Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with Rizzoli and Isles. This is just my thought on a continuation of Murderjuana.

"What if I'm just not good enough to catch him?"

"But what if you are?"

There was a long pause between them before Maura spoke again, her words lingering between them. "When was the last time you truly slept, Jane?"

Jane didn't answer right away. Maura knew that the detective was trying to decide whether or not to tell her the truth. "Since before you were kidnapped."

"You need sleep, Jane. As much as I do truly appreciate you wanting to be here to protect me – that cannot come at the expense of taking care of yourself."

The brunette didn't respond. She knew that Maura was right. How could she properly protect her best friend if she wasn't at the top of her game?

"Come here." Maura said quietly as she opened her arms to the other woman.

"Maura?" Jane raised an eyebrow at the woman's actions.

"Come here." The repeated phrase was much more firm. "You need to rest."

Jane didn't move right away. She was slightly uncomfortable with the thought of resting in Maura's arms but she also knew that it would bring her more comfort than she had ever allowed herself. She slowly crawled across the couch and Maura repositioned herself. Moments later, her head was resting on Maura's chest and she was being cradled in her arms. The breath that she had been holding, the tension that had been in her body all instantly melted away.

She allowed herself to close her eyes, to focus on the heartbeat and the breath of her best friend. The woman that she knew she could never live without.

"I love you, Maura." She said quietly – so quietly that she wasn't even sure that Maura could hear her.

She knew that her words had in fact been loud enough when Maura responded, "I love you too."

"It's more than that, Maura. I was so worried when I found out that you were gone. I was so terrified that I would never find you. I need you, Maura. When I say that I love you…"

"I know." Maura cut her off, "Me too, Jane. You sleep now. We will talk about this after you have rested."

Jane sighed and nuzzled closer, "Ok."

It was quiet between them for another moment before Maura spoke again, "Thank you for finding me, Jane. Thank you for saving me again." She dropped a kiss to the top of Jane's head.
