Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with Rizzoli & Isles other then LOVING it. Enjoy.


"Are you sure you have to leave?" Maura uncharacteristically whined as she watched Jane get dressed.

The detective smirked as she put on her jacket. It wasn't often that her ME girlfriend asked her such things or used that sad tone of voice. "Honey, we have been going after Dominguez for 3 months now. Yes, I have to go in for the interrogation."

The honey blonde sighed as the detective sat on the edge of their bed to say goodbye. "Are you sure you don't need me to come?"

"They pulled him in off a routine bust sweetie, there is no body. Just stay here and relax. I will be back before you know it."

Jane leaned down and captured her girlfriend's lips with her own. The kiss was slow and sensual as Maura threaded her fingers through Jane's dark curls.

"I know that this is scientifically impossible," the doctor said as they parted, "but could you figure out a way to just leave me your lips?"

"Just my lips huh?" Jane smiled as she left a few teasing kisses on the other woman's.

"Yes." Maura said, "They are my favorite part of you." She said before she kissed her again.

"Well," the brunette started, "if we are getting to pick and choose which body parts we get to take with us then I wanna bring those great tits of yours." She laughed as she grabbed one of Maura's breasts to further her statement.

"Jane!" she squealed. "Alright, that's it! Get out!" She said as she pushed her girlfriend off the bed, making sure to give her a good kick in the butt as she made her way to the door.

The detective laughed all the way to the doorway but was stopped by her girlfriend's voice.


"Yeah?" She asked as she turned around.

"Hurry back."

Jane grinned as she crossed back to the bed and claimed Maura's lips one final time.


There you go. Short and sweet. Hope you liked it. :)