Epilogue/Prelude of Samcedes

Today was Graduation Day. Sam sat in the backseat of the truck his hand opening and closing a pale blue box. The 1.5 carat antique diamond ring shown bright in the sunlight. It had taken him half the summer and all year working two jobs to pay for and he had thanked his parents for helping him making the rest for a birthday gift.

"Sam, dear, we're here" said his mother smiling at him knowing. Sam got out of his truck and hugged her tight. Then his dad he shook his hand.

"Now boy, just because we are letting you get engaged doesn't mean we will see any babies in the not so distance future, cause if you do Mr. Jones won't be the only one hunting you down" his dad said.

"Trust me, dad, I don't plan for any of that to happen not until we are done with college at least" Sam replied smiling.

"Sam"! Mercedes yelled from across the parking lot waving. She was with a very handsome couple; the Jones' he knew them well. Mr. Jones had giving his mom a well-paid secretary job with one of his bosses and Mrs. Jones had giving his dad the head foreman job at one of her construction projects. The two families joined as they walked into the school. Sam pulled Mercedes aside.

"Sam, what are…" she started as Sam gave her their first kiss of today.

"Can't wait 'til tonight to kiss you, Cede, might not get another chance 'til then" he said kissing her again.

"Sam, Cede mom said to get your butts in here now" Sam younger brother Stevie said. The couple laughed as Sam grabbed him and tossed him in the air walking inside.

The school erupted with cheers as they all changed sides of their tassels and tossed them in the air. The Glee kids found themselves in the mist of everything and hugged it out. They waved goodbye as they were meeting at Blaine's home in a couple hours for a party.

Sam arrived with his family a hour late to the party. He was putting the final touches to the surprise he had for Mercedes. He found her in the Anderson's pool house. A soaking wet Puck and Kurt were both chasing her trying to throw her into the pool. She spotted him and ran to get behind him.

"Sam save me" she squealed.

"Alright guys I promise by the end of the night I'll throw her in myself" Sam grinned at Puck and Kurt.

"Betrayal" Mercedes laughed swatting him.

Sam bent down and gave her a quick kiss before letting her go back to talking to Tina and Santana.

Sam went to find Blaine and give him the DVD. Later that night the parents had gone home with giving their kids one rule "$1.50 vs. $300,000" said Mr. Jones eyeing Sam and Mercedes. They all nodded as Mercedes could feel her ears getting hot. The group traveled down to basement/ media room. Everyone agreed on watching Sam's Avatar movie. As Mercedes grab a bag of popcorn and soda she sat down with no sign of Sam. She thought he must be in the restroom.
The previews rolled and as Mercedes munched on her snack. She looked up when she heard her father and Sam's voices talking.

"How do I know you will take care of her" Mr. Jones asked.

"I'm going to school to better myself and sir if it wasn't for your daughter I wouldn't have a full ride to school or to play football" Sam replied. "Plus if I'm not picked up by the pros I plan to study law and provide the best life for your daughter".

"How much do you love her"?

"More than anything, she's what makes me smile in the morning, and clears my head when I go to sleep at night. I love her more than life itself. Sir if I may ask for her hand?" Sam said.

Mercedes father stood and shook Sam hand and gave him a hug. "You have my blessing." he answered.

Tears were streaming down the girls faces no more than Mercedes. Sam walked up to her and bent down on one knee. Mercedes could hear the others murmur and Kurt say "Omg, omg, OMG" over and over again.

Sam reached into his pocket and pulled out the box and opened it reveling the ring Mercedes had only shown Tina and Blaine. Her voice caught but she nodded yes, whispered yes, said Yes, and shouted YES, Sam Evans I'll marry you. She held her hand out as Sam took it a slipped the ring on. Claps and cheers where only heard by their owners as the embraced couple were lost in each others kisses. After a few the girls and Kurt pulled Mercedes away to admire and envy her ring.

"Dude you're engaged" Puck said "Great now Lauren is going to want a ring".

"I don't think so Puck, Laurens a lot of woman I don't think you can handle her" Mike said laughing.

