Skip Beat fanfic.

I do not own the manga or it's characters. If you love the manga then buy it to show your appreciation, like I do.

This fanfic is rated MA romance/LEMON and should only be read by adult people.

In the manga, chapter 183 with the Cain Heel siblings have just been released. But this story takes place a couple of years after that.


Kyoko was standing outside of Ren's apartment waiting for him to open up the door. She had her hands full of grocery bags and a birthday gift for him. This year he didn't want a party, but she had instead been tricked to promise him that she would cook for him since he didn't feel like going out. And since it was his birthday she didn't want him to eat things without any nutritions. (That was another thing that hadn't changed in all these years she had known him.)

The door opened and a smiling Ren looked at her. She smiled back and waited for him to open up the door wider and let her in. He looked at her up and down and gave her a nod in appreciation. She had not had the time to change clothes from the interview she had been to earlier that day for her new role as one of the main characters in an upcoming drama. Ren was the other one.
The skirt, or rather her kilt was starting to feel a bit too short for her personal preferences and the purple blouse was also a bit short and ended just underneath her bellybutton. This was the type of clothes that her character was supposed to have. Ren had said that he liked it and she had the impression that he had made sure that she wouldn't get the time to change before coming over to him.

He let her in and took over the bags from her asking her if she had bought the whole store.

She followed him into the kitchen and looked at his back. Ren had apparently had the time to change and take a shower. His role was supposed to look like a computer nerd and the clothes he wore earlier had made her smile and almost start laughing. One of Ren's icing stares had made her stop with a gulp. Even after all these years he was still her sempai and she didn't dare to do anything to anger him.

He now had his regular black tight jeans and she flushed a bit when realizing that her gaze had travelled down to his perfect butt. She looked up and gave herself a silent scolding. She had realized that her gaze had more and more often wandered there the last couple of months. She stopped flushing and smiled when she realized that he wore the dark grey shirt that she had given him a while ago after she accidentally ruined the one he wore during one their many photo-shots. She had thought that it would look good on him and it did.

Ren put down the bags on the table and started rummaging around in them until he found the wine bottles. He took two glasses from the cupboard and opened one of them up. He gave her one of the glasses and took a sip from his own.

He looked at her starting to get the ingredients ready to be cooked and had some small talk with her during the process.

He had to place the glass on the table away from himself. He realized that he was a bit to nervous and he didn't want to ease it too much with the fine red wine. Everything was planned and nothing could go wrong. The little box was waiting in the drawer ready for the right moment. The waiting was finally going to come to an end. He realized that his patience was wearing thin and that he had to act soon, before everyone else got the chance to get a hold of the lovely (and hot!) woman Kyoko had become.
She was not really his girlfriend, but her ease around him and her not panicking when he had stolen those five kisses from her outside from the screen made him sure that she should have some kind of feeling for him. "Or maybe she's just to dense to realize what they really meant." a voice in his head whispered. He shook his head trying to get rid of his nervous self.

He took the glass again and took another sip. "This will be the last one for support." he thought. The dinner was soon ready and they started eating and enjoying each others company.

Ren came into the living room after he had put the last of the dishes into the dishwasher. He looked at his wrist and liked the gift that she had given him. She was really good at making jewellery too apart from those cute dolls. He saw Kyoko standing in front of the bookshelf holding a picture. He smiled when he realized witch one it was. It was one of the photos taken of them both when they where in their Cain Heel siblings roles all those years back. The last day of shooting he had given her the first of those kisses... "OK, that time she had panicked." He thought for himself smiling.

"Setsuna, you really looked cute back then." He said in his Cain voice.

Kyoko turned around. No, the stance and the look on her face told him that it was Setsuna that was looking back at him. She was so quick to go into character nowadays.

"Ni-san! What do you mean when you say that I "LOOKED" cute!" A pout was showing on her lips.

He went towards her with a wicked smile. He took one arm around her waist and took the picture from her and looked at it and then back at her.

"Well, for one thing you waist is not as thin as it was then... I bet that you couldn't use the clothes I bought for you tat that time..."

"NIII-SAN!" She punched him in his stomach and he let go of her. She twirled around and looked flustered at him.

"Look! You hit your loving brother! The old Setsuna would never do anything like that..."

"But you said something that you shouldn't have said! That was mean."

"… And now you're talking back to me... Tsk. I think I have to punish you for that. Maybe I should throw away the present you gave me..." he started to take of the bracelet he had around his wrist.


