"What is wrong?" Katherine pouted and caressed Damon's cheek with one finger when she found his attention waning. She wrapped one arm around his chest, feeling the warmth of his bare skin on her cold fingers. He was soft and breakable and he knew that she could kill him before he could scream and yet he allowed her to see him in his most vulnerable states, like now.

"Father," he said, bluntly. "He is taking in another orphan, another girl to steal his attention."

"Is that jealousy I hear, Mr Salvatore," teased Katherine, kissing his cheek with her red lips. Her dark curls fell onto his face, the silky texture tickling his nose. A smile crept up on his lips but he forced it away and turned around quickly. His movements were still slow to Katherine but she feigned surprise for his benefit.

"I am not jealous," he said. "I should be thankful to her. Her arrival is distracting him and her presence will distract him further. That way, he will not be around to comment on everything I say or do. It is becoming irritating, his constant remarks for me to be 'more like Stefan'."

"You think your father favours your younger brother," she stated, and she pulled him closer. He laid his head on her chest and she began to stroke his messed up black hair. It was rare that Katherine showed affection and he was going to glean as much as he could from her. "Your father has yet to realise that he has two very different but still incredible sons. You are more rebellious than Stefan. He chooses to obey his father's every wish and always turns to him before making decisions of his own and your father will try to mould another version of himself. But you, Damon, you are more. You are everything your father doesn't want to see in a son of his. You think for yourself, your actions are entirely your own. You are supposed to be fighting but are you? No, you extended your leave."

"My leave may be permanent," he murmured. "I feel I can no longer be loyal to the Confederacy. I am beginning to see that the South may be wrong."

"And your father may have a few choice words on that," she laughed. She then pushed him away and pulled the covers over them both. Damon knew the moment was over and that she wanted to play. So he obliged and grabbed her, his arms encircling her waist. She screamed with laughter and tried to escape, pulling the covers back down. Using her speed, she straddled him and Damon was once again in awe of her. She was breathtakingly beautiful, her eyes had a hidden depth to them and he would lose himself in their deep brown abyss. Her skin was soft and supple and he would find any excuse just to touch it, if only for a second.

She looked down at him, a grin on her red lips. She leaned her head closer, as if to kiss him when there was a knock at the door. Her handmaiden Emily stepped inside, a coy grin on her dark face.

"Excuse me, Miss Katherine, Miss Pearl is here to see you," she informed her mistress. She looked upon the scene with amusement but beneath that was disdain. She didn't approve of Katherine toying with Damon, or the other brother. Even for someone of Katherine's nature it was appalling behaviour, and risky.

"I will be with her soon, please ask her to wait," Katherine called over shoulder, her eyes firmly on Damon. When Emily didn't leave, she rolled her eyes. "Thank you, Emily"

The door closed softly and Katherine grinned wider, showing her brilliantly white teeth. Suddenly, without warning, her face changed. Her canine teeth lengthened into sharp fangs. Her eyes turned a bright crimson red, her pupils shrinking to small black spots and underneath her eyes surfaced black veins. Damon only looked shocked for a moment before reaching up to cup her cheek. Her face returned to normal and she kissed him, pleased that he was no longer frightened of her.

Damon Salvatore was one of the first people to see the new arrival to the Salvatore household. The carriage drew up in front of the white stone steps leading into the expansive Southern mansion and already bored, he was leaning on one of the ridged pillars holding up the balcony above their heads. Another orphan his father was taking in. This time it was not a stranger's child but Damon's godfather's daughter, an old friend of Giuseppe Salvatore.

"Stand up straight!" hissed Giuseppe to Damon, his teeth bared. His face was heavily lined with age and his hair was peppered with grey but that did not mean he was weak. Damon saw his hand rise and hastily stood up, straightening his jacket as he did. He glanced at his father and was pleased to note his attention was on the carriage again.

"You would do well not to get on Father's bad side. He may not show it on the surface but deep down he is grieving for the loss of his friend."

Damon's younger brother Stefan had stepped closer to him, leaning in to whisper his words in his ear. Damon rolled his eyes and stepped away from his brother, knowing that their father did not deserve his sympathy if he was not willing to give him his.

