Me: Well...I'M BACK! I am SOOOO SORRY that I left this story for a little bit to work on my other ones, but I am back now so all is forgiven?

Maka: Far from it.

Me: Damn. Oh well, enjoy this longer chapter then as my token of appreciation for those of you who stayed with me!

CHAPTER THREE: Connections

"Hey, watch it!"

I had fallen on the ground. I looked up to see that kid that sits next to me in class. As soon as he saw me staring at him he dusted himself off and stood up.

"Sorry about that. You're Maka right?" he asked while he stuck his hand out for me to take.

"Yes, you are correct." I said while contemplating whether or not to take his hand or not. He seemed to get a bit annoyed that I haven't taken it yet. Should I let him get close? I guess so since that is my mission after all...

"I was thinking, sorry," I murmured as I grabbed his hand and stood up, dusting myself off as well. He smiled at me, probably glad that I took his outstretched hand. Now that I had taken a good look at him he was the boy in the class that almost saw my soul. He had three white stripes on one side of his head that were all resting on a black head of hair. I need to be more careful...

"Hey, where are you heading off to? Isn't lunch going on right now?" he questioned while pointing his finger towards the direction of the cafeteria.

"I should ask you the same question," I replied and smirked as he opened his mouth, but closed it again.

"It doesn't matter, and besides, I asked you first!" he exclaimed with a pout and a cross of his arms. I smiled softly at his antics.

"Well, if you must know, I was headed off to the library," I said while crossing my own arms and stuck my nose in the air away from him.

"Why?" he asked. What a persistent person! I didn't even know his name, and I plan to tell him this.

"Now that is classified. I don't even know your name!" I said with my nose still in the air, not skipping a beat.

"It's Death The Kid, but you can call me Kid," he replied. I nodded and started to walk away towards the library.

"Hey, aren't you going to tell me why?" he asked again behind me.

"Nope." I smirked and kept walking without turning around.

I had finally reached the library and used my soul perception to see if anyone was following. I smiled because I didn't sense anyone, so I stepped right in going straight to the 'W' section. There was no need to ask the librarian since she would probably only get suspicious at me since there would be no projects this early in the year.

After fifteen minutes of searching I had a mountain of books in my hands, stacking up so high that no one could see my face if they looked over. Now how can I sneak these out? I questioned while setting down the books for a bit while I let my arms rest and so I could think.

"Do you need any help with that?"

I looked over to see the albino boy that sits on the other side of me in class, a smirk on his face which showed a glimpse of his shark-like teeth. I narrowed my eyes at him because of the stunt he almost pulled on me in the classroom.

"Not from you I don't," I said with a bit of venom in my voice. I needed to get out of here quick so I took the top three books on the pile and dashed towards the counter, but not before he grabbed onto my elbow and spun me around. I now found myself in a predicament. He had both his arms around my waist while his mouth was in my ear.

"No one shows me up in class, or anywhere for that matter. You got that?" he hissed and let me go. I pursed my lips, but said nothing as I went over to where the librarian was with him staring after me.

"Hey, I need to check these out," I said while handing her the books. She took, scanned, stamped and handed me back the books in the matter of fifteen seconds. I raised my eyebrow but said nothing as I grabbed them and nearly sprinted out of the library, not wanting to talk to the albino guy anymore.

~Time Skip~

I sighed as I shut the door of the newly purchased apartment, and slid down the door. I decided to skip out on the rest of the school day to read all three of the books I checked out. I spread them out on the floor to look at their titles: History of Witchcraft, Important Modern Witches, How to Spot a Witch 101.

I looked at the first book which was History of Witchcraft, and decided to start with that. This is going to be a long night...

Me: That's a wrap! Sorry for the long wait and short chapter, but hopefully I can post sooner since it's summer vacation!

Kid: Took awhile...

Me: I said I'm sorry!

Kid: Not forgiven!

Me: How about an 8 shaped cookie?


Me: Don't forget to read and