She ran towards him but he easily turned around and put the hand holding the bracelet high into the air. She jumped trying to reach it, but to no avail. He started laughing and poke her in the side. A yelp came from her and she sidestepped. He took the opportunity and ran away from her mockingly. He ran into his bedroom and turned around to look at her. He wasn't ready for her next attack. She jumped right into him and he fell down on the bed with her on top. She straddled him and started tickling him in his sides. He started laughing and started to move around trying to get her to stop but still holding the hand with the bracelet out of reach.

Finally she managed to get the bracelet from him and managed to get a grip on both of his arms preventing him from getting it back.

They both looked at each other panting and he jerked his body once more to be a little bit ore comfortable. The moment made Kyoko roll with her hips and she felt a tingling sensation underneath of her. A feeling she realized that she had felt for a while and it felt... really good. She didn't really think but rolled her hips again and felt the friction between her legs. She started to feel really warm down there.

Ren became totally still. Except for one part of him. He looked at the flustered and panting Kyoko sitting on top of him and the mere sight of her and her position made him become even harder. Kyoko moved once more and he growled.

"This is starting to become a dangerous game... Kyoko." He looked intensely at her.

She looked down at him and realized the situation she was in. This could not be called proper behaviour from a girl. But she didn't move. It felt too good.

"Do you promise not to throw away the bracelet I gave to you, Ni-san?" Ren growled again.

"This is not a game played between siblings Kyoko. So stop trying to act like Setsuna..."

Before she realized it he yanked at his arms and they came loose from her grip. He quickly grabbed her arms and quickly threw them to the side down on the bed. In a few seconds he was lying on top of her, his arms on each side of her. He felt that she had managed to wrap her legs around him and he felt that she was pressed hard onto his groin. He was so hard now and his pants felt like they would burst in it's seams. He moved an inch and he heard Kyoko's moan and looked down at her. He moved again without thinking and both saw her and hear how she responded to him again. He then felt her heat and realized that she was only having her moist panties between her legs. Her skirt had moved up and showed her bare legs.

Kyoko. Do you know what you do to me? He said and looked down at her. She opened her misty eyes and looked at him. Her eyes shot wide open. It wasn't Ren staring back at her. It was the emperor of the night! It made her panic for a second. He had given her that stare a bit more often in the last year. But she still wasn't used to it. She moaned again when he thrust his hips against her again. The feeling felt so good and she didn't want him to stop. It didn't matter any more that he had become the emperor of the night. Not when it felt that good...

"Oh... so you like it when I do this..."

He did it again and he felt that this time she matched his movements. Kyoko was emitting a lovely aroused fragrance and then he lost the last of his restrains.

He lowered his head and caught her mouth in a hungry kiss. Kyoko was overwhelmed with the heat from the kiss. This was nothing compared to the kisses he had given her before. This one made all her body overheat and she threw her arms around him and welcomed the kiss. His tongue opened up her mouth and she felt that her body heat went up a few more degrees. Ren continued rolling his hips against her and she felt that the heat between her legs turning her into a living inferno. She became so wet and wanted more.

She gasped of the new thrilling sensation when Ren's hand cupped her right breast and when he stroked her nipple with the fabric between them. Another moan came from her throat and his lips left hers making her wish for them once again. He raised his head to look at her and smiled when he saw her longing face.

"Kyoko... let me feel you..."

He saw her plea in her eyes and her silent nod in response. He felt her hands starting to explore his back, her hands had found it's way underneath his shirt and her hands felt like it burned his skin where she touched him. He felt that he grew a bit more and with another growl he kissed her again. His hands found the buttons in her blouse and he tried opening them one by one. The buttons was so tiny and he became frustrated. He realized that he soon had ripped the rest of them loose and that he had ruined her blouse. Kyoko didn't seem to realize it. She moaned and moved her hips again against him. He took both of his hands onto her firm breast and found the hard nipples. A soft cry of lust was heard from her lovely lips and he intensified the focus of her breast. His mouth trailed down onto her throat and he spent a lot of kisses on her when slowly trailing down onto first her left breast. She made another soft cry when he finally softly bit her nipple trough the fabric. Her back arched against him and showed him that she wanted more from him. He put his hands around her back and found the hooks for her bra and unhooked them. He then quickly lifted her enough to be able to take off her ruined blouse and the bra. Her breasts looked perfect. They had become gorgeously full and round. He took the nipple in his mouth again and massaged the other one loving the responses his Kyoko made to his touch.

