Author's Note: Ok, here it is, the end of Conquering Shadows. Sorry it took so long but I'm in an internship which takes up 12 hours of my day plus I got other things going crazy right now. But either way, it's finished and I hope you enjoy it.

Dedication: This second half is dedicated to pheonix072124 who gave me a kick in the butt to get my writing juices flowing. I truly hope you like the ending.

Chapter 9

Interrogation and Intimidation 101

Darkness. For a moment Gabrielle wondered if she was truly conscious, since everywhere she looked there was only black. For a moment she worried that the Conqueror may have blinded her, but as she became less disoriented she felt the restriction of the blindfold. Reaching out with her other senses she assessed her situation. She was tied to a wooden chair, wrists and ankles bound by what felt like leather straps to the arms and legs of the chair. If she wanted to escape she would have to break her wrist to it. She was dressed and felt unharmed although her butt still ached from where the flat of the Conqueror's sword had struck it. The room she was in was comfortably warm and smelled of wood smoke, cleaning oil, and leather. She just couldn't place where she was; it was too warm and didn't have the right smells for the dungeon. But where would the Conqueror keep cleaning oil and leather together? Maybe the armory? Gabrielle dismissed the idea as preposterous, why would Xena keep near weapons?

The sound of a door opening and closing stilled the bard's thoughts. Listening closely she waited for whoever had entered to approach when no one did she relaxed. Maybe it had been someone leaving rather than entering the room, probably a guard going to tell Xena her prisoner was awake.

A change in the air made the hair on the back of her neck stand up and she flinched when a sensual voice behind her asked, "Would you like to play a game, Gabrielle?"

The bard breathed in through her nose and out through her mouth in an attempt to slow her beating heart. How had the Conqueror gotten so close to her without Gabrielle hearing her footsteps? She felt the disturbance of air as Xena moved around her to stand in front of her captive. This time she was able to hear the footsteps as if the Conqueror was deliberately making noise to pin point her location for Gabrielle. Along with the footsteps the bard could hear the soft sound of silk mixed with the slight rubbing of leather. As she analyzed the sound Gabrielle she concluded that the sound of the leather was too subtle for it to be battle armor and assumed they were supple pants. The silk then must be a shirt. And the slight slapping of flash against stone told her the Conqueror was barefoot. All of these conclusions came to the bard in moments giving her a picture of her captor. It was amazing how well her other senses adapted with her sight impaired.

A callused finger slowly traced her jaw making Gabrielle jerk her head back in surprise. The reaction was rewarded with a swift slap to her cheek. The bard had instinctively allowed her head to turn with the hit allowing for most of the momentum of the strike to be wasted, but it still hurt. Already she could feel a warm, red mark, undoubtedly in the shape of a hand, forming on her flesh. The finger returned softly touching the mark and this time Gabrielle accepted the touch reluctantly.

A low chuckle, "You're a fast leaner, that's good."

Silence. The bard waited with nervous anticipation for Xena's next move. But nothing came. For what seemed like an eternity nothing happened no touches, no changes in the air, no words. Tension filled her stomach like a lead weight. When was she going to do something? Had she left? What was going to happen next? More pain or more pleasure? The last thought frustrated the bard. What could possibly be pleasurable about this fiend touching her?

Xena cleared her throat, "I'm waiting little captain, and I am not a very patient woman."

Gabrielle didn't understand. What was she waiting for? Then it dawned on her.

"Do I have much of choice? I'm sure you'll just force me to play your sick games anyway," said Gabrielle with defiance.

She suddenly felt warm, moist breath by her ear and Xena whispered, "You always have a choice little one, but for every time you refuse to answer a question or lie the pain increases. However if you choose to be truthful I can be quite generous with my affections."

Gabrielle gasped as a hot tongue slowly traced the outer edge of her ear before sharp teeth bit her earlobe, not enough to harm but enough to prove a point. She could feel her heart beating against her chest, but not in fear instead the bard found this sort of play arousing. Gabrielle was disturbed at how well the Conqueror was playing her body this was going to be harder than she thought.

There was a hushed rustling sound before the dark woman spoke, "How about something easy? Have you ever coupled with someone little one?"

The bard was completely taken aback by the question; she had expected to be asked about the Greek Navy's bases and supply routes not this. What business was it of hers if Gabrielle had been with anyone? She almost voiced her outrage at the question but stopped herself at the last moment, remembering her sadistic captor's warning.

"Yes," said Gabrielle through gritted teeth.

"Who was he? Some grimy sailor covered in sweat and slime from the decks? Did you enjoy his sticky and tedious fumbling in the lower cabins?" the warlord's voice dripped with scorn.

The blonde captain felt shame at the Conqueror's words and hated herself for it. Her first time had been with a cabin boy who from another ship and had required three cups of mead for her go through with it. It had been quick and not particularly enjoyable; subsequently the boy's boasting had been the most hurtful. The humiliation of that first time had been enough to put her off men and sex. With the help of Ghost Killer the boy's boasts had been silenced with rumors of their own regarding the size of his manhood. But the pain was still there.

Gabrielle could feel the tears of past humiliation burning her eyes, "Some cabin boy and his attentions have kept me celibate ever since."

A tender kiss graced the bard's forehead, "We all make mistakes my little captain and if you ever remember the name of that boy I'll make him pay for his."

The kindness in Xena's voice completely took Gabrielle by surprise. Was this part of her game? Or was this a different side of the Conqueror?

"Have you ever been with a woman?" the question came from directly in front of Gabrielle's mouth.

"No," she answered truthfully.

The bard's lips were suddenly covered by Xena's. The kiss began as brutal and dominating as the Conqueror forced her tongue into Gabrielle's mouth. But as it continued the intimate act became increasingly gentle, loosing its harsh edge. The lips left Gabrielle's leaving her gasping and with the faint taste of blood in her mouth.

"I'm so glad Gabrielle," the Conqueror's smile was evident in her voice as she ran her fingers through the blonde's short locks.

As quickly as she had come the warlord's presence was gone. Disoriented by the sudden lack of body heat in front of her the bard looked around trying to use her ears to determine Xena's position. She heard the opening and closing of a chest followed by the rough scratching sound of wood dragged over stone and finally the sound of metal against leather. Gabrielle tensed at the last sound recognizing it as the sound of a blade being drawn from its sheath.

A heavy weight settled on the bard's lap and her nostrils were filled with the scent of leather, herbs, and a musk that was all Xena. The cool edge of a knife glided down the side of her face forced Gabrielle to hold as still as possible as her captor played with the sharp instrument. 'Gods I hope she doesn't maim me' prayed the bard as she swallowed convulsively. The blade stopped its decent and drew back only to swipe through the air. She could hear the sharp noise as it cut through the air and feel a slight stinging as it cut into the flesh between her breasts as well as her shirt. The clatter of metal hitting wood told Gabrielle that the weapon has been discarded then she felt warm hands grab the rip in her shirt and pull tearing it down the middle revealing her pale breasts.

Gabrielle felt unbelievably vulnerable as her bosom was revealed to the Conqueror's gaze. She had worked on her ship without a shirt once or twice but to have her clothes forcefully removed by this woman was something else. And despite that vulnerability Gabrielle couldn't help but feel a little excited. She felt fingers hover over her pale mounds; not quite touching but making it understood that they were there. The ever growing darkness in Gabrielle made her thrust her chest forward. The fingers followed the motion preventing contact.

