Title: The Boyfriend 12/12
Disclaimer: Glee is not mine.
A/N: I posted this on my LJ a few months ago and never got around to posting it on here hence why it is set around Thanksgiving.

This is the last chapter so thanks for all the lovely reviews!

If you want to read the missing scene which is set immediately after this chapter but before the epilogue there's a link below. Warning: the missing scene is NC17.

Puck gave a final wave then settled into the seat in the back of the cab, smiling as Kurt waved out of the rear window until his house and parents disappeared from view.

Kurt turned back, catching Puck's smile and gave a rueful one of his own "I was always so desperate to leave Lima but no matter how far I get it's always home."

They settled into a comfortable silence for the rest of the journey, only breaking it once they were inside the airport and past security. Heading straight to the nearest coffee vendor, Puck ordered himself a black coffee with plenty of sugar and Kurt the closest thing he could find to his usual from Starbucks.

"You didn't have to" Kurt started as Puck handed over an insulated cup.

"I know" Puck said with a grin, sitting next to him. "But it's probably the last time you'll get the right order for a while. Good luck training your new assistant to remember which drinks you like on which days of the week."

Kurt groaned, hugging his coffee close to his chest "I didn't even think about that. I've changed my mind... you can't go."

Puck grinned and wrapped an arm around the back of Kurt's chair "Nope, no backsies."

"What will I do without you?" Kurt murmured before taking a sip.

"Cry?" Puck teased.

Kurt rolled his eyes "No seriously, I only just finished training you and it's been what, three years?"

"Just over. Wait... trained? What am I, a dog?"

He licked his lips and tilted his head "Maybe a puppy."

"Dude if anyone's a puppy it's your brother."

"That's true." Kurt took another sip "I guess I'll just have to get used to drinking Chai Tea Soy Latte on Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha day."

Puck laughed "However will you survive."

He sighed dramatically "Maybe I won't."

"Maybe I'll just have to call to check up on you every now and then."

"Maybe I'd like that" Kurt replied quietly.

Puck took a large gulp of coffee, keeping his cup in front of his face to hide the smile that was threatening to break his face.

They spent the next half an hour people watching, Kurt making him laugh every time he shuddered at someone's outfit or pointed out how a teenage boy's jeans were so low he could barely shuffle never mind walk.

Once they were on the plane Kurt reached up and put his carry-on in the overhead compartment then reached out his hand for Puck's bag, sliding it in next to his. He took a minute to get comfy then leant back against the window seat, closed his eyes and sighed.

Puck's eyes traced Kurt's suddenly weary face "New York here we come."

"Mmm yes, back to writing about fabulous accessories" Kurt drawled, opening his eyes.

"It doesn't have to be all scarves and shit if you don't want it to be."

"Oh really?" Kurt's right eyebrow rose slightly.

"No, you should write whatever you want. Give it a go, what's the worst that could happen" Puck asked with a shrug.

Kurt's lips quirked and his head bobbed side to side "I'll think about it." After a moment's pause he asked "Have you got any plans for Hanukkah?"

"Nah, just family stuff. The usual."

Kurt smiled and bumped their shoulders "Sounds nice."

Puck snorted "Yeah, except my mom will probably spend the first few nights bitching about me missing Thanksgiving."

"Sorry about that." Kurt winced "Our rouse wasn't even successful. I should never have blackmailed you into it."

"Hey I'm happy Boss" Puck replied with a shrug. "I'm getting what I wanted."

Kurt looked inexplicably sad for a moment then nodded "Yes, yes that's good."

"Is something wrong?"

"No, of course not" Kurt replied, a fake smile planted on his face. "I'm just tired." He cleared his throat "You should go straight to HR tomorrow morning to sign your contract then see Jerry for all the details."

Puck nodded and dipped his head to hide his grin, his dreams were finally coming true. Kurt rolled his eyes but shot him a genuine smile before he pulled out a fashion magazine and began to flick through it.