He licked her skin and let his tongue trail onto the other breast. Kyoko pulled him closer when he teased the nipple. Circling around it with his tongue until he finally sucked it in. his hands trailed down further to her waist. He found the clip holding the fabric together in her skirt and started unbuttoning it. The other hand found the other one and finally the fabric was loose. Kyoko didn't even realize that she lifted her hips to help him take it off. Her body was so overheated and she wanted even more. His hand lay on her hip feeling the lines from her panties. He then slowly trailed his hand over her thighs and in between them, slowly going up to her sacred place. Her breathing became even more laboured and he felt her body react with longing for his touch. He let one of his fingers touch her outside of her panties. Kyoko screamed with lust and he felt himself lose his breath. She was so perfectly warm and her panties was so wet. She wanted him as much as he wanted her!

He started to move his finger gently stroking her and felt satisfied when her hips started moving with him asking him for even more. He wanted her so badly! But he wanted to take his time. He had waited so many years for her and wanted everything to be perfect. He rubbed more and slowly let another finger move the fabric to the side. He started to feel the soft velvet skin and let the finger find it's way into her wet heat. She was so perfect! He felt her going over the edge and into her first orgasm when he let his finger go into her. She tensed around him and she shock in convulsion for a few seconds.

He found her lips again and gave her another deep kiss. He smiled when he felt that her hands had found his butt, caressing it. He had seen her looking at it a couple of times and knew that she liked it. Finally she had dared to touch it.

He removed her wet panties and made her spread her legs a bit more. He let his hand find her sensitive part again and started caressing her again. He soon found that her heat was rising again.

When he felt that she was almost at the edge again he couldn't hold it any longer. He let his tongue trail down again. Down her breast and giving them a last kiss and he let his tongue trail down further her stomach. Kyoko stiffened and looked at him with her clouded eyes.

"Ren... what are you... AH!"

He found his destination and Kyoko's voice went screaming again with pleasure. Her wet velvet womb felt even better than he had dreamed about. He licked and tasted and made her go over the edge again. He loved her reaction and he continued to make her even more ready for him.

He let his hands go down to his own pants and he quickly dropped them together with his underwear. He climbed up her body again and kissed her breast. He looked at her and saw that she was looking at him pleadingly. She was ready for him! He took of his shirt and opened the drawer and took out the protection. He fiddled a bit. It was a while ago since the last time he had to put one on! He kissed her again and placed himself on top of her again. Now without any clothes in the way. He teased her some more with one of his hands again and he felt that she started to push her womb against his pulsing limb.

He took both of her hands over her head and trust himself against her without going in. she was so ready for him!

She started moaning and her body started begging him for more. He looked into her face and asked her to look at him.

"Say that you want me Kyoko..."


He trust a bit more against her and her answer ended in a moan again.

"Tell me you will be mine. I want to be yours forever..."

He teased her a bit more and finally he heard her:

"Yes! Please! I want you Ren!"

With that he kissed her and gently pressed himself in her. A gasp of pain came from her but soon her soft moans became more heated again and he felt that she followed him in his rhythm of love. He felt her coming closer to the edge and he soon followed her feeling complete exhausted but fully satisfied.

He kissed her a couple of times again and then after a while he rolled down of her and cuddled her into his arms. She felt so wonderful in his arms and he soon felt her falling asleep.

He looked down at her and smiled when he saw the ring sitting on her finger. In the middle it was he same type of stone as in her pendant that he had given her as an birthday gift all those years ago. He knew without hesitation that Kyoko would love it. She still had a thing for cute "magical" things. He chuckled gently when he thought of when she would realize that it was there... He would make sure that she kept her word. Now that he had tasted her he never would let go of her. It was not the way he had planned it... but this was a lot better!

Well, he would try to make sure it wouldn't be that quick before she realized it. He would make sure that she would be to occupied with other things for a while longer to notice. Just to make sure that she needed him as much as he needed her. He just wanted her to get some sleep first...

Omg! What a dirty and most enjoyable imagination I have. ^_~. This is not the first fanfic I've done, but the first one I actually put up on .

I plan on making more chapters of this... maybe they will continue to be on the lemon side... and some maybe not... We will see. I want to hear some responses from you guys.
