoto Takeshi was going 'Maa, maa'.

Hotaru chewed her botton lip lightly, a habit she had developed over the years as she watched the trio with mild concern. From what I heard from Reborn-san, Tsunayoshi-sama would never fight unless his friend's life are being threatened. I doubt Reborn-san is anywhere near to shoot him with the Dying Will bullet so that means...

Ah.. but, they look so scary.. His guardians seems to be too busy arguing...

What now? He's gonna die! Should I interfere?

I wish Onii-chan was here!

"If you refuse to move, THEN I'LL MAKE YOU MOVE!" Hotaru gasped as a boy raised his fist towards Tsuna. Deciding that there was no time to hesitate , she sprung up from her seat and rushed forward, catching the boy's fist with her right hand. Staggering back a little, she winced at the impact of the punch. O-ouchie... What's with punch... is he in the boxing club or something?

Hotaru felt like running away the moment she met the scary eyes of the boys who had gathered in front of Tsuna's table. 'You can do it. Get over there and show them who's boss, Hotaru.' Onii-chan.. Forcing herself to glare back at them, she spoke with the tone she usually used only when speaking to her Family "What are you doing?"

She could imagine the trio gaping at her from behind. If the situation wasn't this scary, she would've laughed. But at the moment, she was having enough trouble controlling herself from trembling.

"H-hotaru-chan!" the boys seemed nothing but shocked. Probably at the fact that a girl had stopped a guy's punch. Hotaru snorted in her mind. What kind of meanies are they? Do they really think that girls are weak?

"You're not answering my question" she narrowed her eyes at them as a warning. She may be a small chibi who seemed like nothing but an innocent kid that knew nothing but during times of need, she was complete capable of standing up against the others. She was a mafiaso after all.

"O-of course, I'm getting Dame-Tsuna to move! He doesn't deserve to sit next to you!" the boy stuttered, disbelief in his eyes. Hotaru rolled her eyes, she felt like she was dealing with those stuck-up mafiasos who thought that they were strong and could do anything when in truth, they were nothing but weak. "And who, may I ask, gave you the the permission to make decisions for me? Whether or not he deserves to sit next to me, I'll decide it for myself."

"Hah! Take that!" Gokudera shouted right before they could reply "Now scram! Can't you see that Jyuudaime is annoyed by your presence?" Hotaru's lips twitched up into a small smile. He's protective over his own boss.. He'll make a good right-hand man...

Hotaru couldn't help but think that Tsuna's guardians were all so adorable, protecting him in their own way. At least that was what she had learnt from her Reborn and her brother...

She turned her attention back on to the boys who had settled on glaring at Tsuna instead. "You bastard! I'll get you back for this!" Tsuna's jaw fell. His facial expression were completely screaming; "WHY ME?"

He looked as though he was going to protest but the boys had already ran for their lives. Hotaru had to sweatdrop at that. They're over exaggerating.. Its not as if I'll kill them or something.. Its just a warning...

Feeling relieved, Hotaru felt the nerves that she had been repressing fly back at her, twice the speed. Her legs wobbled. They felt like the grape jell-o that she had once made for her her brother. Before she knew it, she had lost complete control of her limbs and fell down to the floor. She was sure that her cheeks were flaring red by now. Taking in deep, huge breaths, Hotaru wrapped her arms around herself as she squeaked out "T-t-t-t-t-that was so scary!"

"H-hotaru-san? Are you alright?" Tsuna asked almost immediately. Hotaru noted that he sounded as relief as she was, though there was a slight tint of shock in his voice.

"E-eh? Ah.. un!" Hotaru quickly nodded her head, blushing. H-how embarrasing! They saw me acting so childishly! She quickly stood up, wanting to run away, only too trip over her own legs. Hotaru winced as she fell flat down, face kissing the floor. She quickly sat up, pressing over the bump that was developing on her forehead in hopes that it would lessen the pain. "Itai!" she wailed as she tried not to let tears fall out.

The trio watching her sweatdropped.

She sniffed as she moved her legs such that she was sitted in a more comfortable manner. Thinking that she would probably fall again if she stood up, she could only sniff and remain in her current position. Not knowing what to do, she looked up at the trio who had just seen her make a huge fool of herself with a bashful smile and an awkward laugh as she scratched the back of her head "Ahaha.. I fell again..."


"A-anyway, are you alright?" she gave Tsuna a worried glance. He was the Vongola Decimo after all. Wouldn't be good for him to get hurt.

"Of course she isn't! Woman! Its all because of you that Jyuudaime had to face something like that!" Gokudera had snapped at her right before he could answer. Hotaru could only smile at his overprotectiveness. "Maa, maa, calm down. At least Tsuna's alright , right?" Yamamoto laughed. The Storm and Rain.. they fit the roles perfectly... But that's not all, they both treasure Tsunayoshi-sama alot..

