Hey guys! :D I decided to be generous and well update this story! :D I hope you enjoy and well review! I want reviews! Please Review! Ok well I don't own anything…

Last time

I sigh, turning a little bit, and open my eyes groaning at the fact I was the first one to fall asleep. I don't sit up in my bed, but I turn my head to the side enough to see other people, a woman beside Jack and also by dad. I sit up and soon she is by my side.

"Alex honey it's nice to meet you, I'm your mother."


"Alex honey it's nice to meet you, I'm your mother." I stare into her eyes, blue green and deep, but loving and fare. I can't speak; I can barely breathe. The worlds echo in my mind and I watch her thin lips go up into a big welcoming smile.

She puts her arms around me, warm and inviting. Something inside me clicks, and suddenly I realize what I've been missing all my life, a hug from my mom. I smile and laugh as she squeezes me tightly and pulls me up with her to stand. I laugh in her arms.

When she finally lets me go she signals my dad to come over to us, and he obeys quietly, wondering what the situation is. He stops right beside her and she puts one arm around him and the other around me, pulling me in for a group hug, a warm group hug, probably the best group hug I've been in my whole entire life. Mom finally lets us go but before either of us could get away she pulls her cell phone out of her pocket and hands it to Snake who is conveniently standing by.

"Snake, can you please take a picture of my family and I on this glorious reunion? I want a picture that I can have forever." She says and hands her phone to the man.

"Yes Ma'am, I would be honored to do so." He says and suddenly I'm standing between my parents and we are smiling for the camera. After the picture is taken mom goes to Ian and hugs him for a long time.

"Helen, I am so glad to see you again, your child was a handful for 13 years, but he was lovely." Ian says and laughs at my face from across the room.

"I would have loved to raise him." She says and smiles my way again.

"I know Helen, but some things are out of your control and that was out of your control." Ian says and then yawns. I walk over to dad, who's talking to Wolf. He puts his arms around me when I stop in front of him and they continue to talk. When there is a break in the conversation I look up at him, still tired, to ask him a question.

"What time is it?" I ask and he glances at his watch, then his eyes widen.

"Time for you to go back to bed." He says before looking around the hut. "Actually I think all of us should go to bed. We have a long day tomorrow, and we have to wake up early." He says and points to my bed. I don't argue, honestly I'm horribly tired, and would like to sleep more, but you'll never hear me say that out loud. I slowly go to my bed and wait for the lights to turn off as others make their way to their own bed.

Before the lights turn off though Mom comes over to me and sits on the edge of the bed as I lay back.

"Good night Alex. I love you." She says, hugging me tightly in her arms. I feel her lips softly touch my forehead over my hair that fell into my eyes. After a few moment just comfortably resting in her arms Dad comes over to me, wipes the hair from my eyes and smile.

"Night Champ, love you." He says before rubbing my hair and walking away to cut the light off. As the light turns off I quickly dash under the blanket and fall asleep, wondering what tomorrow will bring, but also wondering how my new family will work. This should be interesting.

John P.O.V

I open my eyes quickly, not so much as worried, but startled by the soft sound in the hut. It's still dark outside, so no one else is up, except me. I sit up quietly, trying to find the source of the sound. The soft groaning stops and I hear a sharp intake of breath, as I look at my son, Alex. It would have been a perfect picture except Alex is the one with the nightmare. I'm usually waking Ian up from these, but tonight it's Alex. Crap, not him too, he's too young.

I quickly but quietly get up and I'm sitting beside his bed in a moment, hoping my dad instincts will kick in any time soon. To any other parent this would not be a problem, but for me and my son, whom I just met again in 13 years, this is a major problem. Not only am I unaware of his favorite things to do, I'm unaware of what gives him comfort.

So I wing it.

I slowly take my hand and run it into his hair, letting my short fingernails brush his head in a soft caring way.

