I sat on top of my bed, a million thoughts racing through my mind. The ship swayed back and fourth in the rough ocean waves. I listened to the soft sounds of my sisters and our counterparts breathing and switching positions under their blankets. I looked around the dark cabin room and tried to see if anyone else was awake. The dim light from the television in Dave's room let in enough light for me to see a small silhouette appear on the bunk across from mine. I made my way off the bed and onto his, "Alvin?"

"Yeah?" he asked quietly.

I crawled over and sat next to him, "I can't sleep. All this movement is keeping me up."

"Me too," he yawned. "Hey, wanna go explore the ship some more?"

"Why? It's dark."

He grinned, "Exactly."

I smiled, "Okay."

We climbed down the bed and scurried across the floor and next to Dave's door. Alvin peeked inside, "He's asleep."

We made our way to the front door and he lifted me up so I could open it. Once we were outside of the cabins we just strolled on the decks and talked. We made our way to the edge of the ship and leaned on the lower section of the guard rail. Soft, romantic, music played in the background. "Brittany?" he asked.


He rubbed the back of his neck and adjusted his collar, "Do you…D-do you…Do you wanna dance with me?"

A wide smile spread across my face, "Of course."

His face lit up and we stood nose to nose. One paw went on my waist, the other held mine, and my free paw went on his shoulder. At first we were shy and went slowly, but the longer we danced, the faster we got. Smiles crossed our faces, and our eyes gleamed with joy as they met each other. He spun me around and caught me in dips winking at me every time. When slow music came on he pulled me close to him so our noses were touching. Soon, we stopped dancing and he looked down at the ground with an anxious look in his eye.

"There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time, Brittany." His closed his eyes and bit his lip, "I love you."

My eyes grew wide, but my smile grew wider, "Then I guess I'm in love with my best friend, too."

Right on cue "Kiss the girl" came on. He smiled, "May I?"

"Be my guest."

He leaned in as we closed our eyes. His hands went to my waist, and mine to his neck. Our lips touched and butterflies filled my stomach. Our lips were locked for five minutes until we pulled apart, breathless. "From now on," he started.

I finished, "Let's make it 'us', not 'me'."

He kissed me again, "You took the words right out of my mouth."

We stood in each other's arms for a long time before I placed my head on his shoulder and we began to sway back and fourth. "I love you, Alvin."

"I love you too, Brittany."

Those words melted my heart. Knowing that he loves me, and nothing can change that, makes me so happy. I gave him a gentle hug, and of course, he hugged me back. "You don't know how much those words mean to me, Alvin."

"Probably just as much as they do to me."

"Who knew my best friend would be the one I fell in love with?"

"I've wished it since the day I met you."

"Aww, you mean it?"

He kissed the top of my head, "Every word."