The rest of the journey passed remarkably quickly and before he knew it Puck was standing outside the airport, bag at his feet, in front of a line of cabs.

He shifted from foot to foot and shoved his hands deep in his pockets "I... I guess I'll see you around."

Kurt stood awkwardly, his left arm crossing his chest to grip his right arm and looked away. Maybe not then.

"Goodbye Noah."

Puck looked down at the hand held out towards him, the last time he had shook Kurt's hand was the day they had met. Goodbye suddenly seemed a lot more final than Puck had been hoping for. He took the soft hand in his own and shook it, holding on a few seconds longer than necessary.

Kurt extracted his hand from Puck's and cleared his throat. "Good Luck" he murmured before he turned on his heel and stepped into the waiting cab.

Letting out a breath that he hadn't realised he had been holding, Puck watched as the cab drove out of view then raised his hand to hail one of his own.

As soon as he was home, Puck dropped his bag just inside his front door and headed into his living room, collapsing face down onto the couch. He lay on his stomach breathing in the slightly musty smell of his couch for a few minutes then groaned and rolled to his feet.

Digging through his tiny freezer, he pulled out a chicken and mushroom pie then stood leaning against the counter as he waited for the microwave to nuke it. The pie was nice enough and he was sort of glad that Kurt wasn't around to rag on him for not having any vegetables with it. Something felt off though, after a week of living with the Hudson-Hummel's, his apartment had never felt so empty before. Puck had lived alone for years and after living with a stressed out mom and hormonal teenage sister he had appreciated the time to himself but now eating alone bothered him a lot more than it used to.

Putting his plate and fork into the sink to deal with later, Puck grabbed his bag and brought it through to his bedroom, dropping it on his bed. He yanked the zip open and pulled out his wash bag followed by a few t-shirts until his hand closed around the Henley he had bought back in Lima. Puck ran his finger along the collar, it really was a perfect match for Kurt's eyes. Shaking his head, Puck dropped the shirt on his bed like it had burned him and fished his cell phone out of his pocket.

"Hey dude, you back?" Mike's voice asked.

"Yeah, want a drink?"

"Definitely, I can't wait to hear all about the dragon's den."

Half an hour later Puck was perched on a bar stool next to Mike with a beer in his hand.

"So did he at least come through for you on the job front?"

"Yeah, it's all sorted apparently. I start tomorrow."

Mike slapped him on the back "Congrats dude, you just got everything you always wanted for a week's work and you didn't even have to whore yourself out." He took a swig of his beer then glanced back at Puck "You didn't right?"

Puck frowned "No, course not."

"Thank god for that." Mike mocked wiped his brow "I mean can you imagine doing it with him? I'd be terrified."

Puck rolled his eyes "Of course you would, you're a pussy."

Ignoring him, Mike raised his beer "Here's to dream jobs and finally getting away from the scary bastard who tortured you."

Puck clenched his jaw as they clinked their bottles together then took a large gulp.

"Honestly dude, I have no idea how you survived a whole week with that prissy bitch."

"You don't know him" Puck bit out angrily.

Mike raised his hands in a defensive motion "Chill dude!" He narrowed his eyes "I thought you said you didn't like him. Don't tell me you're into him now."

"I don't... I... don't."

Things had changed but not that much. He liked Kurt now and could admit, if only to himself, that he was attracted to the dude but it wasn't possible to fall for someone in a week, especially when you hated them so much before. The line between love and hate just wasn't that thin.

Puck spent the rest of Sunday watching television and restlessly pacing his apartment unable to get rid of an uneasy feeling that had little to do with first day nerves. Calling it a night just after ten he stripped down to his boxers and climbed into bed promising himself that it was just nerves and that he would be fine in the morning.