Xena chuckled, "Alright now for a harder question. Where are the major ports for Greece's Navy?"

Despite the lust induced haze Gabrielle snarled, "Go to Tartarus."

Sharp nails bit into the soft flesh running down the breasts to the sensitive nipples causing pain without doing any permanent damage. Finger tips stopped at the little nubs and squeezed continuing to increase the pressure until Gabrielle grunted in pain.

"Had enough little captain?" asked Xena sweetly.

The bard gasped for breath trying to control her aroused body. If she listened to her body she would be begging the Conqueror to take her to bed. She sneered in Xena's general direction, "That the best you got?"

Gabrielle felt the vibrations from the warlord's barely restrained laughter run through her thighs. The motions gave her an idea of what it would feel like to have the dark woman rubbing against in her in a completely different set up. It made what little remaining blood powering her brain rush to her groin.

Before the Conqueror could respond to the act of defiance there was a knock at the door. The weight in the bard's lap disappeared and she heard the soft sounds of Xena's bare feet as she crossed the room to open the door.

"What?" The Conqueror sounded slightly frustrated. Gabrielle smiled a little in triumph at knowing she had done that.

"My lord, it's time. Your guests are waiting," said a distinctly male voice.

Guests? How long was I asleep?

"Two days," the Conqueror answered.

'Did I say that out loud?' wondered Gabrielle.

"Get me a fresh shirt, my prisoner should at least look reasonably presentable," Xena addressed the guard.

"Yes, my Lord," came the reply then the noisy sound of the door closing.

"It seems our connection is getting stronger little one, I can already hear your thoughts," said the warlord nonchalantly.

Gabrielle could hear her walk around the chair then came the sound of curtains being pulled open. All Gabrielle could think was, 'Gods what am I gonna do?'

Without preamble her blind fold was pulled off and the bard's light sensitive emerald eyes were blinded by the fading light of the setting sun. Squinting, she was able to make out room filled with instruments meant for sexual punishment and pleasure. The small wooden table that had been dragged over to her had a feather, a riding crop, a small glass bottle filled with an unknown liquor inside, and the discarded knife. She could only imagine what the Conqueror had had planned for her next. A shadow partially eclipsed the light coming in from the window, gazing at the dark figure Gabrielle's eyes adjusted enough for her to make out the black leather pants and blue silk shirt that graced the Conqueror's strong body. As her eyes traveled up she locked gazes with the blue and gold eyes of the Maenad. In a blink the gold was gone leaving only the luscious blue irises. She would never admit it but Gabrielle was slightly disappointed to see the gold go.

The Conqueror gripped the back of Gabrielle's head and gave her a seductive grin, "The only thing you have left to do Gabrielle is surrender."

Fire filled Gabrielle's voice, "Not gonna happen."

"We'll see, the festival of Dionysus is in two days. You will be my sacrifice to my patron and once it's over you'll be mine one way or the other."


"We'll see about that, darling."

The knock ceased the conversation. Refusing to look away Xena spoke, "Enter."

The guard cautiously entered the room holding a forest green, silk tunic, "Your shirt, my Lord."

"Place it on the table."

The guard did as he was told then backed up to the entrance of the room. The Conqueror began to undo the straps restraining Gabrielle then stopped. Bringing the knife up to the bard's throat she glared into green eyes, "I may find you entertaining but if you try to escape I will not hesitate to put this into your back. Do you understand?"

Gabrielle gritted her teeth in anger but nodded as the knife began to cut into her throat. Satisfied, the Conqueror put the knife back on the table and finished removing the bindings. Once the straps were gone the bard rubbed her wrists where the leather had bitten into her skin, Xena held up the green shirt with one finger and a raised eyebrow. Taking the hint Gabrielle grudgingly removed the ruined shirt she was wearing and put on the new tunic.

"Hold out your hands," commanded Xena as she held up a pair of manacles.

Bitterly, Gabrielle did as she was told letting the Conqueror clamp the heavy iron chains on her wrists. 'At this rate I'll never be able to write again,' she thought resentfully. Then chuckled to herself at the absurd thought. She would be lucky to get out alive who cared if she could use her wrists or not.

The Conqueror's eyebrow rose once again, "Does something amuse you?"

Thinking quickly Gabrielle replied with false bravado, "Yeah, that you think these little bracelets will hold me."

Xena gave her an evil grin before grabbing the chain in-between the manacles and lifting the bard into the air. Gabrielle dangled by her already chaffed wrists and tried not to show any sign of the pain. The Conqueror leaned in until she was nose to nose with her captive, "They seem to be working just fine."

Dropping the bard she turned to the guard, "Take her to the colosseum, put her in my observation box. I'll be there shortly."

The guard dragged Gabrielle to her feet and began to push her out the door, "By your will Conqueror."

Looking back over her shoulder the last sight Gabrielle saw was of the Conqueror turning away and gazing out at the setting sun.

Chapter 10

A Fight to the Death in the Underground Colosseum

Everywhere she looked it was the same dank, grey, stone walls. There were no tapestries or paintings, no trophies or statues; nothing to give Gabrielle a hint of where they were going except for the fact they were going down. As the guard led her downwards the bard wondered if maybe the halls were all like this or if this was just the servant's corridors.

"Where are we going?" asked Gabrielle.

The Guard was silent long enough for Gabrielle to think he wouldn't answer before saying in a gruff voice, "You'll see."

Finally they came to a simple door with the symbol of to crossed swords etched into the hard wood. Opening the door the guard roughly pushed her through before grabbing her arm and dragging her to the right. The room they were in was gigantic and had apparently been a large cave before Xena had renovated it if the few remaining stalactites were any indication. All around them steps, benches, pillars, overhangs, and statues had been carved from the rock. If not for the lack of sky and the dampness in the air Gabrielle could have sworn she had been transported to Rome. The guard continued to drag her had they walked around the outer edge of the colossuem until they reached an observation box slightly protruding from the rock so that the viewers sitting there could have a better view of the arena. Shoving her forward she didn't even have time to glance at the box's three other occupants before the guard connected her chains to the rail forcing her to remain standing.

Looking out at the arena below she could see what looked like dried blood on the sandy ground. She cringed at the thought of the "games" she would be forced to witness. All around the fighting pit bacchae, a few humans, and guards crowded into the empty seats. It was odd watching bacchae laughing and joking with the humans one minute then gently feeding off them via small cuts the next. As she watched Gabrielle saw that the ones who were being fed on were not being killed by the feeding, it was as if the bacchae had a deal with the humans to only take as much as was needed to survive.

"Well, aren't you a delightfully, delectable morsel," said a voice from behind the bard.

Turning Gabrielle found herself confronted by three women one was a tall blonde with long flowing hair dressed in dark red leathers, the second had dark hair with grey soulless eyes, and the third was shorter dressed in blue/tan leathers with short blonde hair and hungry blue eyes.

The tall blonde spoke, "Now Najara we don't know her purpose for being here yet, she may not be for us."

"I'm sure the Conqueror won't mind her having a little taste Cyane. It's not like she cares about her humans, unlike you. It's disgusting how you let them live and provide them with housing so close to you," interjected the dark haired one scornfully.

"If you followed my example Velasca your Amazons wouldn't be on the verge of starvation," countered Cyane.

