Hi everyone, Really glad that someone gave the story a chance:D

I will not write so much so that you become tired, but before I start:

I don't speak english normally so don't kill me because of the hundred wrongs you'll find

So here you go:

"Can't we play Quidditch?" asked James Sirius potter, for the third time that minute.

"Sorry Prongsie, we're too few."

"I'm so bored, so typical that we're not up to anything when we finally have summer vacation." James was sitting with Fred and Roxanne at James' in Godric's Hollow.

"I also want to do something; it's more fun to prank at Hogwarts than to rot at home." James had invited two of his best friends, to his parent's home. They had just finished their sixth year at Hogwarts and the following day would also Louis Weasley arrive. Those four were Hogwarts' well-known pranksters. Poor professor McGonagall, she had first experienced the Marauders, then the Weasley-twins and now the next generation of Marauders. (But, of course, they thought that she was a lucky dog.)

They heard voices from the lower floor, and everyone went down to see who it was. James brightened up when he saw Teddy. He and Victoire had just arrived, and Harry feared the worst as he saw the three marauders' face.

"What are you three thinking about?" Everyone's faces were replaced by innocent, sweet expression- which didn't fool anyone. Harry was skilful and knew exactly how he should behave to reveal their plans, luckily Teddy rescued them.

"Oh, I shall give them the new broom magazine. You know the one with the Thunderbolt 2000 in." Harry's face broke up to a relived smile. But behind him Teddy winked towards the Marauders. This was why they loved Teddy so much. How much Teddy seemed to be a clever, ambitious and adult wizard, he was really as much for fun as them. (Even if he went more mature around Victiore.) James, Fred and Roxanne went up again. Teddy came up after a while.

"Guys, you have to practice on your Poker Faces. Were nearly exposed." Smiling, he threw a paper bag to them, which Roxanne caught.

"Nice Teddy!" She exclaimed. Finally they had got hold of the very latest from the Weasleys Wizard Wheezes. Although it was Roxanne and Fred's father who owned it, was their mother Angelina very vigilant about that they didn't took or bought anything. But George let Teddy get some products from time to time. He knew where it would go, and not could George Weasley stop the next generation of pranksters.

James cheered happily.

"Tomorrow we'll finally do things our way!" Teddy smiled and said

"Yeah, just remember to not mention me. Then your lawbreaking days are over. See ya Prongs junior." Laughing he went down the stairs while the rest snorted. Sure, their lawbreaking days would never end.

The next July day the sun was shining over Godric's Hollow. After ten o'clock Louis arrived with his sister Monique.

"Good day Prongs," began Louis. He stretched out his hand towards James.

"How do you do, Louis?" Both tried to hold from laughing. The Marauders were always like this when they met.

"How is my dear cousin?"

"Pleasant," replied James.

"Where are our honoured twins?" Fred and Roxanne rolled their eyes.

"Nice to meet you, cousin" They said simultaneously. James saw that Harry watched them amused, as if he remembered a memory.

As usual they sat in the living room, upstairs. It was always like that, when the Marauders was at James', the living room was theirs. The room was just the right size with several sofas and armchairs. A large fireplace lit up the room. Most would have said that it reminded of the Gryffindor common room. Most of furniture was red with pattern of golden threads. There hung a few paintings on the wall. In short, it was clear that James had to say about a lot. He was, after all, a proud Gryffindor.

"I think we should do something" began Louis.

"Yes, why don't we have any portraits of the Marauders? They would know what to do." James often complained about that they didn't have a portrait of James, Sirius or Remus; Pettigrew was not counted as a Marauder.

"Wouldn't it be cool if we could go back to the time when the marauders were at Hogwarts?" thought Roxanne half aloud.

"Brilliant Roxie! But how are we going back in time?" Fred's eyes began to sparkle of the brilliant idea.

"We should think of something to do there, kind of a mission." Roxanne started thinking about a possible adventure.

"Yes," James' eyes began to sparkle. "We can try to save someone from becoming a Death Eater..."

"Good idea Prongs, who can we possibly save...eh...save from Voldemort?" Roxanne's face was ghostly similar to Fred's.

"Think Death Eaters, which...guys I know! The choice is pretty obvious." Everyone's faces turned to Roxanne.

"Regulus Black, of course."

Fred lit up. "Brilliant Roxie!"

"Ok, when we know how we should be transported back in time, so..."

"Excuse me Prongs, because now I'll saw the plan." Louis looked at them in disbelief.

"Even if we know how to go back to the 1970s, so do you have to think about your appearance."

"I look like a handsome Potter," began James arrogantly.