"Shh, baby, it's ok. You're safe baby. Daddy's got you." I say to him as I continue to run my fingers through his soft blond hair. When Ian said he looked like me I never imagined it was this close, even with the pictures it's still hard to believe.

He starts to calm down a little bit, not yet awake, which is good. He shouldn't be awake now anyway. I'm not moving until he's totally relaxed though.

"I have been waiting for a very long time to have a relationship with you baby. I've missed so much of your childhood already, but I promise you I will make everything better. I will protect you. You are never slipping from my hands again. Me and your momma, we're gonna take care of you. I don't know what you've been through, but I promise you I will make it better. You can count on me baby." I say watching his shoulder further relax into the bed. He starts to calm down more, and when I finally think it's ok to leave the bedside, I lean down and kiss his forehead.

"I love you Alex." I say quietly, and then turn around to walk back to my bunk.

"Love you too daddy." I hear in a soft sleepy voice. I feel a smile creep up on my face, but I don't turn around. I know Alex is already asleep. I quietly get into my bunk again, but instead of trying to fall back asleep, like any other person would do, I lay awake contemplating my life.

I will put a stop to Rat, I will protect my family, and I will be the world's best dad. I'll even have the mug to prove it, eventually. I continue to contemplate my life until I hear what sounds like an alarm from one of K-Units bedsides. I sit up in one swift movement, and wait for someone else to move. Finally after a few moments I see Wolf rise up from a laying position on his bunk. He throws his legs over the side of the bunk, and then shuts off his alarm.

"Morning." I say quietly, trying not to disturb the others in the hut.

"Morning." Wolf says grunting as he stands up. I hear a few crackles and pops, but ignore it, and watch as he goes over to Snakes bed and kicks it. "Get up Snake. It's your day to wake Eagle." He says before said solider mumbles something about it always being his turn to wake up the brat, and moving to a more comfortable position. "Snake come on, we don't have time to play this morning, especially with Eagle, so get up." Wolf commands a little stronger this time.

I try not to laugh as Snake growls but gets out of the bed quickly. He then goes to Eagles bunk and shakes it roughly.

"No.. not the hamsters. Mommy!" Eagle mumbles with a voice laced with sleep. I laugh, trying not to be too loud, and turn my head to the side as Snake attacks Eagle.

"You might want to get your lot up." Wolf explains with a nice voice. "We have a strict role call in the mornings at 7. I wouldn't want to miss it, especially with you being the new sergeant. It might set a bad example." He says before grabbing his uniform and heading back to the back room.

He's right I guess. So I go to Ian first.

"Ian, get up!" I say tapping his shoulder a few times before I stop and stare at him until he groans.

"No. I want to sleep." He says acting childish, maybe not as bad as Eagle but still bad.

"I don't care what you want to do little brother, come on, get up. Set a good example for your nephew and girlfriend." I say laughing as I dodge his hand that comes at me in slow motion because of his still asleep body.

"Urg, I'm up. Happy?" He ask and I smile nodding before I point him in the direction of Jack. "And Jack is not my girlfriend."

"Whatever you say little brother. Just go wake up Jack and I'll wake up Helen, don't wake up Alex yet." I say before heading to Helen's bunk. That's one of the bad things about staying with the SAS, no double beds for husband and wife. We have to be in separate beds when we sleep, not any other time though so I guess we'll be ok. I just miss my cuddle buddy.

I stand over her before taking her hand in mine and softly saying "Good Morning Beautiful." She scoots over a little bit and lets me sit down beside her.

"How'd you sleep love?" She asks me and I groan.

"I missed you, that's for sure." I say laughing as she smiles big, and blushes before latching onto my hand and holding it tightly.

"I missed you too." I say quietly, then lean down to kiss her. After a soft moment of me holding her, I help her up and point at our still asleep kid.

