"You sure you got everything you need?" Bobby questions the two brothers as they finish packing up the Impala.

"Pretty sure, Bobby," Sam assures him.

"Be sure to check in every now and then, huh? Let me know if ya' need anything or if it gets too heavy out there," Bobby tells them.

"You know we will," Dean promises.

Sam opens the passenger door and takes his usual seat, ready for the long drive ahead. As soon as he pulls the creaky door shut he's attacked.

"Bye Big Sam!" Lizzy shouts in his ear as she dives head first into the open window. She kisses him on the cheek. "Be careful huh? And take care of yourself!" she says while ruffling his shaggy hair. She's referring to his headaches. Sam thinks Lou must not have told her anything he'd confessed to her yet. He mentally begins to prepare himself for the motherly calls he's sure to get once Lizzy knows the situation is bigger than she currently thinks.

"I will," he tells her with a smile. "Bye Lizzy."

She wiggles her way out of the window and runs to the other side. She leaps up onto Dean much like when she first saw him a few days before and, just like before, he catches her. They hug goodbye for some time before he puts her down again.

"Please be careful," she asks of him. "I'm not gonna lose you, ok?" She says it as if he could ever promise such a thing. Deep down she knows he can't.

"Ok," he says, entertaining her wish before he leans down and kisses her eagerly one last time. He misses this already. He pulls away and gives her a parting wink before getting into the driver's seat.

"Uh, gross," Lou jokes when she comes around the house. She tosses a bag at Sam through the window. "I refilled your medical supplies. You were getting low."

"Thanks," Sam says to her as he once again has his space invaded when Lou leans into the car. She grips his face under his chin.

"And you still owe me. Our to-be-continued still stands," she tells him with an assaulting kiss on the lips goodbye, one that lasted much longer than it should have. She backs out the window as Dean turns the key in the ignition, revving the engine with a huge smirk directed at his brother. Lou runs to the hood of the Impala and leans onto it, wrapping her small arms around as much of it as she could.

"I'm gonna miss you girl!" she says her goodbye to the car. She looks up through the windshield at Dean. "You better treat her well!"

He leans his head out the car. "You know I will."

Lou gets up and backs away, giving the men the clearance they need to get out of the driveway. She walks to the driver's side where Lizzy is still standing and wraps the woman in her arms, knowing she's hurting with the departure.

"Bye" Lizzy mouths to Dean. He smiles sadly and puts the car in drive. Once at the end of the driveway, the Impala makes a left and Sam waves out the window one last time before they disappear.

Lizzy sighs heavily. The uncertainty weighs on her much like the last time she said goodbye to Dean, but this time it isn't over. She knows she will see him again. How long before she does is what hangs in the balance and she can deal with that.

"It's ok, Lizard." Lou looks up at her taller sister. "You still have Bobby!"

Lizzy laughs and looks over to the older man across the driveway from them. She blows a kiss playfully at him.

"The hell is wrong with you two?" he grumbles before walking back to the front of the house to go inside.

"So, research today and back on the road tomorrow?" Lizzy asks as they separate and begin walking to the front door themselves.

"Sure," Lou says, knowing Lizzy will want to keep busy. "Plus, we need to talk."

"What about?" Lizzy questions with confusion.

"Uh, details woman. You spent a whole day in bed with one of the hottest men we've ever met and you've told me nothing!"

Lizzy smiles with her steamy memories. Best damn day of her life, she thinks.

"Why don't we wait until tomorrow," she suggests while putting her arm around her friend. "I don't want to traumatize poor Bobby any more than I have to."

Two Months Later

"Oh yeah?" Dean says with a devilish smile into his cellphone. He and Lizzy have been contacting each other at least four times a week since they'd last seen each other two months ago.

"Yeah. Lou's definitely going to devour your brother the next time she sees him. She's holding a sex grudge against him for not putting out that last night. You better warn him!"

"Warm him? That prude? No way, where's the fun in that?"

Sam give Dean an annoyed look, knowing he's being talked about, and points through the windshield at a sign for a local diner, trying to signal to Dean to stop. They hadn't eaten since they left Bobby's mid-morning so both were very hungry.

"Hey L, I gotta go. Food stop," Dean tells her.

"Alright," Lizzy says. "I miss you, Hot Shot."

"You too," he says vaguely, trying not to say too much in front of Sam.

"Call me soon!" she tells him before hanging up. Little do either of them know that this is the last time they will speak to each other for nearly a year.

Dean drives down a small road that leads right to the dinner.

"Get me a cheeseburger?" Dean more demands than asks.

"Yeah," Sam says quietly.

"Hey, don't forget the extra onions this time, huh?"

"Dude, I'm the one who's gonna have to ride in the car with your extra onions," Sam complains while getting out of the car.

"Hey, see if they've got any pie," Dean shouts to his brother, receiving a glare in return before Sam shuts the car door. "Bring me some pie!" he yells one last time.

"I love me some pie," Dean mumbles to himself before turning up the radio. 'Long Time' is playing. Great freakin' song. He watches through the front window of the building as Sam talks to one of the waiters.

The radio cuts in and out suddenly, getting a static filled version of the song playing. Dean fiddles with the radio in an attempt to fix it but to no avail. He turns it off and looks up see how Sam's doing on getting their food. The pit of his stomach jumps when he not only can't find Sam, but he can't find anyone. Dean jumps out of his car and begins running to the dinner, completely unaware of the many horrible turns his life is about to take.