All things Twilight belong to Stephenie Meyer, I just play with her toys.

Once again, another story that wouldn't be denied.

The Five Mistakes That Led Me to you

Chapter 1: The Beginning

Did you ever wonder where you went wrong? Or maybe not where you went wrong, but what decision you made in your life that led you to where you were now?

I did. Every day since I was eighteen.

That was where I went wrong, when my life plan got screwed up. The first mistake that led me to where I was today. Not that it was all bad, but it was where my journey began, the one that led me to her.

I didn't go to college right away, choosing to earn some money and live life to the fullest before higher learning was really required. Mistake number one.

I did it just to spite my father, I knew that now. He wanted me to be a carbon copy of him, and I wanted nothing to do with it.

'Hindsight is twenty-twenty'- one of the many lessons of my story.

I was a drifter, a dreamer, living off of my parents until one day they had enough. Minimum wage didn't pay the bills and they offered me a deal; go to college, get a job and they would pay my way as long as I kept my grades up or… get the hell out of their home.

Otherwise known as, how my grandmother of all people put it, 'shit or get off the pot'. Lovely, my grandmother was; such a way with words.

So, at twenty one I enrolled in college. I majored in Business Management and Engineering, gaining a double major in five years, graduating with honors.

I never said I was stupid, just lazy to spite my father. Once I put my mind to something, there was no stopping me.

Which led to mistake number two.

One word: Lauren.

The crazy, psycho, cheating, fucking bitch that I met in my last year in college. She was with me from the formation of my company to its rise. I trusted her.

I married her.

For two years I worked my ass off to get my company off the ground. Two years that she was screwing my vice president on my desk.

And my accountant, the machinist, and the guy from the mail room.

Married for ninety seven days and she took me to the fucking cleaner.

Fucking bullshit. She cried a fucking river and the judge took pity on her and fucking screwed me. The bitch smiled at me on her way out of the court room.

Karma eventually came back around and bit her in the ass though. Some guy she was living with emptied out her bank account; all of the money she had gotten from me that remained, and left her with a mountain of bad debt in only her name. Take that bitch!

It took a while, but my company was now soaring. We were a contract company, doing many engineering projects and machining for larger companies. Outsourcing was big; companies didn't make all of their own parts any longer. That was where Masen Engineering stepped in.

I was working a ton, day in and day out. I started out with seven employees and after four years I had over three hundred spread across four buildings.

My life was finally coming together… at least in respects to my company. My first two mistakes seemed to be reattributed, but who know I had three more mistakes on the horizon of my life.

2 mistakes down!