AN: Okay, I've always been fond of finding character "theme songs" in existing music. So I've been scavenging my favorite type of music (trance... don't judge me) and finding songs that seem to match each of the characters of Fairy Tail. This will be a collection of character sketches featuring these songs. Not really song fics; my suggestion is to find the music on YouTube or iTunes and give it a listen while reading these stories. They're good tunes!

Natsu's was not the first one I matched up (that'd be Juvia's), but his has the simplest lyrics, so I've started with him.

Natsu: Set to Ferry Corsten - Fire (Original Mix).

"I'm on fire!"

The common refrain from Natsu, heard daily within the Fairy Tail guild, usually evoked sighs and rolls of the eyes from his fellow guild mates. But sometimes he spoke the words with such genuine passion that it made a few of them shiver.

The non-elemental mages sometimes didn't understand the alignment of the elemental mages with their respective humors. Natsu's pyromania was a manifestation of a deeper magic. He drew his energy from fire, breathed life into it, and consumed it. Probably the only others so in tune with who they were and what their magic could do were Juvia, Gajeel and Laxus. Gray used his ice make magic as a tool, not as a part of himself. Lucy considered her avatars as her friends. Even Wendy was still unsure of her skills and powers as a sky dragon.

Natsu's truest manifestation of his magic came to the fore when he was preparing for battle. So Lucy was surprised one day, when he whispered into her ear that she made him feel like he was on fire, too. The confession, said so artlessly and without preamble, caught her off guard. Her nascent feelings for Natsu were someplace she had not yet tread, so she replied cautiously.

"You mean, like you want to attack me?"

"No, not like that at all," he said hastily. "You just... give me that same energy. Every time I see you."

Lucy felt like her own face was on fire as well. "Um, so..." she said, her heart thudding in her chest.

"That's what I want us to stay partners forever," he said, oblivious to her patent embarrassment. "Well, you me and Happy. I think this is the best way for us."

She managed to composed herself once she realized that his inadvertent confession was not going to demand an answer right away. He wasn't thinking of her in terms of being in love with her, but that she gave him the same feelings for what he really loved - fighting and defending his friends.

"I will stay with you as long as you want me to, then."

Then, just to confound him and get a little revenge, she reached over and kissed his cheek gently.

She left him there, standing dumbfounded, looking after her. He'd lost control of his magic, and a thin veneer of flames was flowing around his body.