"Yeah Prongs, after what we've heard you look like a clone of the real Prongs."

James nodded understanding and then he punched his forehead. "Yeah, how could I forget?"

"Even if Fred and Roxie," continued Louis, "not really have the traditional look of a Weasley, so..." Both twins nodded understandingly.

Both twins had George's face shape. Fred's look was just like George, but with a darker kind of Weasley hair. Fred and George had even as many freckles, literally. Roxanne's hair was almost as dark as Angelina's and had a little less freckles. But otherwise, they were exactly alike. They thought alike, had same facial expressions and just like their father and dead uncle they were pranksters.

"People will probably react at James, but the rest of us, I don't know...My blonde hair is from my mother." Louis pointed at his veela-blonde hair.

"Good, we fix the appearance-stuff later. But the question is how to go back 46 years." Fred thought it was getting boring with the details.

"WHAT! Are you going back to...wait a minute...to 1976?" Lily had came out from her room with Dominique. She stared at her older brother.

"Lils, stop messing up. I know that you are like me." James said in a smugly grin.

"Sure if you say so," she gave him a McGonagall-stare.

"Lils no!" Yelled Fred. You can't go to the Dark Side. Don't give us The Stare."

Lily started to laugh. "Dark side? Seriously?"

Everyone laughed except for Fred. "You are evil. Do you hear me? Evil!"

"No, no Freddie. I've only practiced to scare you with the feared McGonagall-stare." Lily was carrying the same smug grin as James.

"Where's Al?" Asked Roxanne.

"With Scorp at Malfoy Manor." James had left his sneers about the Malfoy family a long time ago. It wasn't as easy to have prejudices now when Albus was friend with Scorpius Malfoy.

"All right. Me and Dominique are leaving. See you later." Lily started to walk towards the stairs. Dominique looked at her brother.

"Don't do anything stupid now. Victoire will kill us otherwise."

When she had left Louis groaned . "She's right."

Roxanne shook her head. "I think she exaggerates."

"No" protested Louis, "Or yes. I don't know. Sometimes Victoire's worse than us and Teddy, and sometimes she's like mum. Can't believe we are siblings." Fred shook his head dissatisfied.

"Come on. How are we going back in time?"

James thought about it."Time-Turner wouldn't work."

Louis shook his head, there was something in his eyes that indicated that he was amused.

"None of us know how to use one of those."

Dejected they gave up the idea.

"Shall we play Quidditch?"

"Yeah, I go and ask if dad wants to play with us." James flew up from the chair and ran down the stairs. After ten minutes they started to play Quidditch with Harry, Ginny, Lily and Monique. After a noisy hour they went in. James turned to his mother.

"Do we have a Time-Turner somewhere?" Ginny looked at him suspiciously.

"Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering, " James shrugged his shoulders and Ginny seemed to think.

"In Harry's office, I think." She went to the living room and left James who went carefully and picked it up.

"Check James face. Something is going on." Louis looked expectantly at James.

"Check it out, now we can figure out how we are going back to 1976." James held out the Time-Turner. Fred and Roxanne grinned identically. Louis just looked confused.

"Uh, have you hit your head all of you? What do you think with?" Fred smiled stupidly towards Louis.

"You're stupider than Goyle in Slytherin, Lou. Now we can go back to..."

"Merlin, it was just a joke." Louis interrupted him. Something in his eyes got Roxanne to think.

"Well it would be fun, but..." she hesitated, "There's much we don't know. How do we get back? Is it even legal?" Fred smiled sarcastically and said

"Of course it's legal Roxanne. The ministry encourages people to travel back in time and risking a lot." Roxanne smiled sourly and out her tongue at him. It made everyone start to laughing, and thereby left the Time-Turner idea.

After that they played Exploding Snap for a while, Dominique came up and announced that dinner was ready. James jumped up from the couch.

"Finally!" He exclaimed. "I'm so hungry I could eat a hippogriff." Dominique raised an eyebrow.

"When are you not hungry?" Everyone laughed...except James. He smiled sourly.

"Haha, fun! Move over Flame. I want to eat." Dominique hit his head. James laughed, Dominique hated being called Flame, something James called her often because of her Weasley hair.

After dinner they hung with Lily and Dominique downstairs. At last, they went up. James behaved as normal, that is, he ran up the stairs and threw himself on the couch. All sank down into the same sofa.
They heard a sound from James pocket. Slowly and with a confused expression he put his hand into his pocket. It was filled with sand. Before any of them had time to react everything went black.

The last thing they heard was James saying "Oops!"

So what did you think? Would love reviews! It's my birthday so give me a birthday present( Review)

And before I forget: Happy new Year!