As the women continued to argue Najara approached Gabrielle until she could almost touch the bard. The color of her eyes flickered, "Your name is Gabrielle isn't it?"

The bard looked stunned, "Yes, how did…"

"The Jinn told me. Before the Conqueror came into my life my mission in life was to fight for the greater good, spreading the message of light. Or at least that's what the Jinn told me, but after I met Xena and she gave me her kiss of immortality their message changed. They told me to follow the Conqueror, that she would lead me to glory and unimaginable treasures," the blonde lightly caressed Gabrielle's cheek with the back of her fingers. Najara longingly looked at the bard's throat as if it was the treasure she had spoken of and leaned forward.

"Najara," growled a distinctive voice.

The zealot jerked back, her spine as straight as rod as she turned to the Conqueror. Gabrielle turned as well, only have her heart try to beat itself out of her chest at the sight before her. Xena was dressed in a bright red roman styled dress with ruby encrusted gold earrings and necklace. The Conqueror's midnight locks were piled up on top of her head in the popular roman fashion giving the bard a magnificent view of her long, pale neck. That added with the unbelievable amount of cleavage and leg revealed by that dress made her salivate. Taking deep breaths Gabrielle regained control of her traitorous libido but only just barely. The look Xena gave her told her that the Conqueror knew what she was doing to the bard.

The Maenad glared at Najara, "Do not touch what does not belong to you, Najara or there will be a price to pay."

The zealot had the decency to look a little abashed but still stole a ravenous glance at the bard. Scrambling for the last bits of her pride Najara returned to her seat with an air of reluctance laced with submissiveness so as not to insult their host.

Certain that Najara knew her place the warlord turned to Cyane and Velasca, "And you two, so called Amazon Queens who I considered trustworthy enough to watch over my captive. All you can do is bicker like children while letting your sister attempt to assault my human, I should stake you two to the earth outside and allow the sun to put you out of my misery. Or at the very least deny you your gift."

The two Queens winced at the thought of the sun's rays touching their flesh but perked up at the word gift. Velasca stepped forward with her head bowed, "We are deeply sorry, Conqueror."

Cyane nodded and gave Xena the Amazon salute. The warlord smirked at her children's quick groveling when it came to gifts. "Well I don't know. The Amazon I have in my possession is quite the fighter I might just keep her for myself," the Conqueror brushed past them as she took the seat in front close to where Gabrielle was chained.

The Amazons followed sitting in the seats just behind Xena on either side of her.

"An Amazon? Who?" asked Velasca with a sense of unrestrained excitement. It seemed as if she already knew it was Ephiny who was in the dungeons or at least that was how it appeared to Gabrielle.

The bard watched as the darker woman's blood red lips curled up into a grin, "Ephiny."

A sadistic smile appeared on Velasca's face, "She's mine."

Cyane disagreed, "No, you have plenty of warriors and besides you would waste her potential. Allow me to take her, my Conqueror."

"She's from my tribe!"

"You would only tie her to your bed for your sadistic pleasures. I would at least make good use of her!"

"Gods damn you to Tartarus you human lover!"

"You first, you wasteful, ignorant daughter of a Centaur!"

Xena glanced at Gabrielle and rolled her eyes in exasperation causing the bard to forget herself and chuckle. Shaking her head the dark woman mumbled, "Children, nothing but children."

"Enough!" shouted Xena her eyes flashing gold in her anger.

The Amazon Queens immediately stopped and faced forward, slightly frightened looks gracing their faces.

"It is this sort of arguing that I am talking about, either learn to get along or I will replace you. As for who receives the Amazon we'll let her decide. If she kills my champion then Cyane can have her but if it appears that she is about to be killed by him then I'll have him restrained and you can have her Velasca," said Xena.

Cyane looked uncertain about the terms. Velasca, on the other hand, looked confident, "That's reasonable, Conqueror."

Xena looked to Cyane for her answer and received a nod of agreement. Pleased with the Amazons' answers she stood and addressed her subjects, "Bacchae, daughters of Dionysus, hear me and take heart in my words. The festival of our great god approaches, in two days it will be time for the Bacchanalia. But to whet your appetite for the feast to come I have prepared some entertainment. Intruders entered our castle two days ago seeking to kill me, it is only appropriate that they should now have to fight for their own lives. I present you the thief, Autolycus and Ephiny of the Amazons."

All the eyes in the room turned towards the area and watched at two figures emerged from creaky, scarred doors. Autolycus looked a little worse for wear with blood congealed in his dark hair and ripped shirt. Ephiny, although bearing cuts of her own, looked far better than the thief; standing tall in the area and glaring up at the Conqueror with unrestrained malice. But upon noticing Gabrielle those hard hazel eyes turned soft. The bard felt her heart break at how her friend tried to comfort her with that one look despite being in a life or death situation.

Xena saw the look but didn't comment and continued on, "Enemies of the realm, for attempting to assassinate me there is only one punishment and that is death. But I am willing to show mercy to you. Whoever can defeat my champion will be allowed to go free otherwise this is your final battle. Bring in the champion."

It seemed to Gabrielle as if everyone in the room held their breath as the doors were opened once more to reveal Ephiny and Autolycus' opponent. What came through those doors was completely unexpected. A man of average height entered, dressed in nothing but repeatedly patch pants he strolled into the arena. He didn't seem special with his brown hair and eyes although he was handsome, but there was something about him that tugged at Gabrielle's memory as if she had seen him before. The man looked at his opponents and smiled revealing teeth that had been filed into points. It was that look of arrogant glee that jogged the bard's memory she had seen that man's face on Roman coins, that man was Caesar.

Gabrielle gasped as she realized who the man was. She felt a warm hand trail down her back to her waist and looked up and to her left into the Conqueror's eyes.

"You know who he is," it was a statement rather than a question.

The captain nodded, "Caesar."


"How did you…?" Gabrielle's question trailed off as the fight began.

"It was quite easy, you see all I had to do was play on Caesar's arrogance," Xena narrated as they watched.

Autolycus made a move first as he attempted to tackle the man only to have Caesar dodge him with superhuman speed. In the soft light from the surrounding torches Gabrielle could vaguely make out a red tinge in Caesar's dark brown eyes.

"I made dealings with Caesar's friend Brutus, who remembered me from when the bastard had me crucified. To save his own skin he gave Caesar false information and I laid a trap."

Ephiny waited and watched as the two men fought. She considered helping the thief but it was every woman for herself and besides he was no friend of hers unlike Gabrielle. She glanced up at the bard seeing the anxious look on her face as the Conqueror whispered something in her ear. The Amazon heard a grunt and turned back just in time to duck as Autolycus' body flew at her.

"The arrogant piece of shit thought he was coming there to discuss a truce, that I would marry him and become his Empress. He came with Brutus and a handful of his best troops to my tent which I had set up in a secluded valley away from the battle field. As he entered the tent Brutus led the men away and I struck."

Caesar leapt across Ephiny's body and landed on Autolycus pinning his arms to the sandy ground before lowering his mouth and sinking his filed teeth into the thief's throat. Autolycus screamed as the teeth ripped into the soft flesh of his neck but soon the sound ceased as more bites were taken. Gabrielle watched in horror as Caesar began to drink Autolycus' blood.

"Once Caesar was alone my hidden bacchae servants easy over powered him, I considered crucifying him but that seemed too easy. At the time I had been considering trying to add a male bacchae to my ranks. It had never been done before, mostly because the bite is fatal to men, so I tried a different method. Cutting open the wrist of one of my bacchae I forced him to drink her blood with interesting results."

