This is the first script I've ever posted, but a sweet reviewer on deviantART requested I post this on FanFiction, so… Here ya go!

**note: all the others are out gathering junk and such**

Alvin: *as he's gathering sticks he looks at Brittany* Why aren't you helping?

Brittany: Because. I'm too busy.

Alvin: *throws hand in air* DOING WHAT?

Brittany: Thinking.

Alvin: *grunts* you be such pain, you know that?

Brittany: *scofs* Me? At least I don't have an ego.

Alvin: Excuse me, Little miss sit around and do nothing but think about myself all day.

Brittany: *wraps arms around legs and places head in knees*

Alvin: What? I never threw a fit when you called me names!

Brittany: *looks up angerly, eyes filled with tears, and tears running down her cheeks* You just don't get it, do ya? You don't get how scared I am, do ya? No! Of course you don't!

Alvin: *looks down and back at her as she puts her head into her hands* Why... Why are you scared?

Brittany: *sniffs* no.

Alvin: *drops his things and sits next to Brittany putting a comforting arm around her* please tell me, Britt. I'm your best friend.

Brittany: I'm scared we'll never get off this island.

Alvin: But we will; you know that.

Brittany: No, and neither do you.

Alvin: *stands up and lifts Brittany up with him* We will Brittany, I promise.

Brittany: *hugs Alvin* I'm sorry.

Alvin: *hugs back* I'm sorry too.

Brittany: *pulls away* Does this make us friends again?

Alvin: *takes her hand* yep.