"Now we have to wake Alex up." I say and she smiles before walking ahead of me and to Alex's bunk. She sits on the ground and leans up and over onto the bed, resting her head on her hands that are propped up by her elbows. She looks at Alex softly before taking her hand and rubbing a small strand of hair out of his eyes. I take my place sitting on the edge of the bed beside his feet and watch as she wakes him.

"Alex, baby." She says shaking him softly. "We have to get up now. Come on sweetie." She say once more. To my surprise Alex sits right up and smiles at us.

"Morning kiddo!" I say leaning forward to rub his head with my hand. I feel him relax again before standing and helping Helen up, then I help him stand on his newly awaken feet. If he's anything like Ian was when we were kids, well when he was a kid, and I was young adult, he will fall back asleep if his feet aren't touching the floor.

"Morning dad. Morning mom!" He says cheerfully. I watch as he hugs Helen first, then he comes to me. I wrap my arms around him and hold on for a moment before I bring him closer until I feel safe with picking him up against me.

"You've got to get dressed." I say as I put him down beside my bed. I still have his clothes that I packed before we left Ian's before Alex was back and when Jack was out of the house. I picked out good clothing, and it's just right for the first day. In fact we'll be matching. I try to hide my amusement as I hand Alex his clothing.

"Why do you have my clothes?" He asks, not loud though. "I thought I packed them all." He says looking up at me.

"Your uncle and I went to his house and I packed some clothes that I thought we could use specifically for this reason. It was when you and Jack were both gone, so I brought theses and maybe a few others and we left. Problem?" I ask and watch him shake his head no.

"I was just wondering. I was thinking I was crazy when I looked and couldn't find clothes in my closet before we left. Well now I know where they went to." He says and I laugh as he looks at the clothing, then shrugs and moves to the back room to get dressed.

As he walks in Wolf walks out, and I almost say something when I hear Wolf say a little comment to him. I'll let him fight this battle himself though. I can't always be there, though I would like to.

Alex's P.O.V

"Watch out Double o' nothing, gosh it's like you can't even walk straight." Wolf says to me as he passes, not passing up the temptation to bump into me. I choose to ignore him though, he's not worth my time this morning.

I continue to walk into the empty back room, and once there I dress quickly. I opt to not put on shoes at the moment because they are not with me, but in my stuff that is still packed. I look down on myself and smile. I thought I would be wearing a uniform because, let's face it, I'm in the SAS. Instead I'm wearing a blue button up shirt with a white undershirt that can be seen from underneath, and dark blue jeans. I walk back into regular hut and smile when I see dad wearing almost the same thing, but his shirt is yellow, not blue.

I walk over to my things, and pull out white socks and my black trainers, then go and stand by the door where mom is standing. She puts her arm around me lovingly and then turns again as we wait for my dad, who is waiting for Ian and Jack. Finally after everyone is ready we begin the walk to the mess hall. We are the first unit there, which is probably for the best, because dad is the new sergeant.

Speaking of being the new sergeant I wonder what I will be doing. I don't know if dad will have me training or not. I start to ask him, but don't because finally other soldiers start to line up right behind us. I instead stick with mom and Jack who are talking softly.

I decide to stay out of the conversation, and focus more on the camp. It hasn't changed much. It's still grassy, but also dark. I can see the training course over to the right beside the lake. I shiver, not from the cold, but from the idea of doing that again. I'm ready though, but it would help if I hadn't just come from a mission.

Dad comes over to stand beside me and puts an arm around my shoulder.

"How you doing this morning kiddo?" He asks drawing me out of my thoughts and into a conversation.

"Good, tired, but good." I say and he smiles rubbing my shoulder a bit.

"Just remember, you have to tell me and mom about you 'saving the school kids in all of London' later." He says and I gulp. I forgot all about that. "I want to know all about you and MI6, next time I see Alan Blunt you will have to keep me from killing him." He smiles and I do also, tensely.

"Well now that you mention it, will I be training?" I ask and he sighs before shaking his head no. I go to protest but he stops me.