Ephiny saw her chance and flung herself at Caesar's back slamming her fists and feet into various parts of his body with little success. The blood covered man barely looked up as he backhanded her knocking the Amazon off her feet before returning to his meal.

"The affects of the Bacchae blood on Caesar were unexpected to say the least. The bastard became stronger and faster but he also lost all sense of reality, became more beast than man. He's not really a bacchae he's simply better than human, but he thinks he is one of them that's why he's bleeding your friend dry right now."

The Amazon stared at her opponent's back, already the blood flow from Autolycus' wound was slowing; soon the monster would be coming for her. With one last prayer to Artemis Ephiny threw herself once more at the blood covered man, grabbed his neck and head she twisted first to the right then to the left.

The sound of Caesar's neck snapping echoed throughout the colosseum. As Ephiny let him go his body slumped over Autolycus' and twitched for a few minutes before growing still. The whole room was silent, waiting to see what the Conqueror would do.

Xena could feel Gabrielle's surprise and happiness at Ephiny having survived the fight. Part of her wanted to go down there and rip the Amazon's heart out herself for receiving the bard's affections. But that would disappoint Cyane and no matter how annoying the two Amazon Queens were when they were together the Conqueror still had uses for them.

The Maenad glanced back at the tall blonde, "She's all yours Cyane."

Xena couldn't help the small smile that crept onto her lips at the furious look on Velasca's face and the smirk of supremacy on Cyane's.

The warlord turned and addressed Ephiny, "You have killed my champion and as I said you will be freed. In return for her loyal service to me I am giving you to Cyane, Queen of the Northern Amazons. I'm sure she will find some use for you."

Xena had been sure that Ephiny would protest in some way but the Amazon just looked resigned to her fate although a bit pale. Weakly she allowed two bacchae to place her in chains and begin to lead her away.

"NO!" shouted Gabrielle.

Slightly startled by the outburst the Conqueror turned and found herself confronted by rage filled green eyes.

"You said she would go free if she killed your monstrous creation! Let her go!" ordered the bard with as much authority as she could muster. She ignored the fact that she had no power in this place and let her self-righteous anger lead her.

The bard's head snapped back as Xena's fist connected with her jaw. Losing her footing she slumped to the ground ignoring the throbbing in her wrists as they were jerked in the chains and focusing on the sudden pain in her jaw. In her dazed state she lightly felt her teeth with the tip of her tongue and was relieved to find that none were loose although he did taste blood. Looking up she saw the Conqueror looking down at her, shaking with fury.

"You will learn your place," snarled the Conqueror.

Turning her back on Gabrielle the warlord summoned a guard. The guard from earlier raced to her side, "My Lord?"

Xena pointed at the bard, "Take her to the dungeon and keep her there until I decide what her punishment should be."

"Yes, my lord," the guard unlocked Gabrielle's manacles from the railing and roughly pulled her out of the box.

As she was led away Gabrielle was filled with dozens of conflicting emotions but the two most prominent ones were her anger at the Conqueror and her mix of disappointment and sadness that Xena refused to even look at her as she left.

Chapter 11

Tea in the Sahara with You


Chatting with Dionysus


The Conqueror paced back and forth in her luxurious bedroom, her blue silk billowing in her wake, unable to concentrate. When she had been mortal it would have been called insomnia but now that she no longer required sleep she couldn't really understand her inability to loosen up. Maybe it was all her pent up sexual frustration; she had been sexually fasting for weeks in honor of the upcoming Bacchanalia. And with that little tease of a bard in the dungeons it was unbelievably hard not to just break down and take her.

The Maenad's eyes changed to blue/gold at the thought of Gabrielle. A mix of guilt and anger flooded her system; she knew that her strike would bruise, marring the bard's beautiful face. The warlord hated herself for putting the mark there and if she could she would turn back time to prevent it, but what was done was done. And that infuriating woman had challenged her authority.

Xena growled under her breath, it had been a day sense she had sent Gabrielle to the dungeons and she still couldn't think of a way to punish the captain without hating herself. But she couldn't figure out a way to make Gabrielle bend to her will without physical force and it angered her.

Letting out an exasperated sigh she threw herself on the bed and stared at her ceiling. She should be finalizing the last few details of the Bacchanalia which would begin tomorrow evening but she just couldn't focus. Half of her wished that she could force the bard into surrendering without feeling guilty while the other half wished that Gabrielle would look at her with the same feeling she did towards Ephiny.

"Woman troubles?" asked a rich voice to her left.

Cracking open an eye Xena found her patron god lying on his side beside her on the bed dressed in nothing but a dark purple loincloth. Dionysus' lean muscular body was the epitome of masculine beauty, and beneath the loincloth the god was very well endowed ensuring the pleasure of any woman or man he bedded. The god's violet eyes gazed at his chosen's body which was only lightly covered by the silk robe with unrepressed lust.

He played with the material holding the robe closed, "I could take the edge off you know. After all, you are my chosen I won't begrudge you a little early tumble before the Bacchanalia as long as it's with me."

Xena smirked but shook her head and lightly pushed his hand away, "As tempting as that is I'm going to pass. I'll conquer this challenge like I do every year, even if it is torture this time around."

Dionysus tilted his head and gazed at her with affection, "Gabrielle is a very beautiful woman I'm pleased you chose her for a sacrifice. But if she is too much trouble I can always have one the Amazon bacchae take care of her…"

"No!" Xena sat up glaring at her patron, "She's mine! No one else will ever touch her. Gods, I just want her to surrender to me."

Her last words were laced with frustration as she threw up her hands in anger. Dionysus grinned in amusement; he hadn't seen the warlord this flustered in a very long time. While the cool calculating Conqueror side of his Maenad child was useful and had filled his immortal heart with pride, it was always a treat to see her overcome with emotion.

"Well, you could always force her," he suggested casually.

"Not an option."

"Does she really mean that much to you?"

Xena looked away, considering the question, "Yes."

The god of wine smiled knowingly, "Could she be…?"


"Well then, if you think she is then I'll be willing to intercede for you."

"Knowing her she'll probably be immune to your charms," scoffed the dark warrior.

The god reached out and gripped her chin tightly. "Don't underestimate me," he whispered darkly.

Xena's eyes sparkled, "Don't underestimate Gabrielle."

Dionysus stared into his child's eyes for a moment before laughing softly, "Perhaps I should seek assistance then if your bard is so impervious."

"And who would be able to help you?" asked Xena.

Dionysus ran a hand over his spiked red hair and gave her a boyish grin, "I have connections. I'm sure one of my sisters may be able to help in this department."

"Are you talking about Aphrodite?"


The warlord rolled her eyes, "No offence but your sister is a bit of an airhead. I'm not sure she'll be of much help."

The god chuckled, "My dear sister loves playing the part of an absentminded blonde but trust me when I say she knows what she's doing. She is the goddess of love after all."

Unable to think of anything to counter the god's argument Xena nodded her consent, laid back and closed her eyes in an attempt to relax. Dionysus smiled down at his chosen before lightly kissing her temple.

As his spell sent her into the arms of Morpheus, which she had avoided for so long, he whispered, "Sleep well my chosen and dream of the bard, soon she will be yours."

In a blink he was gone leaving no trace of his presence except for the slight smell of grapes on the air.


