Harry crawled around, prowling the grounds of Hogwarts in panther form. His vivid green eyes scanned the grounds in front of him blanketed in white fluffy snow. The rolling hills broken by Hagrid's hut seemed to never end.

His padded paws made large prints in the fresh ice crystals as he trotted along the grounds back up to the door. First years ran in horror as he meandered his way into the main hallway.

Harry purred gently as he felt someone pat his large head, "Stupid Panther." The man said.

He looked up to see Draco, his boyfriend, and continued to purr. The blond's warm hand ran along the black chilled fur.

Draco chuckled and kissed the big cat on the nose. "Come; let's get you some cocoa to warm you up." He said fondly before leading them to the Great Hall.

Harry gave a smile and purred louder while rubbing up against Draco's leg.

First of the 100 Drabble challenge ^^ Don't forget to Review, Fav, and give me a few Prompts!

This one was "Snow"