Sorry it's long overdue and short...doing the best I can

The shackles weighted heavily in Nicole's feet as she walked down a long hallway. The two guards continued to forcefully escort her, assuring that she wasn't going anywhere. There were the occasoinal doorways, but the only way out seemed to be at the end of the hallway which ascended into stairs.

"Don't trip, they are pretty steep," One of the guards chuckled as he pushed her towards the stairs.

She looked back with a growl, but then continued up the stairs, "I won't trip...but you should."

The other guard smirked, "Oh that attitude is going to go away real quick today!"

As she scoffed at the guards she could hear more and more noises coming up from above her. The stairs finally ended in front of a locked door. Once one of the guards unlocked it, the noises became even more apparent. It was people cheering. The room was closed off except for two doors. The first was a small door to the left and the second was large double doors across from her.

"Thank you for the escort guards," It was her handler. He smiled at her as he walked towards her with two objects in his hands, "Are you nervous?"

She stayed quiet and looked at him in disgust, only making him chuckle, "Of course you are, what a silly thing for me to ask. So let me explain a few things to you."

He waved the two objects in her face, making them obviously apparent, "You see these two wristbands here? Yes, yes. I know they are super clunky and a VERY weird color purple, but think of it like this..."

"What do you do to an animal that you know won't behave?" He pulled her wrists closer to him by the chains and clipped the first one onto her wrist. She cringed, not expecting the wristband to hurt. He quickly snapped the second one on, making sure it was snug, "You put a muzzle on it! Now, once we send you out your chains will automatically come off and you're free to fight. The goal is to not die, got it? Oh and the longer you last the better off you'll be."

He walked to the double doors and slowly pulled them open. The oval shaped arena was revealed, along with the unmuffled voices of the crowd. The two guards shoved her forcefully outside of the room and her handler waved as the doors started to shut.

"Good Luck."

"Shit..." She seethed as she picked herself up off of the ground. Once she got on her feet, the shackles made a clicking sound and fell to the ground, " no more chains...but these wristbands..."

Nicole pulled and tugged on the wristbands, but it did nothing but cause pain.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" A loud voice startled her out of what she was doing. It was coming out of speakers that were surrounding the stadium. She walked closer to the middle and looked around in awe. The stands were full of people...and the place looked extravagant except for where she was standing. The arena was nothing but dirt.

"Welcome to the first fight of the day! As tradition, this is when we try out our newcomers, and man are they a treat today!" She continued looking around until she spotted the man at the very top of the stands.

"As you can see, we have a woman fighter today! How rare?!" The crowd was a mixture of cheers and boos, "Alright, up is a man from the South Blue!"

Double doors that was across from the ones she came out of opened up. A muscular man that was several inches taller than her got thrown out onto the dirt, and the crowd went wild. His chains dropped off of him as he stood.

"What the fuck is this?!" Her and the man stared at eachother as the man on the speakers continued talking. He looked so afraid and confused, just as she was.

"A woman? The-...They want me to fight you? To kill you?" The man breathed heavily and shook his head, "I- I- I- don't kill..."

"Join the club!" She growled, "I can't find a way out of here and I can't use my devil fruit abilities..."

"The fight begins in THREE...TWO...ONE!" A bell rang, making the crowd get louder.

"We will both die!" The man began to panic, "We- We have to fight!"

"What? No we don't!" She spoke just as the man began to charge at her. The momentum forced her hair out of her face just as she ducked down to avoid impact. She kicked out her foot and swiped his feet out from underneath him.

He grunted as he fell onto his back, but quickly got back up and continued throwing more punches, "I have a family! A wife, a child! What else can I do? If we don't fight they just kill us anyways!"

She continued dodging, but it was backing her up closer and closer into the wall, "We should be fighting them!" She found an opening inbetween his punches and landed a kick to his stomach, throwing him back, "This isn't right, can't you see that asshole?!"

The crowd booed, making her look up.

"Oh ladies and gentlemen, we have a competitor that still knows hope...however don't fret, take advantage and don't forget to place your bets with Jinny at the holding table! " The announcer chuckled loudly as he gestured to the right.

"This is crazy..." She looked around in awe. She felt like an animal stuck in a cage...exactly how the handler had described her. Crowds of people gawking at her and this man she was supposed to be fighting to the she lost herself in her thoughts her competitor stood from the ground.

"Whats your name woman?" He dusted himself off and faced her.

She frowned, "I'm Nicole..."

"Well need to fight me," He put his fists up in a fighting stance, "This is the only was I can feel right...doing this."

"Doing what, fighting me? Killing me? Doing exactly what they want us to do?" She scoffed loudly and threw her arms out in exclamation.

He slowly walked towards her, "Yes! I challenge you...I need to get out of here alive! I'm...I'm sorry," His pace grew faster until it grew into a charge.

"Fine!" She grit her teeth and began charging towards him as well. She didn't know what else to do...he challenged her, and no matter what she had to make it out of there too.