The Goddess of Love's chambers on mount Olympus were the gaudiest rooms in the entire godly fortress. As Dionysus popped in he was almost blinded by the amount of pink and gold coving the surfaces of the room. Blinking a few times his eyes finally adjusted to the over abundance of pink to the point that he could make out his sister lying across her bed reading a scroll. Looking over her rose coloured glasses she eyed her brother for a moment before returning her gaze to the scroll.

"What's up little bro?" she asked nonchalantly.

The god of wine walked further into the room, "Dite you really need to do something with this room. Maybe throw in a few purples or whites, right now it's just too garish to stand."

Aphrodite sat up giving him an indignant glare, "Hey! I don't criticize your decoration techniques oh "god of wine", so don't give me a hard time about mine."

Realizing he had pressed on a sore spot Dionysus tried to recover, "I'm sorry dear sister that was unbelievably rude of me. May I ask what you're reading?"

The goddess huffed before rolling up the scroll and tossing it over her shoulder, "Just one of my old scrolls describing the early signs of Oedipus and Electra complexes."

"Do I even want to know why you're doing that?"

Aphrodite shrugged, "Probably not, but you'll eventually hear about it once I set my plans in motion."

Dionysus rolled his eyes but shuddered slightly at the thought of how much power the Goddess of Love actually had.

The goddess cradled her head in her hand, "So, little bro, what brings you to my neck of the woods?"

"I need your help in persuading a certain short blonde to give in to my chosen's affections," Dionysus put on his best 'this is going to be fun and you don't want to miss out' smile.

She was not impressed, "I assume we're talking about Gabrielle."

"You know about her?"

"Of course! She and your chosen are like my best work ever. Although I did consider making the little bard my companion up here. Ever since Adonis died it's been so lonely; especially since Hephy is always at his forge," Aphrodite pouted.

"So, why didn't you?" asked the god of wine curiously.

Aphrodite dismissed the question with a gesture, "They're soulmates and even I can't mess with that. Well, I could but it would get really messy since mortals tend to die when soulmates are forcibly separated."

"Soulmates?' the god whispered to himself.

Aphrodite looked at him like he was an extremely slow student, "Like duh! I just said that."

"But Gabrielle is fighting the connection they have; she won't give in to Xena."

The goddess whipped off her glasses and pointed them at the god, "Look, they're going to get together some way, the fates will make sure of that. But for it to happen one or both of them is going to have to change."

"Change how?"

"Either they become darker or lighter. It's already happening, didn't you notice that your chosen is a little more emotional when it comes to the bard. And Gabrielle's darkness is growing at a rapid rate; I would say all it would take is a little nudge in the right direction for her to fall into Xena's strong, immortal arms."

Dionysus ran his fingers through his spiked hair and grinned, "The right nudge, huh? Do you think the Furies could be of use in that department?"

Aphrodite frowned, "Maybe. But don't take it too far. It would be so not cool if you drove the little bard mad."

"Of course not, she needs to be a willing and worthy consort for my chosen. A babbling idiot would not do."

"Well, then I don't see why you couldn't use them to scare her a little," she shrugged.

"Excellent. Thanks for the advise sis," with a pop Dionysus was gone.

Aphrodite rolled her eyes, "Whatever, little bro."

The sound of another pop and the feeling of another weight on the bed alerted the goddess that she had another visitor. Looking up she found a rather disoriented bacchae Amazon sitting on her pink sheets dressed in nothing but a loincloth and her ceremonial mask.

Raising the mask the Amazon asked, "Where am I?'

Aphrodite licked her lips, "On Mount Olympus in my chambers. What's your name, sweetpea?'


Aphrodite grinned and silently thanked her brother for this distraction, "Well Solari how would you like to entertain me for a while?"


The Conqueror's dungeon was in the deepest, darkest, and from what Gabrielle's nose told her, the foulest section of the fortress. Curled up in a ball in the furthest corner of her mildew invested cell the bard contemplated what her punishment for standing up to Xena might be. Would she be beaten? Whipped? Sliced with hot knifes? Or would she simply be executed despite what the warlord said about her being a sacrifice at the Bacchanalia? If so how would she die? Would she be drained of her blood? Crucified? Beheaded? Hung? The list was endless causing the young captain to wallow in despair. Trying to comfort herself she hugged her knees and laid her unblemished cheek on them. The deep bruise on her left cheek still ached and she could only imagine the shade of purple which now graced her skin.

As she hugged herself Gabrielle couldn't help but think about her captor. How beautiful and strong she was. The bard only wished that they had met in another time and place; they could have been friends or even lovers. Even now she felt a longing for Xena that went far beyond physical want; she would have been content right then and there to just lie within the circle of the Conqueror's strong arms. To feel warm and safe if only for a moment would have been Elysium for her. 'But that won't be my fate,' she thought, 'Tomorrow I'll die and either be sent to the underworld or become one of her monstrous servants with no will of my own.'

As the thought crossed her mind she was blinded by a bright, white light which was followed by scorching heat. Blinking away her temporary blindness Gabrielle reached out expecting to find the stone of the dungeon only to find sand beneath her fingers. As her vision returned the bard found that she was sitting on a sand dune with sandy desert all around it. Standing all she could see was sand which seemed to go on forever.

"It's quite magnificent isn't it?" a voice behind her called out.

Spinning around Gabrielle saw one of the oddest sights she had ever seen in her short life and being a sea captain she had already seen quite a few. Before her was a delicately carved wooden table with five matching chairs, clay cups and a jug, three gorgeous women dressed in red, and a man dressed in purple robes.

It was the man who caught Gabrielle's eye. He had spiky red hair, a handsome if slightly feminine face, and wine coloured eyes. She had seen those eyes before. She gasped as she realized that this was the roman soldier she had spoken to all those years ago. But from his presence she could tell he was no mortal.

"Who are you?" demanded the captain.

The redheaded man smiled, "Why I'm just a friendly mediator between you and my chosen but you may call me Dionysus."

"The god of wine?"

"The very same."

Gabrielle crossed her arms defensively, "What do you want with me?"

Dionysus looked slightly hurt by the question, "There's no reason to get defensive Gabrielle, my sisters and I simply wished to have tea with you, here in the Sahara."

"We're in Africa?"

"Yes. It seemed a splendid spot for us to have a little chat. And the Furies here have always wanted to see it."

Gabrielle regarded the bored looking women, "The tales say that the Furies are not your sisters, they were created long before you were born."

The god waved his hand in dismissal, "Does it really matter? My whole family is really into incest, for all I know they could be my grandmothers. Either way we're family. And I want you to be a part of that family."

"Why? How?" asked the bard, suspicion filling her mind.

The god gestured toward the single empty chair opposite him at the end of the table, "Sit, please."

Reluctantly the bard sat, she glanced subtly at the two Furies sitting beside her one was blonde the other brunette. While the dark haired one was gazing off into the distance the blonde was staring intently at the bard as if she was taking her measure. The bard turned her attention back to the god as he began to pour tea for everyone.

"You see Gabrielle you would be an invaluable addition to my family. Your strength and intelligence alone could conquer cities and you would make my chosen very happy. As for joining the family, it's quite simple, all you have to do is give in to Xena," his hand lightly brushed hers as he took her cup.


"Well that's disappointing," he filled her cup before continuing on until he had returned to his seat, "But not unexpected. Xena already told me you have been very stubborn about this."