The carriage door opened and the footman held his hand out. A delicate, white gloved hand appeared first and clasped the footman's tanned hand. From the carriage stepped out a girl who unconsciously stole Damon's attention. She was no older than him and no younger than his brother who had turned seventeen last month. Her dress was very flattering, tightening at her waist and enhancing her chest. It was a simple design, nothing too fancy or as elaborate as those of Miss Katherine, the other orphan Giuseppe had taken in. Her dark chestnut brown hair was pinned back with stray curls framing her face. His eyes widened as a shy smile graced her full pink lips and her fingers smoothed down the pale gold satin of her dress. He could tell she was uncomfortable under their gaze but he couldn't tear his eyes away from her. Behind her, another girl exited the carriage. It was obvious she was not of the same status as the girl, mostly likely a serving girl. Her hair was hidden in a white bonnet and her dress was very plain brown linen. An off white apron was tied around the dress. Damon found that the serving girl looked oddly familiar but he shrugged it off. He'd seen many servants and they were beginning to look alike.

Giuseppe almost skipped down the stairs and took the girl's hand in his, kissing it lightly, and ignored the serving girl as was usual. She bowed her head and curtseyed formally but he gently pulled her back up, wrapping a protective arm around her waist. He turned her to face the mansion and the small crowd gathered on the steps. The crowd included his sons, Damon and Stefan, the lovely Miss Katherine Pierce and her handmaid, Emily, the head butler Archer and Honoria and Thomas Fell, close friends of Giuseppe.

"I would like to introduce to you all Miss Morgana Devereux," said Giuseppe, a warm smile on his face. He nudged her forward slightly and she bowed her head again. "Miss Morgana, this is your new family."

She looked up and Damon's breath caught in his throat when the darkest blue eyes met his, captivating him in one look. Her cheeks coloured a rose pink and she looked away hastily to the others standing around him.

"I am very pleased to meet you all," she said, her voice was lightly musical and he could hear her shyness filtering through. "I must thank you all for allowing me to call your town, Mystic Falls, my home and I am sure to be very happy here."

Honoria Fell bustled through almost shoving Damon away as she hurried to get to Morgana. She took the young girl's hands in hers and began to talk animatedly. He guessed that Honoria had taken it upon herself to take the girl under her wing as she had lost her mother and now her father. Thomas stood behind them, watching Honoria and Morgana with his stormy grey eyes. He was silent and observant, choosing to watch than speak.

"This is Archer," Honoria was saying, leading Morgana up the steps. "He is the head butler and if you are unsure of anything, he will help you. You need anything, you call on him."

"Thank you, Archer, that is most appreciated," said Morgana, smiling at Archer. Damon watched him instantly stand up tall and puff his chest out, his male hormones activating on the sight of a pretty girl. Archer was in his early forties, only a few years younger than Giuseppe, with coal black hair and dark eyes. He was strong with broad shoulders and chest which was only accentuated in his black butler uniform. He turned his dark eyes on Morgana and a rare smile crossed his thick lips.

"I will always be there to assist you, Miss Devereux," he said in his slow, deep voice.

"If it is not too much trouble," she said, her delicate eyebrows coming together and an apologetic look settled on her face. "I have brought my handmaiden, Amelie. When my father died and Mr Salvatore so kindly offered me to stay, she feared she would lose the only source of money she had. I've asked her to stay on here and help me adjust. If that is of no trouble to you, Archer, I would be most delighted if you and your staff welcomed her with open arms."

"Of course." He inclined his head and her smile widened.

Honoria introduced her husband who bowed lowly for her. Morgana blushed again and Honoria waved off her pleas that she was not worthy of such a courtesy. Her white gloved hands patted her dark hair nervously when Honoria turned her to Miss Katherine.

"Katherine Pierce, Morgana," said Honoria, her eyes sweeping up and down the other girl ."Another orphan, such as yourself, her family dying in a tragic fire. Giuseppe was very kind to take her in. She also brought her handmaiden, Emily."

Morgana bowed her head but Katherine did not. Honoria looked at her expectantly but Katherine continued to stare at Morgana with her dark brown eyes. Emily, however, smiled politely at Morgana's handmaiden who had followed her mistress up the stairs very quietly.

"And now," Honoria steered Morgana to the Salvatore brothers. "Giuseppe's sons, Damon and Stefan."

Damon took this as his chance to make an impression on Morgana. Stefan bowed to Morgana and uttered a few words he didn't let his brother hear. Morgan only smiled at him and Honoria gave her a gentle push towards Damon. He bowed in the same manner as his brother but he had inherited his father's charm and placed a light kiss on her gloved hand.

"Miss Morgana," he said, and mimicked her shy smile. "It is a pleasure to meet you and I hope that we will become fast and good friends."

"The pleasure is all mine," she said, her cheeks colouring pink again. "That is my hope too."

She and her handmaid then walked inside for a tour of the house before she was settled in her room and called for dinner. Damon wanted to watch her but another girl blocked his view. Katherine Pierce had followed her inside and Damon grew worried. Morgana Devereux was competition for Katherine and Katherine did not like competition.