
Tsuna stared in disbelief at the blonde girl.

She stood by the gates with a couple of the prefects, a clipboard and pen in her hands. But what had truly caught Tsuna's attention was the Namimori Council armband proudly pinned onto the sleeve of her uniform.

Oblivious to Tsuna's shock, Hotaru smiled happily at him "Ohayo!"

Tsuna could only gape at her. "'Sup!" Yamamoto greeted back just as cheerfully. Gokudera glared down at the girl, demanding "Oi! Onna! What's that stupid armband doing on your uniform?"

Hotaru blinked twice at them before smiling. "Hmm? It seemed pretty interesting. So I decided to join to Council," she supplied to them merrily.

"I see! Good luck with it!" Yamamoto grinned, taking the news well, unlike his two friends.

Tsuna's jaw fallen down to the floor "B-but, isn't Hibari-san scary?" Tsuna stuttered out. Just the thought of the raven-haired prefect could make him shiver in fear.

"He is?" Hotaru blinked in confusion, tilting her head lightly. "I don't think so. He's strong and all but not really scary" Yamamoto replied with a grin. "I know, right? I think he's really cool!" Hotaru smiled, flowers blooming in the background. Tsuna could only sweatdrop.

"Anyway, I think you'd better head to class right now or I would have to issue you a detention slip for being late" Hotaru said, slightly worried as she gaze down at her watch.

"Oops, I guess we'd better go now huh?" Yamamoto chuckled before giving his dazed friend a questioning look "Tsuna?"

"H-huh? Oh.. Y-yeah.." Tsuna said, snapping out of his thoughts. "Let's go! Jyuudaime!" Gokudera beamed enthusiastically, once again happy to be able to attend class with him as he did, every other day.

"See ya!" Yamamoto gave her a little wave. Smiling, Hotaru waved back at them "I'll see you guys lat-" "Huh? Detention? As if I have the spare time to attend such a thing!" someone shouted.

Hotaru spun around in surprise to see the few prefects with her lying on the floor covered with bruises. Her eyes widened slightly in shock. Big and burly guys stood in front of the prefects, smirking.

Hotaru's jaw fell. T-this! C-could this be the rumoured Yakuzas in Japan?

Snapping out of her thoughts, she watched in disbelief as one of them promptly spat on the floor with a arrogant smirk.

Just because they don't want detention doesn't mean they can do this... meanies.. Narrowing her eyes, Hotaru quickly rushed forward, standing protectively in front of the prefects. "What are you doing?" she asked loudly, her tone warning, losing its childlike sweetness.

"H-hotaru-san!" Tsuna stuttered out, worried for her.

The guys whistled lightly at the sight of her, making Hotaru feel repulsed for some reason. "What a cute girl~ Move away quietly and we'll let you have some fun with us later~ We need to deal with the bastard prefects right now" they grinned at her 'charmingly'.

'Usually, Kyo-san would order us to 'bite them to death' instead as a punishment..'

B-but.. They're kinda scary! ... Clenching her fists tightly, she used the tone that she usually only used in that world, glaring at them "If you refuse to stop actions, I'll have to deal punishment on you as a member of the Council." They looked at each other with raised eyebrows before laughing out loud, "Punish us? You're a hundred years early to think that you're able to even land a hit on us! Lil' girl!"

Tsuna and the others gave Hotaru a worried glance.

'Weak? They must idiots to think that. My sister isn't weak, she's strong. Now get over there and prove them wrong.'

Hotaru's lips twitched up into one of her rare confident smile as she whispered "Onii-chan.."

Bending her knees a little, she ran towards them quickly. Speed was one thing that even her brother couldn't beat her at. Before anyone knew what was happening, Hotaru had jumped up and smacked one of the guys across his jaw, sending him flying a few feets away.

Landing back down on the floor with her knees bended, Hotaru smiled in relief that she was able to bring him down. For one second, she had wondered if she was really strong enough to take down such a scary looking man.

Tsuna gasped as he noticed Hotaru held something in her hands. Butterfly..swords? He briefly remembered the name from the book 'Mafia Weapons For Idiots' that Reborn had forced him to read in the middle of the night. She held the handles of the weapon in a similar way to how Hibari usually held his tonfas. The swords were flipped such that the blades was pointing inwards like the tonfas so that when she had punched them, it was the handle that caused the impact instead of the blades. (A/N: Butterfly swords are different from normal daggers, which is why I chose them! Please google them to see how they look! :D)

The boy she had smacked now lay on the floor, his mouth foaming, a rather idiotic look on his face. His friends stared at him in utter disbelief before looking back at the girl with a glare. "You little fucker.. How dare you do that to him.. I'm gonna make sure you regret it..." one of them hissed under his breath.

Hibaru Kyouya had hated herbivores. Especially those who were incapable of protecting themselves and only knew how to pretend to be strong. That was why he always bit them to death. Their existence was meaningless to him. Gioiello Hotaru was supposed to be one too. She seemed more herbivorous that any herbivore that he had ever seen. Though she was surprisingly brave enough to barge into his disciplinary room.

Which was the reason why he had beaten up Kusakabe Tetsuya for telling such a girl to handle punishment because he was sure that her punishment was most definitely not going to be enough. It was also the reason why he was hiding behind a tree, waiting to deal out punishments instead of the girl.

