A/N: AU/Mildly OOC. Because I needed to write some Grelliam to please my soul.

Yaoi. Don't like, don't read.

Disclaimer: I don't own Kuroshitsuji. Yana Toboso does.


Grell clenched his grocery bags tightly in his gloved hand, his bright red hair becoming dotted with pieces of white fluff as he slowly walked the deserted streets in the direction of his small apartment. He hummed quietly to himself, adding a slight bounce to his step as he rounded a sharp corner.

It was a month until Christmas, and already London was hidden underneath layer upon layer of snow. Unfortunately, it was only pretty as it fell. Since, thanks to how dirty London really was, it all eventually changed into a dull gray shade.

Grell hated the winter, honestly. It was cold, wet, and worst yet it ruined his precious heels.

It was enough to drive a woman mad, truthfully.

He sighed slightly as he turned the corner and approached his apartment, eyes falling on the lone moving truck in front of it. He raised an eyebrow questioningly, but thought nothing of it for the moment.

People moved in and out of the small building frequently enough that a moving truck was a typical sight to see in front of the complex.

Grell yawned quietly as he climbed his stairs, eying the workers below pull things from the back of the large transport and start bringing them up the stairs.

Furrowing his brows, he turned away when he got to his floor. He pushed all thoughts of the workers and the new tenent out for the time being as he felt a dull ache in the center of his back alert him to the fact that he was awake still, and that he had work at five the next morning


Grell swore softly as he rushed to his door, setting his bags down carefully on the dirty grund of the small hallway before digging around his pocket for his key. Finding it, he quickly unlocked his door and bent down to pick up his bags.


Something, or someone crashed into Grell's hip and he promptly lost his balance and fell over onto his side, knocking his head against his doorframe.


Grell cursed, clenching at where his head now stung painfully as tears dotted the corners of his eyes.

"Miss, are you alright?"

'Miss?' Grell wondered, looking up at the speaker curiously. Everyone in the building knew he was really a man, despite his womanly figure and insistance to be called as such.

His eyes widened as they fell upon the face of the speaker, his heart hammering in his chest.

The man, in a word, was gorgeous.

He had dark hair that was combed back expertly so that the bangs that Grell could see the man possessed wouldn't fall into his vision. He sported thin, silver framed glasses at he pushed up with the tips of his fingers.

However, the thing that struck Grell the most was the man's eyes.

They were a duel coloured green blend, much like his own. However they held no emotion, and Grell felt a shiver of excitement run down his spine as they settled on his own.

He blushed, looking away. "A-ah… Yes, I believe so…" He trailed off, looking up at the man. "Was it you that hit me?"

The man nodded, offering a hand to the red-head, which he took gladly.

The man pulled him easily to his feet, and Grell took a moment to appreciate his strength as he shook the man's hand briskly. "You're the new tenent, non~? I'm Grell Sutcliff, and I live here in 13D, obviously. Where are you moving into?"

"14D." The man said shortly, adjusting his glasses once more. "My name is William T. Spears. I apologize for any harm I accidently brought to your person with my carelessness."

"Ah~!" Grell said brightly, grinning at the man. "Then we're neighbours! Awesome~" He giggled quietly before glancing at his watch. "Ah! Sorry, Will~ I have to get to bed. I gotta be up in less than five hours~" He purred, taking his hand again before scooping up his groceries and bouncing into his apartment.

"Bye-bye~!" Grell waved slightly, using his foot to slowly close the door. "Maybe we'll see each other later."

With that, the door snapped shut.

Grell grinned to himself as he peeked through his peephole, watching William stand in front of his door for a moment before seeming to heave a sigh and turned away, walking quickly out of view.

Grell leaned away from the glass, smiling to himself as he hummed happily, setting his few groceries in the fridge before heading up to bed.

How interesting that man is~ He mused as he brushed his hair. He seems distant though…


A/N: Please read and review.