He wriggled forward, closer to the warm body in front of him, the warm body which was attached to the soft finger that was slowly trailing its way down Puck's nose. Breathing in the delicious sent that seemed to emanate from the person next to him, Puck sighed and lifted his chin. The kiss he asked for came within a second, a soft brush of lips and the scratch of stubble that made him groan and press for more. A hand ran up Puck's chest to cup his cheek as he pushed his tongue into the willing mouth. Puck growled as the mouth whimpered and dragged the other person against him then rolled on top of them as he ravaged their mouth. As they whispered his name against his mouth Puck grinned, finally opening his eyes and leaning back to look down into blue eyes.


Puck woke with the name on his lips and quickly sat up, glancing around the room. Settling back into his lonely bed, Puck lay in the darkness trying to convince himself that the cause of the dream was a mixture of stress and close proximity to a cute guy for a week.

In the morning he could remember dreaming about Kurt but not what it had been about and he tried to put it out of his mind. Puck left his apartment early to make sure that he wasn't late and tried to ignore the churning in his stomach. Following his feet on automatic pilot, Puck looked up finding himself outside of Kurt's favourite coffee shop and snorted before he carried on towards work.

Following Kurt's advice he went straight to HR and headed over to a friendly looking woman who looked up and smiled as he entered the room.

"Hi, I'm Noah Puckerman. I was told to come here to sign my new contract."

The woman looked stunned "You're Noah?"

"Puck and yeah that's me."

She reached out a hand and he shook it. "I'm Susan. Wow."

"What?" he asked.

"I'm just impressed. Is it true? You were recommended by Kurt Hummel?"

Puck shifted awkwardly "Yeah that's me."

She shook her head, apparently in amazement and handed him the contract "There you go. Why don't you take a few minutes to look it through?"

Bored by the third page of legal crap, he skim read the rest to make sure that he wasn't signing up to buy an ostrich farm or anything then signed and dated the bottom.

Handing over the contract he nodded to Susan then headed upstairs to Jerry's office where he announced himself to the dude's assistant then sat down to wait.

"You've got some friends in high places" Jerry said as soon as Puck entered his office. "Kurt has a lot of faith in you, I hope it's justified."

"I hope so too" Puck muttered.

Jerry nodded "I've seen your work and you have serious potential kid. What's more I trust Kurt."

"Sit down and let's go through some details."

The next few minutes passed in a flash and Puck was left with his mouth open, repeatedly blinking as he tried to absorb all of the information. Kurt really had come through for him. Rather than some freelance work like he had expected, Puck was getting a permanent contract for an article in every issue.

Snorting at Puck's expression, Jerry said "I told you, you have friends in high places."

Puck knew what the look that followed his comment meant, Jerry was sticking his neck on the line on Kurt's word alone so he better not fuck it up.

"Right well my assistant will show you where to go so I'll see you at the meeting tomorrow."

Puck emerged from the office still slightly shell-shocked and followed the assistant, who introduced himself as Tony, along the corridor.

"And here's your office" Tony announced with a nod towards a door.

"My what?"

"Your office" Tony repeated with a small smile. "Everything should be set up but if you have any problems give me a shout."

Puck stood staring at the door for a while after the other dude left then slowly opened the door and stepped inside. He had an office, it vaguely reminded him of a broom closet but it was nevertheless an office and it was all Puck's.

Letting out a small burst of hysterical laughter Puck sat down and pulled out his cell.

I have an office! I can't believe it. Tha...

He paused and pressed cancel, watching as all the letters disappeared then dropped the phone onto his desk. Kurt had made it pretty clear that he had no intention of seeing Puck again, it was probably best to respect that and leave him alone, after all, the dude had done him a major solid.

Over the next few days the urge to see Kurt, if only to thank him, became overwhelming at times. Puck even found himself stopping the elevator at the fifteenth floor half a dozen times but every time there was something that stopped him from getting out. More often than not, he would bump into Mary or Joe or one of the others that his cubicle had been close to but he never saw Kurt.