The bard glared, "If you think that bringing me here to this gods forsaken place will scare me into letting that abomination touch me then you don't know me very well."

"Abomination is a rather strong word don't you think? Considering, you want to bed her as much as she wants to bed you?" Dionysus smirked.

Gabrielle blushed.

The god continued, "Besides the change of location isn't designed to scare you, my threats are. You see the Furies have agreed that if you don't accept your destiny and surrender to my chosen they will drive your father to madness so that he will kill your sister and mother."

"My parents and sister are dead by Xena's hand, so find something else to threaten me with."

Dionysus leaned forward, "Oh no Gabrielle, your family is still very much alive. In fact, your sister has married your betrothed and is with child. They're very happy and will remain that way if you comply, otherwise after your father kills your mother and sibling you will be compelled to avenge their murders. And if you don't, the Furies will drive you mad."

The blonde Fury sitting next to Gabrielle raised her hand and gently touched the bard's temple. In one moment the world was turned on its head, she could hear the wind and the tea talking to her telling her to run and kill any who stood in her way, spirits flew through the air, and the Furies and the god seemed to flicker in and out of reality before her eyes.

"Enough Alecto," said the god, his voice distorted.

Another touch and the world righted itself. Gabrielle held her aching skull while breathing deeply trying to ignore the nausea she felt.

"Do you see Gabrielle? If you do as I ask and just let your desires lead you all will be well, if not then you will be mad for the rest of your days."

"If I kill my father the Furies won't remove the curse of madness because I committed patricide, never mind that I avenged my family," said the bard.

"Smart girl," Dionysus approved.

The bard took a drink of her tea then nodded reluctantly, "Alright I'll do it."

"Excellent," The god of wine gave her feral grin.

He clicked his fingers and she disappeared, "Enjoy the party."

"What about us?" asked Alecto, "You said we would get to pass judgment on someone.

"Don't worry my darling Furies I'll find someone for you to toy with, but for now let's go watch and enjoy the show," with that he and his disappointed sisters disappeared leaving nothing but undisturbed sand.

Chapter 12

Bedroom Hymns at the Bacchanalia

With a slight thump the bard landed back in the cell, rubbing her sore butt she glared up at the dark ceiling. Exasperated and tired she rubbed her face in frustration without thinking only to find that her cheek no longer hurt. Tenderly probing the area she found that the area was no longer sore or hot. Shrugging her shoulders she figured that the god of wine didn't want her to look like a beaten housewife at his party and had healed her.

Settling into a somewhat comfortable position Gabrielle prepared herself for another sleepless night until she heard footsteps heading her way. Her stomached tightened with anxiety. 'This is it,' she thought. There was a bang as the door leading to her cellblock was slammed open then the guard appeared before her door. Opening it he gestured for her to rise.

"Come on, it's time," he said gruffly.

Dragging her feet the bard exited the cell and allowed him to tie her hands in from of her, there were no manacles this time only rope. 'This can't be a good sign,' the bard worried.

Once again the guard led her through a maze of corridors with the only difference being that they were going up this time instead of down. Until finally he stopped at a plain wooden door and knocked once. The door was answered by a young woman dressed in servants clothes, her mousy brown hair fell into her eyes as she peeked around the door.

"The Conqueror wants her cleaned and ready for tonight," the guard nudged Gabrielle forward.

The mousy woman looked the bard up and down before nodding and opening the door a little more for her to step though. Entering he room Gabrielle found that she was in a giant bathing chamber filled with tubs that had been carved out of the rock and were fed by channels cut into the side of the tubs. Where the water came from the captain wasn't sure, maybe the ocean or maybe there was another chamber somewhere.

The mousy haired servant and a few other women approached her slowly as if they were trying not to scare a skittish horse. Gently they removed her clothing and the rope bind her hands before leading her into one of the tubs filled with warm water. For a moment the thought of making a run for it crossed her mind but was quickly dismissed as one of the women began to scrub her back. Ohhh, it felt so good. The servants washed her hair and tenderly washed her arching body allowing the bard's mind to relax and revel in the treatment. Once the bath was done she was scented with oils, dressed in a pale green robe, and given a light meal. 'I could get used to this,' thought Gabrielle as she finished off the last piece of fruit on her plate.

The guard returned and the captain's hands were bound once more but this time they were tied with a silk rope provided by the servants. Silently the bulky man led her down through the stone corridors once more. 'Where in Hades is he leading me?' wondered the bard, 'Have I been summoned to Xena's bedchambers? It can't be time for the Bacchanalia already, could it?' She considered asking the guard but from the stony expression on his face she wasn't even sure her charm could make him talk. Choosing to remain silent and allow events to unfold she followed the guard to yet another set of wooden doors but these were different from all the others she had seen.

These doors were carved with scenes that matched the ones she had seen on Xena's throne. Nymphs, satyrs, humans, and bacchae frolicked, partied, and destroyed with looks of such gaiety that Gabrielle almost wished she could join them. Above them all stood a maenad watching with a look amusement on her face as she lightly stroked the hair of a human woman who had wrapped herself around her leg. The woman's face held look of such love that the bard couldn't help but smile and wonder how the woman had come to fall in love with the Maenad. A story formed in her mind about how the Maenad had saved the woman from slavers and had then allowed the woman to travel with her. Together they had saved villagers and stopped warlords, each protecting the other in battle never admitting their love for each other. Until one day the woman almost died and as she lay recovering from her wounds she admitted her love to the Maenad who accepted and returned the love.

The story filled the bard's heart with joy, even though she knew it was pure fiction it still seemed true somehow. The guard banged on the door, his fist repeatedly hitting the face of a grinning satyr who was spying on some bathing nymphs. With his job done the bulky man left not even waiting for the doors to open, alone the bard waited. The heavy doors slowly opened revealing the sights and sounds which had been hidden.

The first thing Gabrielle comprehended as she was admitted to the mysterious room was the sound of drums. The beat of the instruments seemed to be in time with her heart, the music seemed to call to her; to summon her into the room. Crossing the threshold Gabrielle was stunned by the sight before her. The room was a large hall of sorts, with a sunken floor and at the other end of the room across from the door was a raised dais with an altar. All around the room, on the floor, on couches, on benches, against the wall; men, women, and bacchae indulged in each other. Some were enjoying sexual pleasures while others were dancing, or eating and drinking off various body parts. The bodies writhed in time to the music making it seem like they were all one organism. 'Dionysus must have kept me in the desert longer than I thought. The bacchanalia has already begun,' she thought.

Two bacchae closed the doors and stood on either side of Gabrielle as they lead her to the altar. The bodies parted allowing them through without stopping their gratification. As they drew closer to the altar the bard could see the chains that would hold her in place and began to panic. Sensing her fear the bacchae gripped her arms ensuring that she moved forward. Upon reaching the dais one bacchae untied her hands while the other removed her robe. Naked, they encouraged her to approach the altar then helped her onto the stone table and gently pushed her onto her back. As they reached for the manacles a voice echoed throughout the room.


The two bacchae froze then backed away slowly. Looking up Gabrielle felt a warm rush of lust at the woman standing before her. Xena was dressed in nothing but a ceremonial bull mask and leather harness which held a wooden phallus. The bard's eyes widened at the greased wood, which was much larger than a normal man's organ. She was slightly terrified of the tool, 'Gods I don't think that's going to fit.'