"Let's not talk about this right now. I need to get to know you Alex. There's something wrong when a father doesn't know his own son. So tell me about yourself." He says and leads us to the line when the doors of the mess hall open.

"Like what?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I don't know, what's your favorite color?" He asks and I laugh a little.

"Blue. You?" I ask and he smiles.

"Black." He smiles but continues. "Hey you know together we make a deadly combination." He says and I laugh.

"Yea, about as deadly as a bruise." I laugh a little when he starts to laugh very hard.

"Sarcastic you are." He says lightly but rubs my hair. He lets go of me, and he lets me file in front of him, in the middle of him and mom.

Mom is stopped at the food looking at the choices that have been put out. She starts to go for a waffle, but stops short. She goes to grab a plate of slop but stops again. She then grabs a little cereal packet and a little carton of milk. She doesn't move on though. She watches me as I go to grab a waffle, something that I actually liked the last time I was here, but she stops me.

"Alex honey, don't eat that. It doesn't look half decent. This place needs a woman. Here eat some cereal." She says handing me a small single serving box of the healthiest type of cereal in the bunch. I don't have the heart to tell her no. I then grab my own milk and follow her lead to a table where Jack and Ian are sitting at.

I sit beside Ian and mom sits across from me. Jack is on the other side of Mom and dad piles in beside me. He has a waffle, and inwardly I'm jealous of him, but ignore it. He takes a bite, and smiles at me before cutting up a fourth of his waffle and handing it to me.

He winks at me and I eat it without mom watching.

"Thanks." I mutter and he nods then eats the rest of his waffle.

"This food is disgusting." Mom says with a snarl. "Alex honey, I'm not sure if you should eat any of it. It's gross and can't be healthy." She says and shakes her head at how Ian and Dad are scarfing down the food that mom wouldn't let me eat.

"Helen, it's ok." Ian says and mom glares at him. I feel sorry for him actually. I look back and see K-unit sitting at a table behind us and Wolf catches my glance. He also glares, so I turn back.

"It's not ok! John, how do you expect your soldiers to perform well when they are being fed horrible food? We need to have a chat with the sergeant." She says and Jack nods beside her.

"I agree Mrs. Rider." She says and mom smiles at her, and pats her arm.

"Call me Helen. At least someone has sense at this table. Well I for one will not let my child eat this crap." She says and I speak up.

"It's ok mom. I've eaten it before." I say and all eyes turn to me, well except Jack.

"If you've eaten it before then you must have been here before. How long ago was it?" Dad asks, hiding his anger, but I can still tell.

"It doesn't really matter." I say, but he glares causing me to answer. "Right after Ian 'died'. I mean I had a few days, but I was here for about a week." I say and dad grunts.

"Why would you allow this Alex?" Ian asks beside me and I glare.

"I didn't allow it." I find myself getting angry.

"You came here didn't you?" he retaliates.

"We'll be talking about this later." Dad interrupts in a rough voice. It's like this is my fault. This is making me mad. I stand up, not even finished with my food and walk away from the table, needing some alone time.

No one says anything as I walk off, and no one notices when Wolf soon follows me.

I sit myself under a tree by the lake and try to focus on other things besides what just happened. I begin to think about school and Tom, and football as Wolf stalks up in front of me.

"What's wrong Double o' Nothing? Not getting your way? Daddy upset with you?" He taunts.

"Shut up." I say my voice laced with anger though I try to hide it.

"You honestly don't know what you're getting into Cub. You don't want to get on my bad side. You think I'm bad now just wait. No one tells me what to do, especially not a kid." He says glaring, I'm sure he would have continued but we heard a loud horn echoing though the camp.

"Time to train. Watch your back schoolboy." He says and walks off. I shake the urge to bite my fingernails out of stress, not because of Wolf, but with everything going on as I stand up and walk toward the training site.

So, long long long chapter! Hoped you liked it. Sorry it took so long to update. Please review.