Puck could never seem to get any relevant information about him out of them either. They would always congratulate him on his new position or for finally getting away from Kurt but nothing about how Kurt was actually doing. Occasionally Mary would bitch about how she kept being sent out for coffee runs because she was the only one who could usually remember the order. Apparently she kept trying to subtly suggest that Kurt should start looking for a new assistant but he would just glare at her until she left the room.

Puck still hadn't heard a peep out of Kurt halfway through his second week, which of course had nothing to do with why Puck was hanging out at the coffee shop during his lunch hour. He glanced up as the door opened for the sixth time in the last thirty seconds to see someone he hadn't expected to see again.

"Rachel" he shouted, waving from his position near the front of the queue.

Without any apologies for the people behind him in the queue, Rachel marched forwards and tucked herself in next to him, giving him a huge smile and hug.


"What are you doing here?" he asked, smiling down at her.

"Apparently no one can get Kurt's coffee order right. He pleaded with me to get him a decent cup of coffee before I meet him for a spot of retail therapy."

Puck frowned "Retail therapy. Is something wrong?"

Rachel froze, her eyes widening "No, of course not."

Her smile remained on her face but no one looking at her would have believed that it was genuine. Puck couldn't help but think that it was lucky for her that she worked on Broadway and not television or film.

"So umm" Puck shuffled forwards in the queue and shoved his hands in his pockets. "How's Kurt?"

"Why don't you ask him?" Rachel shook her head as Puck shifted awkwardly and looked away. "You're both so stubborn" she muttered.

As the days turned into a weeks he found himself wondering what Kurt was doing and if Kurt would like the movie showing that night or if Kurt would approve of his meal or outfit. Puck missed him, not just being around other people or having a break from work, he actually missed Kurt. If that wasn't the last thing on earth he would have expected a month ago he didn't know what was.

It wasn't until he was out looking for Hanukkah presents that Puck knew something was really wrong with him. As soon as he saw the small transforming Optimus Prime keychain he knew he had to buy it. Puck was out of the store before he realised that he had just bought a present for someone he would probably never see again.

Jumping on the subway, he got off near Central Park and walked towards Kurt's apartment building. Standing outside the grand facade Puck couldn't help but compare it to his own small place, this was the kind of place Kurt belonged and it was laughable thinking of him anywhere else. Looking up, Puck started as he saw the outline of a person in one of Kurt's windows. There was a curtain between but the room was backlight enough to make it clear that it was Kurt. He seemed to have his arms wrapped around his torso and had his head tilted down, his shoulders bent forward.

Puck moved towards the steps only to freeze as someone else stepped into view and wrapped their arms around Kurt. Swallowing, he turned and walked away not allowing himself to glance back. The height difference between the two figures made him about ninety percent certain that Finn was up there with Kurt but the other ten percent nagged at him.

It was still nagging him two weeks later when he was supposed to be making some final revisions to an article before the building was closed for the Christmas break. His deadline wasn't due for another week but he wanted it out of the way and out of his mind so he could enjoy a few days off without it hanging over him. Puck stared at his computer screen, shifting a comma a couple of times before he saved the article and sent it to Jerry.

"It's Christmas Eve you know, you shouldn't be at work. I'm pretty sure it's a rule."

Puck looked up to find Kurt standing in the doorway, staring at him with a teasing smile.

"Kurt!" he exclaimed then cleared his throat. "Umm hi, what are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to drop this off. Merry Christmas." Kurt dropped an overnight bag at his feet and handed Puck a large, neatly wrapped present then glanced around his office avoiding eye contact.

"You didn't have to get me anything" Puck murmured, staring down at the red and gold wrapping paper.

"I know" Kurt replied quickly. "I bought it in Lima though so I thought..." he shrugged.

"Can I open it?"

Kurt shook his head and tutted "Not until Christmas Day."

"So what have you been up to?" Puck asked, putting the gift carefully on his desk.