"What I mostly can handle her who said I can't"? He asked.

"Lauren... Tina told me" Mike answered.

"We'll see about that". Puck said looking Lauren's way.

Sam rolled his eyes and looked over at his future wife. The girls and Kurt were all talking at the same time. Something about hats, Pippa Middleton, and babies? Sam found Mercedes eyes which still had tears in them he mouthed 'I love you' and she back. Blaine grabbed his hand and gave him a hug "To the pool house bedroom" he whispered in Sam's ear. When he let go Sam had a key to the room. He smiled and thanked him and wondered if Mercedes would even let go all the way. He decided there was no pressure which way the night went. He just wanted to be alone with her.
His chance came during the middle of Avatar. Mercedes lead over to him "I heard through the grapevine that Blaine gave you a key" she whispered. He only nodded. "Wanna try it out"? She asked.

Few minutes later they were laying on the bed in the middle of a hot make out session. Mercedes let Sam's hands wander over her body; it wasn't their first time at third base make out session but the first one as an engaged couple. Sam cupped her right breast with his right hand as the left slipped under her springtime dress teasing the waist of the panties. Mercedes moaned as Sam's kisses went from her mouth to her neck. She placed her hands under his shirt on his bare skin he stopped for a second to pull off the shirt and giving her his mischievious grin continued on the journey towards her collarbone. Sam moved to get on top of her. He manervered his way between her legs letting her feel the hardness that was only separated by couple layers of fabric. He groan as Mercedes roamed her hand over the bulge his jeans were giving off but when she went to unbuckle his belt grabbed her hand gently as he moaned a 'No'.

"Sam what do you mean 'no' Mercedes said teasingly reaching for his belt again. Sam rolled off of her sighing putting his hands over his face.

"I'd be damn if I take you like this Mercedes and I wont let your first time be in some strange room with fish on the celling" she heard him say.

"But I don't mind" she said back glancing up at the mural of fish painted on the celling. She moved closer to him laying her head on his chest.

"But I do, Mercedes" Sam said lifting her head so they could look at each other. Mercedes hair was curly mess her lips were bruised and swollen and neck and collarbone had the beginning effects of hickies forming. "Mercedes I want your first time to be special whether you want to or not... I want that for you" he kissed her forehead.

Mercedes shook her head smiling "You're too good to me Sam Evans".

"You know it, babe" he replied pulling her closer. He pulled the quilted covers over them.

Mercedes linked their fingers together as she chuckled.

"What's so funny Cede," he asked.

"Do you notice that you call me a different name depending on what mood you're in" she said "Like if you're serious you use my full name and if it's just for fun you call me Cede." She looked up seeing him smile.

"My favorite name for you is Yawne" he said kissing her palm "It means Beloved. You are my beloved."

Mercedes freed her hand and cupped his face as she kissed him. "Si oe ma sno" she whispered back.

Knock came early the next morning waking Sam from his sweet dreams. He groaned as Mercedes moved from under him. "I'll see who it is" she yawned.

"No you stay here, they do have some nerve it's too early for this..." he swore under his breath.

Mercedes giggled as she watched her fiancé get out of bed and put in his shirt as he headed for the door. It was Kurt saying that they were all going to Ihop for breakfast. Sam told him they would be right there.
He sighed peacefully as he crawled back in bed and cuddle with Mercedes.

The summer came as quickly it went by. Before long Mercedes was crying over saying good bye to Kurt, Blaine and Rachel as they headed off to New York. Rachel and Kurt both got full rides to Juilliard and Blaine got a scholarship to NYU to study theater. Mike and Tina headed off to MIT as Brittany, Puck, and Santana headed for community college. Lauren was off to a trade school for her awesome AV skills. Finn who was also joining Sam and Mercedes at Ohio state but not playing football he planned a for a business degree. Quinn and Artie were the only ones going across country to California for school at Stanford.

Their lives were changing going their separate ways promising to keep in touch and wishing each other the best.

Note: Si oe ma sno means And I am his in Na'vi