Hi all, I just wanted to say this is a story I adopted from The Lord's Fallen Angel. She could not continue this story and I was eager to continue the story for her. I hope you enjoy my future chapters!

This chapter was made solely by The Lord's Fallen Angel.

-Itachis rose

"I love Greek mythology and I love to learn about the gods and goddess. So I have decided to do a story with something I love. I really hope you all like this story.


And please back off my grammar people; I know it's not great!" -TLFA

Virgin Blood


It was warm during this time of the year, when Ra sailed away from the sky with the sun. The Egyptian desert was warm at night during the summer time, making it very pleasant for animals and humans to travel.

A giant gust of wind blew across the great desert, many grains of sand gusted through the wasteland until it reached the Nile River. The wind quickly died down and a man, dressed as if he were the pharaoh himself, emerged from the small sandstorm. But this man was much greater and more powerful than any pharaoh, for he was a cruel, coldhearted god that has lived alone for thousands of years.

This god wasn't as powerful as Ra or Osiris, but he was strong enough to strike fear into all mortals. It wasn't just the mortals that feared him, but spirits, monsters and lower ranked gods found him terrifying as well. He was known to cause a lot destruction and chaos in Egypt, which left both man and the gods terribly upset. He was never punished; nevertheless he was warned multiple times that if he should ever do something twice, he would have to face the wrath of Ra. Of course he was intelligent, and knew that the Great Sun God himself was a force that he should not recon with. No one knows why the god destroys all things in his path, or wrecks chaos in the great cities of Egypt, but all mortals, spirits and gods believe that he takes pleasure in others in pain.

The god walked through the tall grasses that grew close to the water's edge, in the shallow areas where numerous brightly colored fish swam and ate bugs off the surface. He stepped in the cool water and walked deeper into the river until it reached his thighs.

He often came here to the get way from everything, or to calm his mind. No one other then he knew of this spot on the Nile River; it was too far for any mortal to travel and the other gods barely came up to the earth. None visit this part of the river. This spot was his little sanctuary where only he and the animals could visit.

The area was mostly surrounded by tall grass with white and yellow flowers blooming within the many reeds that grew by the riverside. Hundreds of lily pads huddled together by the shore while fireflies filled the air above, occasionally landing on a flower to rest its wings. Palm trees were scattered up and down the Nile, rare plants with the ability to heal rested and grew on the ground, the palm trees swayed in the wind, this place was the beautiful desert garden unknown to man.

After hours of standing in the Nile River, the man walked towards the shore and stepped out of the cool water as a giant gust of wind surrounded him. The gust of wind quickly traveled over the desert until it came to the rock shore of Mediterranean Sea. The wind was quickly gone as it reviled the man once again.

The god gazed out over the great sea as his mind wondered on its own.

Across from sea was Greece, the territory of the Greek gods. The Egyptian gods and Greek gods came to terms long ago; neither would cross the great sea and interfere with the other land, unless their mortals were to travel to the other land. This agreement was made by the Egyptian god Ra and the Greek god Zeus after the Greek god's overthrew his father, Cronus.


It must be a beautiful place with its lush green forests and all the different wildlife there, unlike this wasteland. Sure the desert had its own beauty but even a god could grow tired of the golden sand, and the women.

Sure there were multiple mortal women that worshiped him and would serve him until they died, and then Anubis would come to guide and protect them to the depths of the underworld ruled by Osiris. The women of this land all looked the same to him, black hair, brown eyes and tan skin, all the same. None of them stood out to him; sure many would think that someone like him would take many women to bed with him. But he was not like that; he had no interest taking a woman of no rarity to his bed.

Women were weak in his eyes. If he was going to find a bride that would carry his children, he would make sure that she was strong and unique. Not weak and the same like every mortal woman in Egypt.

That was a dream he would never have.

Many believe that the reason why he does things he does is just to watch people suffer for joy. But that was far from it, the reason why he does it is because of the loneliness he feels in his heart. The cold bitterness of loneliness that causes him pain almost every day, and the only way to ease the pain was to make others suffer. But he would never admit that he was in pain in a million years.

Slowly he lifted his gaze to the stars and traced some of them that formed the Zodiac. He missed his old friend that became part of the Zodiac about two hundred years ago.

A sigh escaped his lips as turned his gaze back to the sea, the cold cruel sea that would show no mercy when angered, how it reminded him of him sometimes.

"I don't know when the next chapter will be up and no I'm not telling you who the god is."

Please review!" -TLFA