"I wrote an article like you suggested. One where I shine a light on some of the seedier parts of the industry. Yesterday I insisted that I'd leave if they didn't print it."

"That's awesome dude!"

"They fired me. Apparently I'm too high maintenance and that was the last straw."

Puck's face dropped "Shit, I'm sorry. I never thought they would do that. Fucking bastards!"

Kurt laughed and waved his hand "It's fine, I think it worked out for the best." Puck shot him a disbelieving look before Kurt added "Honestly, I'm happier now than I've been in a long time and I still have enough sway with designers to get some freelance fashion pieces."

"That's great, I guess."

"I've still got my Crankshaft column so it's not like I'm going to starve."

"So you're sticking with writing?" Puck asked, disappointed and overwhelmingly guilty.

Kurt traced his fingers along a line of books in the bookshelf then looked back at him. "Just to pay the bills. I have an audition lined up after Christmas thanks to Rachel pulling a few strings."

"Seriously?" Puck exclaimed "That's awesome Kurt."

He shrugged "I know it's going to be tough and I may not make it but I'm going to go for it. Dreams are important."

"Save me a seat in the front row on opening night?"

Kurt rolled his eyes "It's just an audition."

"I have a feeling you won't need to go to many."

Kurt ducked his head as colour infused his cheeks "Thank you." He cleared his throat "So are you happy with your new position?"

"Yeah it's amazing" Puck grinned. "I dunno how the hell you managed it." He waved his arms around "I have an office."

Kurt's lips twitched "So I see."

"My contract is ridiculous. I mean seriously, how did you do it?"

That was one of the things Puck just couldn't get his head around. Kurt could have gotten away with the bare minimum and still fulfilled their deal.

"I may have called in a few favours" Kurt admitted.

Feeling like he was missing something Puck asked "Why did you do it?"

"You deserved a good deal after everything I put you through."

"Come on Boss, a bit of freelance work would have been fair. You went above and beyond. Why?" Puck asked with a frown.

"Isn't it obvious?" Kurt shrugged and gave him a self deprecating smile "I'm in love with you."

Kurt was in love with him. Not just like, not just hot for but actually in love. Puck couldn't remember a single person ever saying that to him. Well a few people had maybe mumbled that they loved him during sex but he had never been stupid enough to believe them.

Everything suddenly became clear as if the fog that had hung over him the last few weeks had finally dissipated, leaving him with one clear thought. After weeks of excuses and denial, Puck finally understood what he wanted and it was standing right in front of him.

Just as Puck was about to open his mouth, Kurt muttered "I should go" and spun on his heel, picking up his bag as he quickly leaving the office.

Puck stared after him in stunned disbelief, mentally cursing himself for taking so long to respond.

"Kurt!" he yelled.

Hurrying down the corridor, Puck got to the elevator just as the doors closed. Punching the doors, Puck swore under his breath then headed for the stairs taking them two at a time. He briefly considered calling down to the lobby or even security but the thought of anyone daring to stop Kurt Hummel leaving the building was laughable. With one glare he'd have the burliest security dude quaking in his boots.

As soon as Puck reached the lobby he glanced around hoping that he had just missed the elevator which looked to be on its way up again but there was no sign of Kurt. Breathing heavily, he approached the reception desk pushing someone, probably an important someone, out of his way.

Arlene looked up at him then shot a nervous glance at the spluttering man that he had barged past "Is something wrong Puck?"

"Kurt" he panted. "Where's Kurt?"

"Kurt?" she asked, a confused expression spreading across her face.

"Yes, Kurt Hummel" Puck said, his breathing finally under control.

"Oh, Mr Hummel just got into a cab."

Puck looked over his shoulder at the glass doors and swore again, much louder this time. He shook his head and waved as Arlene asked if everything was okay then headed towards the elevators.

As soon as he reached his office, he tried ringing Kurt's cell only for it to go straight to voicemail. He growled and reached into his backpack for his address book, it was full of contacts, most of which were Kurt's so he scoured the B page until he came across the name that he was looking for.


