So, if you've been reading Teen Mom, you know that the story is finished, well, I've been throwing around a few idea's and I've been trying to figure out what i want to write next, so I'm going to post the first chapter of this new story and if I get a good number of reviews I"ll continue writing the story, if not, I'll simply figure out another idea rolling around in my head. Anyways, I hope you ENJOY! (Feedback is advised as I'm not doing what I normally do and writing this before posting, to see what happens. So please hit the review button (listen to me, I've become something I promised myself I wouldn't, I've become a person who asks for reviews) Tell me what you think)

First days, they always remind me of old saying; the beginnings are always scary, the endings are always sad, but it's the middle that counts. I don't know who first spoke those words, but my best friend from Phoenix told me those on my first day at Forks High, a place I'd run to after making the worst mistake of my life, Rosalie had promised that she'd always be just a phone call away and even now, nearly six months after moving to Forks, she still picked up the phone even at two in the morning, which for her, was just around the time she'd be getting in.

I sat in my orange circa 1960's Chevy truck and looked up at the school that I'd been attending since March, six months later, I was facing my last first day of high school, maybe of school all together, since I knew that in three months, I wouldn't be focused on just myself any more, I had another person to look after, one that would need me for the next eighteen years, since her father wasn't going to be around.

Not that her father knew, I hadn't even known I was pregnant when I'd left for Forks, a move that I'd made to allow my mother to move to Florida with her current husband Phil and my year old half-brother, Vince.

The night my baby girls father and I had sex, it was a goodbye of sorts. We'd known each other for years, he's my big brother's best friend, when we were younger, he was always at our place, playing with Jasper, as they grew older, they'd play video games or talk about girls while playing video games. The boys were six years older than me, both had went to the same college down in Arizona, both wanting to go into education, Jasper was currently working towards his masters while teaching history at the middle school level.

I wasn't sure what he was doing, I hadn't spoken to my brother in a few months to get the low down on him, I wasn't sure how to explain that I was pregnant, so not talking to Jasper seemed to be the best way and so far, Charlie, my father had agreed to keep it a secret from Jasper, though, he didn't know why I was keeping the pregnancy hidden from Jasper.

"Well, baby," I said, looking down at my rounded belly. "It's time for my last first day of school. Care to join me as I enter senior year?"

I smiled as my baby kicked inside the womb; hopefully she agreed to come along for the day as I opened the door and slid out of my truck, stumbling slightly on a rock as I straightened out.

My phone started chirping as I walked towards the cafeteria where I would meet up with Angela Weber before heading to our first class, Earth Science.

"Hello?" I asked, without looking at the id.

"Who the hell is the father?" Jasper screamed and I held the phone away from my ear so I didn't rupture an ear drum.

"How did you find out?" I asked.

I wondered how he'd found out, but his next sentence answered all my questions.

"Look up," he hissed as he shut his phone and I glanced up.

There, standing in the history classroom window was my big brother and he looked pissed and was motioning for me to get my rear end upstairs and speak to him this instant or I was going to be in a lot of trouble later.

I let out the breath that I hadn't realized I was holding and headed upstairs. I walked as slowly as I could, answering my text message from Angela, who was asking where I was, which I simply told her that I was going to see the new history teacher and she told me she'd be there in a few, to save my skin cause she read the name of the teacher on her schedule.

I had to admit that I was dreading going to see Jasper, after all, it was his best friend who had fathered my little girl, who would never know about his little girl because I was too much of a chicken to tell him who the father was. Jasper was my big brother, but when he got mad, well, it was fireworks.

Even his wife of a year, Alice Swan, ran in the other direction.

Note to self: text Alice and warn her about big firework display happening now.

I was at his door, I couldn't procrastinate any longer, and Angela wasn't here yet, so I knew I had to attempt to get Jasper off my back before I spilled his name.

My brother was still looking out the window as I silently entered the room, could this be the moment were my most carefully guarded secret came to light? I could see my brother's blond hair being rustled by the wind, he was standing tall and to an innocent bystander, he looked like a guy who always got the girl and saved the day.

I cleared my throat and he turned around, from behind, Jasper looked fine, maybe even happy, but as his sister, I knew it was his eyes that told the entire story. Today, they were blazing brown, he was pissed off and all his rage was pointed at me.

"Surprise," I muttered.

I thought Jasper was going to strangle me when I said that word; he looked lethal as he took the necessary steps to come over to me.

"I was going to surprise you later today, in class, but you felt the need to surprise me now, as you're with child. God, Bells," he said and I realized he wasn't nearly as mad as I'd thought, since he didn't use my full name. "You've got to be five months and-"

"Six months," I interjected.

