Jack stood at the alter; his heart pounding as he ran a shaky hand through his dark brown hair

The huge doors at the end of the aisle opened and Jack tuned everything out as he saw Sally walk towards him; the long white dress flowing behind her and her dark red hair falling in curls all around her shoulders. She smiled at him and he smile back, completely in awe of the beauty that was his Sally.

She was almost at the alter steps and he had reached out his hand when there came an explosion from the two doors. Jack watched in horror as Sally fell; running to her.


There was another explosion as an n agonizing pain ripped through his chest and he fell to his knees by Sally. Mustering his strength he gathered his bride in his arms; the blood soaking her dress and spilling over his hands as he held her close. He was aware that his blood was dripping onto her stomach but didn't make to wipe it away.

"J...J-jack-" she gasped, tears streaming down her face. She was deathly pale and bleeding out as her grip lessened more and more on his.

"Sh-Sh-" he said, vision failing as he felt himself grow colder.

"D-d-don't speak..." he leaned his heavy head against hers.

"I...love you Jack..." she whispered as she closed her eyes. Her hand went completely limp in his and he knew he was crying.

"I love you to, Sally…I'll find you again. I promise…." he whispered back; the screams from all around him fading as he to closed his eyes. His voice was barely above a whisper as the darkness enveloped him completely. "…I'll find you.''

Jack and Sally were rushed to the hospital but by then it was too late; the doctors did everything they could but they could not save the Bride and Groom in time. Jack Hallows and Sally Tailor were declared husband and wife and were buried together underneath a large oak tree; just like they would have wanted.

"Such a shame...Killed on their wedding day! Poor souls… I talked to dear little Sally minutes before it happened-she was so happy and excited to be starting her new life with Jack."

"Yes, I'm sorry to see them dead. At least now they can be together forever without any hindrance."

"Do they have any idea who the gunman was?"

"No. They just know that he was part of the wedding party."

"Ugh. Killed by a friend! Pity, pity, pity..."

Andrew Wilcox stood over their graves; a cigarette in his mouth. He felt no pity for the bride and groom like the others at the funeral had. They had all been asking who the murderer was- completely unaware that he was in their midst.

Andrew tossed the burning cigarette on Jacks grave; smirking. Served the morons right after what they did to him.

Turning he walked off, whistling.

Andrew Wilcox died one year later after he was beaten to death by men he owed money to. They found his body half buried in mud; his face half eaten away as bugs wriggled and squirmed through it. He was buried officially in the town graveyard; five feet away from the Bride and Groom he killed.

Jack jerked awake; a gasp escaping his mouth as his hands clutched his chest. His night shirt clung to his chest with sweat and Jack tried to recall what the nightmare was about.

A wedding...smiling faces and hugs from living people who he couldn't make out. They all seemed so familiar so hauntingly familiar...as though he knew them. An organ began to play the wedding march and jack had felt a sense of pure joy as he watched a woman, a beautiful also hauntingly familiar woman in a gorgeous gown made her way to him. A sharp sense of longing before flashes of light and he watches her crumple to the floor...he runs to her but horrible almost blinding pain rips across his chest.

The dream had ended there and no matter how hard Jack tried he could not remember any living people he knew. Come to think of it he himself had been alive in the dream as well! Alive and getting married! But something had happened at the wedding...something horrible...

He'd been having this dream for about a month now…and each time it changed somehow; another detail was added. Jack got the nagging feeling in the back of his mind that this was no dream but….a memory he was having. A memory that, try as hard as he may, he could not recall. It was starting to agitate him to some degree.

The fog settled across his mind once again and Jack sighed, laying down and draping an arm across his eyes.

Whoever the woman or those people were, they were gone now. Jack thought as he fell back asleep.

And he couldn't help but wonder where.