"T-that's right! G-gokudera-kun! I'm fine!" Tsuna intervened , stammering lightly, capturing Hotaru's attention. "W-well .. if the Jyuudaime says so.." Gokudera looked down hesitantly. Tsuna looked back to her "H-hotaru-san, its okay! Don't worry, its your fault anyway..."

Hotaru grinned. He's nice person... "Thank you!"

"By the way, your name is Hotaru , right?" Yamamoto grinned at her. Hotaru beamed back at him almost instantly. This person had a very contagious smile, she decided right then. "Yep! Its means firefly in Japanese!" she supplied happily.

"I see!" Yamamoto grinned "Hey, wanna have lunch together?" Hotaru blinked in surprise. A-ah.. come to think of it, in Japanese Schools you have lunch with friends...

"Oi! Don't invite people by yourself! Its rude to Jyuudaime!" Gokudera snapped at him almost immediately. His reaction sure is fast... Hotaru sweatdropped.

"I-it's alright! Gokudera-kun! I don't mind!" Tsuna began, stuttering a little, not wanting his friends to start argueing again. Hotaru giggled at them. They've been together for so long that they instinctively know what each other would do.

"Thank you" she beamed at them "But, I have to report to the Disciplinary Committee right now since I'm new!" At the name of the Committee, Tsuna's face seemed to darken in horror and worry. She blinked curiously before shrugging, deciding that it was none of her business.

"See ya! I'll be going now!" Hotaru smiled at them as she stood up- "Crash!"

With her cheek stuck onto the floor, Hotaru gave them a nervous smile, not knowing what to do "Ahaha.. I fell down again!"


Hotaru stood in front of the Disciplinary Comittee's President room. Her hand was touching the door handle though she seemed rather hesitant to open it. Eyeing the door for a few more minutes, Hotaru couldn't help but sweatdrop. For some reason, I'm feeling a really strong murderous intent coming from beyond this door...

"I'll probably die from this.." her sweatdrop grew. She heaved a sigh before placing one one of her most confident smiles. 'Don't hesitate. Its not like you'

The moment she pushed open the door, a pair of blue eyes glared at her. She froze, not knowing what to do as she gave a awkward laugh. Did I do something wrong? Why is glaring at me?

"U-um... I'm the transfer student..." she began hesitantly with a small smile. His eyes narrowed at her suspiciously before he turned and opened a small cabinet. Hotaru blinked as she notice a small glint coming from his hand. Is that.. a Vongola Ring? Don't tell me.. his the Cloud Guardian? Come to think of it, Dino-san did say that the Cloud Guardian was kinda scary... A fighting maniac...The guy who threatened to throw his ring away... ahahaha...

"Herbivore" A smal blush made its way up to her cheeks as she noticed that she had been to caught up in her own thoughts. Wait.. what did he call me? "Umm.." she began as she pointed at herself "Me?"

His glare intensified. Hotaru sweatdropped. I guess that's yes..."I'm not a herbivore" she said with her usual smile. Ignoring her, he threw a small book towards her direction. Instictively, Hotaru raised her hand up and caught it. She glanced curiously at the Namimori Crest on the cover.

"That's your student book. Break any of the rules in there and I'll bite you to death" his voice sounded dangerous. Ignoring his tone, Hotaru gave him a baffled blink "..bite?"


She sweatdropped at his behaviour "U-um, if theres nothing else, I'll leave now..." Ignoring her, he turned around , back facing her. What a weird person...

But.. he doesn't seem bad.

"Thank you!" she smiled at him before she turned and left the room. Pausing outside the door, Hotaru wondered. Does he smile? Is he always alone? I wonder if his lonely...

"Midori tanabiku namimori no Dainaku shounaku nami ga ii"

She froze. A huge sweatdrop drip down the back of her head. I-is that singing? T-that's the school athem right? W-why is he singing.. Not to mention its the school athem! W-wait, I'm sure his voice wasn't that squeaky...

Turning around, she peeked through the small opening between the door curiously, wanting to find out who was singing. Her jaw fell. I-is that a bird? W-wait.. that's the little canary from this morning! W-why is it with him? All of a sudden, a huge blush appeared on her face. H-he's smiling! Its only small one.. BUT HE'S SMILING!

He looks kinda cool...

For some reason, she felt as though she was invading his privacy or something. W-wait, why am I peeking? Embarrassed by her own action, she spun around and ran away, flushing red.

"Itsumo kawaranu sukoyaka kenage"

Hibari closed his eyes, relaxing at the sound of Hibird singing. He thought back about the herbivore just now. For some reason, she didn't seem as fearful of him as the other students did. Hn... she's still a herbivore.

"Hotaru! Hotaru!"

Hibari's eyes snapped open before they narrowed dangerously. Hibird had stopped singing and for some reason, began repeating someone else's name.

That's the end of it! If you like it, please leave a review!