Xena gazed down at her sacrifice laid out on the stone table. Gabrielle was beyond beautiful; she looked like a golden goddess under the soft light of the torches. Shadows danced along her pale skin, and the light highlighted her blonde hair making it look like the bard was glowing. Her brilliant green eyes sparkled with lust before changing slightly to fear as they saw the Conqueror's phallus. Glancing down at the ceremonial toy the warlord understood the bard's hesitancy of having the thing inside her. She herself had enjoyed its touch but it had required more time and patience than Xena was willing to give Gabrielle right now.

Not willing to hurt the bard in this manner the dark warrior reached around and undid the harness allowing it to fall to the floor, revealing her womanhood. Looking back at the blonde she found that the fear had been replaced with relief but the longing was still there. The Conqueror approached the altar, seductively swaying her hips, and mounted the stone table. Sliding along the bard's body she allowed herself to revel in the feeling of skin touching skin.

As her eyes met Gabrielle's she spoke, "Do I need to tie you down for this my little bard?"

The blonde was surprised by the endearment but found that she liked. She smiled, "No, but maybe later."

Xena chuckled then stiffened as Gabrielle reached up and removed the mask. "I need to see you," explained the bard gazing up into the blue/gold eyes.

The warlord nodded before leaning down and claiming the warm, pink lips before her. Hands were everywhere, groping, stroking, pinching, caressing, feeling, loving. Lips and tongues tasted salty skin as eyes feasted on the site before them. Breasts were fondled and caressed until the nipples were as hard as pebbles. Xena's fingers reached the destination where Gabrielle wanted the most attention as the bard found a similar place on the Conqueror. At the same moment fingers thrust into slick heat as palms rubbed in circular motions over hardened clits. Xena dictated the pace going as fast or slow as she wanted and Gabrielle mirrored her. As the pressure inside grew the bard wasn't sure if she could wait for her dark lover and as Xena twisted her fingers inside Gabrielle's moist heat, finding a very sensitive spot, she called out to the gods as the pleasure flowed over her in waves.

Xena quickly followed throwing her head back as she reached her orgasm, her fangs coming out. Gazing into post-orgasmic green eyes she whispered, "It's time."

Gabrielle nodded and turned her head to the side, baring her vulnerable throat. The Maenad leaned down lightly kissing and licking the soft flesh before slowly sinking her fangs into Gabrielle's neck.


The captain thought that the bite would be painful, after seeing Autolycus' death she was sure it would be almost unbearable. But as Xena's fangs sank into her flesh she was overcome by another orgasm. She screamed in pleasure, clawing at her lover's back before sinking her own teeth into Xena's shoulder. She tasted blood as sweet as wine; ignoring her partner's grunt of pain she suckled at the wound as the Maenad took sustenance from her.

In her mind's eye Gabrielle saw visions of Xena's life. She witnessed the young, dark haired girl as she played 'warriors' with her young fair haired brother. She saw how that brother was then slain in a real battle protecting his home. Years passed before her eyes, Xena as a minor warlord protecting her village by conquering the surrounding villages, Xena the pirate, the crucifixion, the betrayals, the death and destruction. And finally she saw herself standing up to the Conqueror, the first enemy in a long time to gain Xena's respect.

The visions ended as Xena pulled away blood dripping from her mouth. The dark haired woman's lips once more covered Gabrielle's mixing the blood in their mouths together and sealing their fate. Closing her eyes the bard felt the change within her own body, she felt stronger and when she reopened her eyes she saw everything but only had eyes for one particular woman.

Blue/gold eyes met green/gold as Xena said, "Now, you're mine."

Gabrielle grinned, revealing newly emerged fangs, "And you're mine."

Chapter 13

Lover of the Self-Made Maenad

Xena quietly watched her consort as she slept in the Conqueror's massive bed. It looked as if the bed was about to swallow her whole, which was what made the image look so cute. Cute? The Conqueror hadn't used that word in years but it seemed appropriate for Gabrielle, cute and feisty. The bard had been worn out after the Bacchanalia and Xena had been more than willing to carry the tired woman up to her bed chambers. Since then the little blonde had slept. It had been half a day since the ceremony but the warlord wasn't worried. Going through the change was exhausting add the mind blowing sex and she wasn't surprised that the bard was dead to world.

"She is something, isn't she?" whispered a male voice behind her.


Dionysus stepped forward to stand beside his chosen, "She surprised me in the end. I expected her to accept your give reluctantly not take it by force."

Xena chuckled, rubbing lightly at the bite on her neck, she knew it would scar. It would be one of the few scars she'd bare proudly.

"You know this means you can still make another maenad," said the god.

Xena glanced at him, "What do you mean? I made Gabrielle, she's my chosen."

"I agree she's your chosen but you didn't make her, she made herself. Instead of allowing you to offer your blood she simply ripped into your shoulder," he laughed softly, "A self-made Maenad, now I think I've seen everything."

The Conqueror didn't answer she simply gazed at her consort in wonder. Her patron was right the bard had taken what she wanted; she was no more Xena's possession than the wind was. She was her own person, an equal to the Conqueror and Xena had to admit that she preferred it that way.

"I wonder Xena, who really conquered whom?" an almost inaudible pop signaled the god's exit.

Even Xena wasn't sure what the answer was to that question.

"I believe we conquered each other," a muffled voice said from the bed.

The Conqueror drew closer and sat next to her bard stroking the light coloured hair as emerald eyes blinked sleepily up at her. "So, you were only pretending to be asleep, hmmm?"

Gabrielle grinned, "Nah, I'm not that good at keeping still. I woke up when he came in."

"mmm mmm" Xena hummed.

The bard stretched her very naked body unknowingly tempting Xena, "So, what do you think of my theory, oh great and powerful one?"

The dark haired warrior pretended to think it over, "It's a good theory but I conquered you first."

Gabrielle snorted before saying sarcastically, "I don't think so, my Lord."



Xena crawled onto the bed discarding her robe and straddled the bard's body while pinning her arms down, "I told you, you will call me Mistress, little captain."

Gabrielle gave her a feral grin and lunged up pretending to try to bite her, "Make me."

"With pleasure," growled the warlord.

And she continued to attempt to persuade the bard long after the shadows had conquered the light.

Chapter 14



A Dark and Distant Future

Not long after Gabrielle of Potidea's conversion to the Conqueror's cause Greece and Britannia fell. No one could stop the Conqueror and her consort, soon Xena's empire was completely established. Finally peace was established giving the fair haired bard and the dark warrior time to think about the future.


Two shadowy figures stood outside the large house on the outskirts of Greece's capital city. They watched as a rather frazzled dark haired woman chased her blonde daughter around the kitchen trying to get her ready for bed.

"Gabrielle, you get back here this instant!" yelled the mother.

A man with a happy grin on his face watched the struggle with amusement as his wife attempted to corner their daughter.

"She even looks like you," whispered Xena.

Gabrielle tilted her head studying the energetic child with her green/gold eyes, "No more than Toris' elder daughter looks like you. But I don't think I was ever that energetic."

The Conqueror grunted, "Alexa looks nothing like me."

"Same height, same nose, same black hair, same eyes, but other than that; nope she looks nothing like you," Gabrielle joked.

"Are you sassing me bard?"

"Maybe, what are you going to do about it warrior?"

"I may just have to spank you when we get home."

