The Secret Social Life of Dr. Spencer Reid Chapter 1

I've re-done this chapter and hopefully made it better


Walking through the doors to the BAU on a Monday morning had never felt so good for Spencer Reid. He didn't care that everyone else was tired or would tease him about the massive smile plastered on his face. Not today. He sat at his desk and made a start for the paperwork until it was time for their usual 10am briefing which they had every Monday. He was the first one in there; except for Hotch who appeared to live in his office – he was always the first one in of a morning and the last home at night.

"It's Monday morning kid, your smile is giving me a headache." Morgan complained as he sat down, coffee in hand. He rested his head across the desk as though it was too much effort for him to hold it up.

"You ought to lighten up Morgan it's a nice day and -" Spencer started.

"Hold on a second. You hate Mondays just as much as everyone else. That only leaves me with on conclusion, you got laid last night. Congratulations pretty boy." Morgan interrupted, a smirk growing on his once grumpy face.

"Who got laid last night?" Prentiss asked tiredly as she trudged over to them and sat down. Her coffee wasn't enough to wake her up and it took all of her effort just to sit down yet alone get here.

"Reid." Morgan replied.

Emily couldn't help the surprised look that crossed her face. Morgan smirked and Spencer scrunched his face in confusion. This made Derek explode into full blown laughter, which was apparently contagious as Emily started a few seconds after.

"Don't you have a headache?" He frowned at his best friend, he would never hear the end of this.

"Nah, I think I'm starting to like Monday's. Turns out that they can be pretty interesting." He smirked as Spencer rolled his eyes.

"I can't believe he actually did it, I was convinced it'd be a while longer. Was the woman also a genius?" The female agent asked, she had also seemed to have perked up a bit. The young man just groaned and hoped that the others didn't choose this moment to walk in.

"I did not get laid last night." He hissed at the two nosy agents.

"Yeah ok man." Morgan told him in a clear 'I don't believe you' tone.

"How else could you be so happy on a Monday? Seriously, Reid? How?" Emily asked in as serious a tone as she could muster.

Instead of replying, the genius just rolled his eyes light-heartedly to let them know they hadn't annoyed him, and continued with his paperwork. A smile crept back upon his face as he thought about the night before.

Spencer walked into his best friends club, looking around for said person. It was a very successful place and people fought to get in to their 'special event' nights. Personally, he did think a lot of it and his best friend had done very well. She made sure that all of her employees were happy with their jobs, although in his opinion, sometimes they would take advantage of her and her 'helpfulness'. See, she made sure to look after all of her employees; this meant that if they were ill she'd send them home and have someone fill in, if they were in financial trouble then she'd help. She'd even paid for one of the bar maids' child's hospital expenses. That was one of the reasons that Spencer loved her though, she was a great person.

"Spencer Reid!" She squealed as she ran up and hugged him. Despite the fact that she saw him every day whenever he was home, she was always happy to see him. He'd always returned the favour.

"Hey Kathryn." Spence answered, the happiness seeped into his tone involuntarily. She smiled and looked back at him in clear satisfaction, but he was saved by her saying anything as, just at that very moment, Lindsey, his other best friend who'd introduced him to Kathryn, approached them.

"Hey Spence." She smiled ruffling his hair. "So does this mean that you're coming tonight?" She inquired without leaving him time to greet her.

"No." He replied smirking slightly. "Not with trouble over here. Not after last time."

Kathryn, lightly smacked his arm and pouted causing both Lindsey and Spencer to laugh. He'd always thought she was cute when she pulled that face and attempted to defend herself. "It wasn't my fault." She whined.

"How was it not your fault? You got us kicked out." He shot back. Lindsey laughed silently as she allowed her best friends to argue.

"The movie was boring and last time I checked there wasn't a sign that specifically stated 'No throwing popcorn', did you see one?" She asked sarcastically, hardly able to contain the smile that threatened to break her mock seriousness.

Lindsey noticed that if she didn't stop this 'discussion' now, they wouldn't reach the movie. One thing she knew about the pair was that neither liked to lose an argument. "Ok guys shut up. You, Spencer are coming with us." The blonde intervened. "You may go willingly or kicking and screaming, it doesn't bother me." She continued: an evil smile contently resting on her face, accompanied by the glint in her eye that seemed to show that she wanted him to choose the latter.

"Fine." Spencer mockingly huffed, folding his arms over his chest before pouting. "But she has to behave."

Kathryn pulled her tongue out to Spencer but agreed half-heartedly. Spencer smirked at her reaction before he grabbed her hand and practically pulled her out the door shortly followed by Lindsey.

"Spencer, man." Morgan said while clicking in front of him to get the attention of his spaced-out friend.

There's the first chapter again in more detail . Hope it's made it better .

Thanks for reading .

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