"Rachel, it's Puck."

"Oh hello Noah, how are you?"

"Yeah great, look I need to talk to Kurt. Do you know where he going?"

"Kurt?" she replied. "He should be on his way home, to Lima. His plane leaves in half an hour."

Puck thanked her then hung up before she had a chance to say anything else. Traffic would be a nightmare but he had to try. Throwing on his leather jacket, Puck grabbed his bag and the present from Kurt then hurried out of his office.

Once Puck had finally hailed a cab he had to accept the inevitable, there was no way in hell he was ever going to catch up with Kurt. He sighed and leaned back against the seat, reaching for the neatly wrapped present. Staring down at it for a moment, he began to tear off the paper until the wool coat that he had tried on in Lima was revealed.

Puck ran his finger across the soft wool and smiled, Kurt really was awesome. Stuffing the paper in his bag, he kept the coat on his lap as he stared out of the window and began to wonder how on earth he was going to get a flight to Ohio on Christmas Eve with no booking.

The answer to that was he wasn't. Puck had of course missed Kurt and after a lengthy wait in the queue for customer services, followed by an apologetic but firm denial from the women behind the desk, he nodded and walked away.

Not one to be defeated so easily, Puck stepped up onto one of the plastic chairs and yelled "Does anyone have a ticket to Ohio they'd be willing to sell me?"

Most people turned and stared, a few pointedly ignored him but no one answered.

"Sir, Sir! I must insist that you get down at once" the woman behind the desk called.

"I'll give you a thousand bucks" he called out loudly.

A few of the men looked tempted but didn't take him up on his offer, obviously too scared of their wives, mothers or other family members to risk missing Christmas Day at home.

"Come on, there must be someone who could take a later flight or something" Puck pleaded keeping an eye on the middle aged, fat security guard who was waddling his way through the crowd.

"Fifteen hundred" he called out.

"Please, I have to get to Lima to tell someone I love them" Puck begged.

"Lima huh?" a man with thick brown curly hair asked.


The man turned and looked at a redheaded woman who smiled up at him with big doe eyes and nodded.

"We were supposed to be heading home for Christmas but I don't see why we can't extend our stay in New York for a few days."

"Really?" Puck asked, stepping off the seat.

The man smiled sappily "Who are we to stand in the way of love?"

"Dude thank you, thank you so much!"

"She must be one hell of a girl."

Puck laughed and shook his head "Guy actually."

The couple looked surprised for a moment then smiled "I see."

"I'll get the money right now, just don't move" Puck pleaded.

The dude shook his head and looked embarrassed "No, no. I don't want your money kid." He looked thoughtful for a second "But if you insist you could make a donation to the glee club at McKinley in Lima."

"McKinley?" Puck repeated. Why did that sound familiar? "Okay, you're on."

A few hours later, Puck stood in front of the Hudson-Hummel's front door and took a deep breath before he knocked loudly. The door was swung open a few seconds later by a laughing Rachel dressed like some kind of Christmas elf.

Her expression froze as she recognised him "Noah?"

"Umm hi, is Kurt in?"

Puck ran his hand over his head and gripped the back of his neck as she nodded and called over her shoulder.

Kurt approached the door with a pained expression, he shot Rachel a look and with one last glance between the two of them she disappeared into the house.

"Why are you here Noah?"

"I wanted to thank you for the jacket" Puck blurted, holding out one side of the coat that he was now wearing.

"You came all the way to Ohio to thank me for a Christmas present?" Kurt spoke slowly, crossing his arms.

"I uhh... well... no, not exactly." This wasn't going as well as he had practiced in the cab. "What I mean is..."

"I understand. You don't have to say anything" Kurt said, his eyes shining as his carefully controlled facade slipped.

