Here's Chapter 4. I had to get rid of the intro because Song of Hope told me to.

A Really Interesting Chapter.

They heard a knock on the door. They went to go answer it, and in came Tenshi Konomu.

"Tenshi, what are you doing here?" She looked very surprised.

"Mr. Hagane? You're alive?" He smiled.

"I am the Immortal Phoenix. I cannot be killed so easily. So, what are you doing here?"

"Well, Madoka said she was going to fix my Earth Angel, but she never did." Nagareboshi never knew anything of what happened, she knew what had happened to make them come here because of Kyoya, but never knew that Tenshi's Bey was broken, or the small factor that someone really was trying to shash everyone's Beys.

"What happened? Did Earth Angel break?"

"Yeah, a Blader who uses a Rock Hydra broke it. Madoka said she would fix it, but never really got around to doing it."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Madoka and Suisei came out with two pies each.

"Oh Tenshi, what are you doing here?"

"You never did fix my Bey."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Suisei gave her a look.

"You don't Blade? You fix Beys?"


"I didn't know there were people like that. I thought everyone just replaced the parts when they broke."

"Yeah, most people do. I'm a Bey mechanic, and while that one of the most important jobs in Beyblade, most people don't know about it. I fix the damage that Beyblades have."

"Well, before anyone does anything, let's eat those pies before they get cold." They glared at Benkei.


"Geez Benkei, you are really insensitive."


"Never mind, he's right. Madoka and I didn't make these for nothing. I'll go get some plates, now," she counted the heads in there, "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, and twelve. Well, I hope that the four we made were enough."

"If you split each pie into sixths, then everybody can have two, because it's so much harder splitting it into thirds."

"Okay then. I'll get twelve plates, forks, knives, and a pie cutter." She walked back in. Tenshi looked at her with big eyes.

"Will you fix it? Please?"

"Well, I can't do much for a smashed part. I can replace it though, but I can't restore the already broken part. Do you if you can find a Bey performance tip just like your original one?"

"Yeah, we make Bey parts here in Koma Village."

"Well, after we all eat pie, we can go and get them, okay." Gingka gave her a slight look of admiration. How she was so kind, her voice, everything about her is what makes him love her so much. Suisei came back out.

"Instead of us all eating in the living room, why don't we all come into the dining room? I have everything set up in there. Madoka, grab the pies." Madoka grabbed two of the pies, and Gingka grabbed the other two. They walked into the dining room and set down the pies. There were two heads, and then five spots on each side of the table. Madoka sat next to Gingka, Nagareboshi on his other side. On the opposite side of the table, Kyoya sat down, with Hikaru and Moeteiru on each of his sides.

After everyone sat down, they started eating the pies, which were all gone in about ten minutes.

I have no idea if this is the end. Please review.