Obviously, it had shocked him to see the girl disappear for a second and appear again, sending the herbivore straight to the floor. Instead of coming out to bite the other herbivores to death, he stood by the tree, wondering if the girl was any stronger.

Hotaru stood up straight, raising her weapons the way Hibari did with his tonfas with a smile that seemed different hen her usual ones. It almost seemed carnivorous to him. "Its common sense to be punished when one breaks the rule. I don't think I'm doing anything wrong right now." Even though you are really damn scary! Hotaru added in her mind with a shaky laugh.

"You.." they growled, rushing forward towards her. One of them brandished his fist towards her. Dodging his punch perfectly, Hotaru kneeled down slightly and swept her feet around his legs, making him lose his balance. Right before he fell to the ground, Hotaru jumped back up and kneed his gut, the impact sending him on top of his friend whom Hotaru had punched to the ground earlier.

Another of them swung a metal club with spikes towards her. (A/N: Wherever he got it~) Alarmed, Tsuna shouted "Hotaru-san! Be careful!" Quickly, Hotaru spun her weapon around so that the blade was now face outwards. With a flash, she sliced the metal club into half. The guy who held it could only watched in shock as the top half of his weapon slid down onto the floor.

Hotaru jumped up and landed onto of the remains of the club he held in a kneeling position, making her at eye level with him. Hotaru smiled at him before flipping her weapon over again and smacking the guy across his face.

She quickly jumped up, somersaulting in the air right before the guy fell down onto the floor in pain. Landing by the side of the three guys she had injured, she rushed forward and skillfully attacked the others.

Tsuna, along with Yamamoto and Gokudera could only watch in awe as she defeated all of them. Within minutes, they were all lying on the floor, some in pain while some were already unconscious.

"...No way..." Tsuna muttered under his breath. He knew that the girl had seemed strong, seeing as how she had protected him from the punch a few days ago but he never knew she was that strong.

"Yeah..." Yamamoto said, as he stared at the girl.

Letting out a relieved sigh, Hotaru crumbled down to the floor like she had done a few days ago. She sat there for panting for a few moments before wailing out "THAT WAS SCARY!"

"..Eh?" Tsuna sweatdropped at her reaction.

"H-hotaru, are you alright?" Yamamoto asked, slightly concerned and surprised. She looked at them with teary eyes "I-I've never met someone hic- so s-scary!" They watched with fallen jaws as she started sniffing, crying a little.

"Wha- Are you an idiot? Why on earth would you be scared of them when you're obviously stronger?" Gokudera shouted, annoyed at Hotaru. "B-because, they were glaring at me! Not to mention, they were all so huge! And they wanted to kill me!" she wailed loudly.

"Wao~" Hibari Kyoya smirked at her as he came out from his hiding place. Seems like she wasn't that much of a herbivore after all.

"S-senpai?" Hotaru asked with teary cute eyes, feeling her heart speed up slightly at his appearance. He looks so cool... "It seems like there was no need for me to step in after all. You handled the punishment rather well" he stated, the smirk remaining on his lips.

Blinking in surprise, Hotaru briefly forgot why she was crying and asked "A-are you praising me?"

Hibari narrowed his eyes but gave no reaction. He watched her for a few moments before smirking once again. He rushed towards her, his tonfas raised, ready to attack. Squeaking in surprise, Hotaru quickly jumped up and blocked him with her swords. "S-senpai?" she asked in shock as she dodge the tonfas that came flying towards her repeatedly, making no move to hit back.

"Why aren't you fighting back?" Hibari glared at her. "B-because! I don't see a need to f-fight you!" she shouted, dodging his attacks smoothly. Hibari paused his actions at her reply and turned around, walking away.

Hotaru could only sweatdropped. She had never met someone so weird. "S-senpai?" she asked, unsure of what was happening. Hibari turned back a little and stated "I'm not interested in fighting herbivores that have no will to fight back. Report to the Reception room once you're done. You have work to do."

Hotaru awed. H-he's so cool...

"A-ah! Wait! S-senpai!" Hotaru shouted right before he disappeared from her sight. Hibari turned back once again with a glare that said 'What?'

Smiling brightly, Hotaru said "I love you! Senpai!"

Hibari's eyes seemed to widen by a small 0.001 mm before he glared deeply at her while Hotaru simply beamed at him. Electricity flew between their eyes for the next few seconds. One was filled with annoyance while another was filled with happiness. Purple angry sparks fought against pink happy sparks.

Not giving any reply, Hibari finally turned around and walked away.

One the other hand, Tsuna and his guardians reaction was absolutely comical. They were flushing red, eyes bulging out with their jaw reaching the floor. Even the optimistic Yamamoto and the puppy, Gokudera, who only cared about Tsuna were blushing.

Hotaru giggled. Her Senpai was definitely the coolest person ever!

Raita : Sorry for the super late update! During this period, I received a few story alerts and I was super happy! ^^ I know I'm still a amateur but please continue reading this story.

Btw, the part where it says 'that world' when Hotaru spoke with a different tone, I was referring to the Mafia world in case no one knew. :)

P.S Tsuna and his guardians' reactions are always so fun isn't it? Reminds me of their reaction when Chrome kissed Tsuna's cheek during the Varia battle~

Review please! It'll make my day alot more better~! :)