Puck's hand shot out involuntarily as Kurt turned to leave, grabbing a hold of his bicep then sliding down until he took hold of Kurt's hand.

"I hated you so much."

Kurt winced and he bit his wobbling lip as he stared down at their joined hands.

"I thought I hated you" Puck said, rubbing his thumb against Kurt's palm. "And I don't know when but sometime during that week the line... it blurred."

"What are you saying?" Kurt whispered.

"It seems like a bad chick flick but all it took was a week to make me fall for you."

"What?" Kurt demanded, his eyes flicking up to meet Puck's.

Puck took a step closer, bringing their faces within inches of each other "I love you Kurt, I love you so much."

Kurt's breath caught in his throat as Puck leant forward and gently pressed their lips together. He pulled back after a second and looked across at Kurt who brought his free hand up to his lips.

"I know we're complete opposites and I haven't got much to offer someone like you but..."

Puck's rambling was cut off by Kurt's fingertips on his lips.

"Come here and kiss me properly."

Puck grinned "Yes Boss."

Six Months Later

"Hey you."

Puck looked towards his office door where Kurt was hanging onto the frame, dressed in tight jeans and one of Puck's hoodies.

"Hi yourself."

Puck stepped around his desk to plant a kiss on Kurt's lips, then cheeks, then nose.

Kurt giggled and batted him away "I come baring gifts."

He held out a set of keys with a Tardis keychain dangling from it then held up another with his transforming Optimus Prime attached.

Puck took his set and grinned "It's ours?"

"It was finalised today."

After six months of alternating living between Kurt's apartment and Puck's place and months of searching for a new apartment, they had finally managed to agree on one. It had enough space and je ne sais qu to appeal to Kurt and was cheap enough for Puck's liking. Despite the location not being quite what Kurt would have liked, he was pacified by the fact that now he would have a whole new apartment to decorate. Puck was just happy that they were taking Kurt's big ass television with them.

"Margaret's going to advertise my place today."

"Awesome" Puck replied, pulling Kurt closer by his hip before he leant forward and ran his lips up Kurt's neck, pausing to nibble his earlobe.

Kurt moaned and grabbed him by the back of the neck, pulling so that their lips crashed together. They stood in the doorway, wrapped around each other until they heard someone gasp loudly behind them.

Puck lifted his head and glared at the person just to realise that it was one of the interns. "Can I help you with something Colin?"

The kid shook his head and hurried back down the corridor with such haste that it made Kurt press his face into Puck's shoulder and giggle.

"Poor kid."

"That's nothing. You should have seen how people reacted when I entered the building dressed like this" Kurt said, eyes twinkling. "I asked Arlene how she was on the way in and I'm pretty sure she almost fell off her chair."

Puck snorted and sat back down at his desk, pulling Kurt down onto his lap. "You'd think they'd be used to it by now, you come in enough."

"Apparently not."

Puck thought for a moment "Yeah, some dude I don't even know came up to be the other day to tell me to keep doing whatever I was doing coz it was clearly working."

Kurt rolled his eyes "Joe and another man were talking in the elevator."

"Oh?" Puck asked, pressing a kiss against his jaw.

"About how amazing you must be in bed to have tamed the beast."

"Well that's true."

Kurt punched him lightly on the chest "They didn't realise I was behind them. I think Joe almost had an unfortunate accident when I cleared my throat and he recognised me."

Puck laughed then sighed as Kurt checked his watch "You have to get back to the theatre?"

"Yes, the show needs its star."

"That it does" Puck smiled.

"Although on second thoughts what's the point in being the star if you can't be a few minutes late?" Kurt murmured, wrapping his arms around Puck's neck.

"Good call Boss."

Missing scene: Everytime I try to post a link it doesn't work so if you want to read it please google 'belle_dissei LiveJournal'. It's the most recent entry at the top of my journal - 'The Boyfriend: Bonus Missing Scene'.

Please don't read if you're underage/not comfortable reading NC17 stuff