The Red

Disclaimer: I just own Tobin

A/N: Holy hiatus Batman this took a long time well honestly there is going to be a second part to this based off something Gordon said in Robin Year One. If you haven't read it well…FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS BATMAN READ IT! If I wasn't a Christian that would be my bible and so would the DC guide book that has another name that I cannot spell but you don't have to go get that cuz it cost lots of money…

"KID FLASH? RED ARROW?" M'gann is crying out loud as she tries desperately to make contact with her teammate. She turns to Conner her eyes wide with horror.

"I can't contract them," she sounds desperate so unsure of what to do. Seek out Robin or the two red heads who she knows location. Conner's teeth are gritted as he stuck with the same mind set. They stay seemingly frozen.

"You go after them," Conner finally says. "I'll look for Robin." M'gann nods her head and flies off as Superboy leaps toward the property that was given to him by Batman. It is a house, seemingly normal other than the bordered window that seems fairly normal in this part of Gotham.

The door is locked of course this matters nothing to a super clone and throwing the element of surprise to the wind he kicks in the door sending it flying into the opposite wall. He stands for a moment before a scream of pure agony pierces the silence.

"I found him," Conner screams into the communicator as he charges in. but every room is empty. In pure rage Conner slams down on the floor and to no surprise fall through the floor. When his eyes open he sees the man, Red Hood unmasked and Robin; bleeding, broken and barely breathing.

The clone lets out a cry of rage and plows into the man grabbing him by the throat. His mind his blank with pure, white rages as he squeezes tight. He doesn't feel the man struggling, desperately choking for breath.

Robin forces his eyes open though somehow they are clouded with blood (is that possible? I have no idea it sounded good.) Still throw the red fog he sees Conner choking the life out of Tobin and god how he wants to let him die he knows he can't.

"S-Supey," he gasp out finding blood pooled in the back of his throat. "Stop…" the Clone hears the plea though it's barely a whisper and he drops the man on the floor as he slips into blackness. He's at the youngest of the team in less than a second, cradling him to chis hard chest.

"Conner," Blood comes out with Robin's voice and all other words are lost with a strangled gurgling sound.

"SHIT," Conner screams out. "ROBIN? HELP! SOMEBODY!" it seems like an hour but really its only five minutes before flash come down from the hole Conner made followed by Batman who shoves him out of the way and snatches his son from Superboy.

"We need a transport to the watch tower NOW," he shouts clutching his partner close to him. Flash doesn't even speak as he runs but Batman wonders if even the Scarlet speedster is fast enough….

End of chapter….JK JK no I couldn't do that BREAK LINE

The next few hours are a complete blur of panic and frustration. The team is transported to the watch tower. By some miracle Kid Flash was unharmed, the same cannot be said for red arrow, whose arm is broken in three places and has a broken ankle as well. Still this pales in comparison to the bird.

Dick's right knee is shattered, left leg snapped. A fracture in his left collar bone, broken wrist on the right and his right arm broken. Six broken ribs, three fractured. His face is bruised so deeply you can barely see natural skin. Left lung collapsed, appendix ruptured needing removal. His throat is raw and torn and suspected permit blindness in his right eye. All of this with massive blood loss a concussion and hypothermia. (A/N: oh my god oh my god I am cruel please don't hate me).

The team, Flash, Green Arrow and Black Canary are standing outside the watch towers med bay all in panic. Wally has refused food an M'gann cannot stop the tears that a pouring down her cheeks despite the fact she is partially choking on them.

After almost 10 hours of waiting the door opens and the bat emerges. He hasn't even bothered with his cowl. The room looks at him with horror and hope filling their eyes.

"He's going to be fine," Bruce says his voice hoarse. "But the blindness in his right eye is permit." Somehow after everything that seems like such a merger thing.

"Can we see him," Artemis asks speaking for the first time in hours.

"Yes," Bruce says. "But be quite he's resting. The team doesn't wait for another word as they go into the med bay. Dick is laying against white sheets covered in bruises and bandages. Suddenly Wally is in tears as he puts his face against the bed.

Kaldur puts his face in his hands, M'gann hides her face in Conner's chest that squeezes his eyes shut. Artemis screams in rage. They are all shaking, in shock that this could ever happen, that they let it happen.

Batman enters the room and the team goes silent waiting for a cue to speak but it is Wally to make the first move.

"When do you think he'll be able to return to the team," the young speedster asks wiping his eyes. Batman frowns deeply.

"He won't," Bruce says. "As of this moment, Robin is fired."

A/N: and this is the end of part one! I am so sorry for this ending but I felt I couldn't add the entire after math to this chapter because red hood is out of the picture. In the next part I'm going to be addressing Invasion the way I think it should have gone down and I hope you'll all be happy but I'm throwing a little Jason love in there. Like seriously am I the only one who's pissed about the lack of Jaybird? Anyway I'll have it up as soon as possible.