"You're six months and you didn't have the balls to tell me?"

"Technically, I don't have balls," I muttered.

"They are called ovaries," Jasper said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

I feared that a school official would walk in and would hear the conversation we were having and fire Jasper on the spot, but I was safe on that angle.

"Who's the father?"

"I don't know," I answered, hopefully as much of a player as I was in Phoenix would create doubt in Jasper's mind.

"Sure, which lowlife knocked my kid sister up, because they are going to get an ass whopping."

"I don't know," I said.

I wanted to say that the lowlife who'd knocked me up was your best friend, not some random hook-up, but I keep my mouth shut.

Jasper was calming down, I could tell that because the fire in his eyes was starting to die down. Maybe my lie was working, maybe my old habits were being used to my advantage, while I'd never gone the whole way with a boy in Phoenix, I'd done some serious damage in the kissing department with a lot of boys at school, with a best friend that looks like a super model, guys start to flock to you and they hope that if they are good with the BFF, than they can get in good with the real show.

So, yea, I was labeled as a player, a player with perks, you get through me, you get Rosalie Hale. Funny thing was Rosalie hated the boys that used me then went after her, so they should have learned their lessons but they keep trying.

"If you want to keep it a secret fine, does he know?"

"I just said I don't know who the father is, Jazz, how can I let him know?" I said.

"Bella," I heard a sweet sound from the door, Angela had shown up to save my skin. "Mrs. Cope was handing out new schedules in the café; orchestra has been switched to first period, not second."

"Sure, I'm on my way," I said to her. "Are we done?" I asked Jasper.

"For now, go have fun in orchestra, I met the new teacher, he's really cool," Jasper smiled but that smile made my heart sink as I headed out the door, and headed towards homeroom, which was the same room as our first period class.

"So, he asked?" Angela whispered as we walked out the door and headed towards the music room.

"Yea, I keep feigning that I didn't know who the dad is," I said.

Angela has been my best friend while I've been in Forks, she's done a lot for me, we'd known each other a month when I came to the realization that I was pregnant and she had set with me as I waited for the test to come back positive.

I'd broke down and cried, she knew the whole story, including that my brother's best friend was the father, she just didn't know the name

"I wonder who the new music teacher is," I deliberated out loud.

"At least we don't have Anderson for home room, remember how insane he was last year, always late for homeroom. Schedule says TBA.

"To be announced, well," I looked at Angela as we stood outside the music room door. "We'll know in about ten seconds who our new music teacher is," I said.

I wasn't scared, but my heart was beating widely, what my brother had said earlier was giving me the creeps, he'd said the new teacher was cool, Jasper rarely passed judgment on somebody he'd just meet.

The baby was kicking like no tomorrow and I wondered if she was going to kick her way right out of the womb.

"You okay?" Jason, a fellow classmate asked as we stood by the door. "Your stomach is really bumping."

"Just nerves I guess," I smiled and he smiled back.

Even though I was pregnant, Jason had a crush on me; he was always asking me out, each time I turned him down, sending away a sad looking puppy instead of a proud man. I couldn't date because I had to focus on my baby and my health.

"Why be nervous, it's just orchestra," Jason smiled.

"Because it's a new teacher," I said, Angela shoved her schedule under Jason's nose.


"To be announced," I said. Jason might be great at bass and on the football field, but I swear to many hits to the head had killed a few important brain cells.

"Nice, well, let's go conquer this teach," Jason smiled and opened the door, students were already sitting in seats, I could tell the freshman apart from the other students, they were the one's sweating bullets and sitting alone while waiting for the teacher to come out of his office.

I went to were the violins had set the year prior, Angela taking the seat next to me, I noticed that Jason, Angela and I were the only three seniors in class. I saw most of my returning friends.

I talked to my friends as they chattered, waiting for the teacher.

"Who is this guy," Aaron said. Aaron was our resident technical guy, president of the AV club and was always doing video's and such behind our concerts to entertain the crowd while we played. "His name is on the board, so I googled, facebooked and binged him when I got in here, no go, he's not a techie apparently."

That's when I looked up at the blackboard and my stomach lurched, I could see dots clouding my vision as I stood up and raced out of the room, knocking into somebody on my way out, just as the bell rang.

I made it to the bathroom and proceeded to empty the contents of my stomach. I felt somebody, a quick check confirmed it to be Angela, pull my hair back as I retched. Then I set down and waited for the question.

"Who's Cullen comma Edward?" Angela asked.

This was supposed to be a great day, but this last first day was going to hell in a handbag pretty quickly.

"My brother's best friend," I muttered as I leaned my head back on the wall and hoped blackness would take over.