"Promises, promises."

The two turned back to the window. "It's good to know that your line will continue," said Xena.


Xena grinned, "Because my descendent is going to need someone to play with."

"You mean conquer the world with."

"Play, conquer, what's the difference?"

"You're incorrigible."

Xena turned to her consort, "Gabrielle we could choose two of our descendents to join us as maenads if we wanted. But they would have to be worthy."

"How would we know?"

"We'll know. But we can always change a few into bacchae to keep us company along the way."

Gabrielle smiled and nudged Xena, "Come on Conqueror lets go home; you have a few promises to keep."

The dark warrior growled in reply.

Macedonia 1943

Janice Covington cocked the hammer back on her revolver and slowly moved forward through the ancient fortress. It had been rumored that the Nazi's were excavating the area in search of the Xena scrolls which, legend had it, held the secret to the ancient conqueror's power. Only the hushed sound of silk stockings rubbing together told her that Mel was still behind her. While Janice had not been happy about bringing the southerner along; she could never resist her when Melinda batted those big blue eyes at her and said please in that southern bell accent.

As they passed through the remains of an old, intricately carved wooden door they found what they were looking for. Below them, in the large room, stood at least twenty Nazi soldiers who appeared to be waiting for something. Ducking back out of the room Janice leaned against the wall taking deep breaths as she tried to psych herself up for attacking that many armed guards.

"Janice you can't seriously be considering taking on all of them," whispered Mel, worry evident in her voice.

The Archaeologist tilted her hat back, "I have no choice Mel. Hitler may be dead but whoever's taken over is kicking our asses. Those bastards may very well win the war but I'll be damned if they get their hands on the Xena scrolls."

Melinda gently touched Janice's cheek, "Be careful Janice."

She leaned into the touch, "Always, sweetheart."

Without another word Janice ducked into the room. As silently as she could she crept up on the nearest soldier; when she was within two feet of him she took aim and fired. The shot echoed around the room alerting the soldiers to the intruder. As the Nazi fell the short blonde grabbed the semi-automatic weapon slung over his shoulder and began firing at her opponents as she ducked for cover behind a large, overturned stone bench. Six went down with her first shots, another six followed in the next few second so of the fire fight. It continued until only three soldiers were left, they quickly retreated through a hidden passage way at the back of the room. With the soldiers gone Janice finally got to have a look at the room. It was larger enough to easily fit two hundred people, probably more, and across from the entrance was a stone altar. There were carvings on the wall of what looked like two warriors but Janice couldn't be sure until she cleared them of the cobwebs and dust which had accumulated.

Standing, she called out to the entrance, "Ok, Mel it's all clear."

There was only silence.

"Mel? Melinda?"

No answer.

Something whispered behind Janice. She spun around but found no one, she was sure she had heard a whisper. Dust flew into the air a little to her left as if a small blast of air had hit the area. Trying to hold her panic at bay the adventurer spun around again, raising the gun in her hands. She felt a gust of wind and the gun was gone, her finger was still bent to pull the trigger and her left hand was out to hold the barrel of the weapon but there was only air.

"Looking for this?" asked a voice behind her.

Spinning once more, and trying to fight off the dizziness filling her mind, Janice was confronted by the sight of three women standing on the dais which held the altar. The one closest to her dangled the snatched gun on her finger by the leather strap. Janice gasped in surprise at the woman's appearance, she looked almost exactly like Mel except she didn't have glasses, her hair was down, and she was wearing a Nazi General's uniform. Behind her on the altar sat a very terrified Mel who was being restrained by a woman who looked just like Janice but with shorter hair and dressed in a Nazi Captain's uniform.

Trying to keep her cool Janice growled, "Who the hell are you?"

The dark haired Nazi smirked, "Let's just say we're distant relatives. Name's Xena, but you can call me Conqueror."

"You're insane, the Conqueror's been dead for centuries."

Xena ignored her and turned to the blonde Nazi, "What do you think Gabrielle?'

Gabrielle studied Mel and Janice, "Not maenad material but it would be fun to keep them around."

The Conqueror grinned revealing her fangs as her eyes changed, "I agree. Which one would you like?"

"Well, I've always had a weakness for blue eyes," said Gabrielle seductively as she gently stroked Melinda's pale throat.

Xena turned to Janice, "And I've always preferred blondes."

Sensing what was about to happen the archaeologist reached for her revolver but was stopped but an iron grip on her wrist. Looking up she found Xena looming over her.

The Conqueror pulled Janice against her body, "Ah, ah, ah Janice, playtime's over."

Mel screamed causing Janice to struggle against Xena's grip but she too was subdued as the Conqueror's fangs pierced her flesh.

New York 2043

The dark haired woman gazed out impassively at the city below her. People ran around like crazed ants on the streets below her fifty story window, always in a hurry to get somewhere. While she understood the need and use for inventions such as the plane and automobile she still longed for the days when walking or riding a horse was the fastest means of transportation. As her thoughts turned darker a presence filled her mind, it was as if a golden light had filled her mind banishing the melancholy thoughts.

Gabrielle wrapped her arms around her running her hands over the black silk shirt, "She's here."

"The little agitator?"

"Yes, I'm surprised that you're still willing to go through with the interview."

"It'll be fun to lure her into a false sense of security before we eat her. Which one is she anyway? Yours or mine?"

Gabrielle smiled into the dark woman's back, "She's a journalist, darling."

Xena snorted, "Yours then. Mine have never been able to put a pen to paper and come up with something descent."

"What about Natasha?"

"She was a freak of nature, probably some of your genes ended up in her somewhere."

"Riiight," the bard giggled.

For a moment they just stood there basking in each other's presence. "Is Devlyn coming?" asked the Conqueror.

"She's on her way. I'm not really sure why you sent for our best interrogator."

Xena turned in the bard's embrace and looked into emerald eyes, "I think she and the agitator might be the ones we've been searching for. They remind me so much of us, but we need to see how they do together."

Gabrielle smirked, "You mean you want to see if they'll go at it like bunnies even though they're enemies."

"Same difference."

"You know, they even look kind of like us but the eyes are switched yours has green eyes and mine blue. Maybe you're right; they could be the ones we've been looking for. But while we wait for your descendant what are you going to tell mine?"

Xena pretended to think about it, "I think I'll tell her about how I met a certain sea captain who ended up helping me conquer the world."

The bard laughed, "She might have a little trouble believing it."

"She'll come around, they always do."


There was a knock at the door before a short woman with shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes entered the room. Her stance spoke of quiet determination but her eyes gave away her curiosity and fear. Seeing the two women she stood straighter and glared at them.

"Why am I here?" she asked, anger lacing her question.

Xena glanced at Gabrielle, "Do you know who we are?"

The woman nodded, "You're the tyrannous dictators who really rule this country and others despite what your puppet presidents say."

Gabrielle grinned, "Oh Xena, I like her already."

"What do you want? Are you going to kill me?" asked the woman with as much defiance as possible.

The Conqueror's eyes changed as gold seeped into the blue, "Maybe, but for now I want to tell you a story about two lovers who started as enemies and who will now be together forever."


Atropos watched as Xena told Gabrielle's descendent the tale of the bard's fall from grace and the joys she had found within the darkness of the Conqueror's heart.

"The promise is kept Gabrielle, bard of Potidea," she whispered to the scrying bowl, "You and Xena will be together, forever."