Alright guys, here it is, my final installment of this story! NOOOOOO!

Well, my next story should be up soon, so that should make everything all better, right?


Glowing Embers

Part 6 (Final)

The night sky was illuminated with the bright lights of the loud and busy city. A sea of people flooded the entirety of Times Square.

"This place is crazy!" Kurt said. "I mean, it was a bit crazy here when we came for Nationals, but...god."

The boys were standing in the very of Times Square, avoiding the large crowd that was spread out in front of them.

"I know," Blaine agreed. "There are way too many people here."

Kurt stuffed his freezing hands into his pockets, mentally scolding himself for forgetting to grab his gloves before they'd left the hotel after lunch. "I didn't realize how cold it can get here in the winter."

Blaine laughed. "And I'm the one who's never been here."

Kurt elbowed Blaine in the side playfully. "You're a jerk!"

"Maybe I am, but I'm your jerk."

"Yeah, that's right, my one and only."

"Well, I can't be that big of a jerk. I gave you the best New York City date ever, didn't I?"

Kurt's lip curled back to show his teeth in a cheesy smile. "Well, I can't argue with that."

Blaine was right, Kurt thought, this had been the most amazing day.

A cold gust of wind swept past the boys.

Blaine shivered and stepper closer to Kurt.

Kurt smirked at him. "Again with the cuddling?"

"I'm cold!"

There was uproar throughout the crowd; the boys looked up and saw that there were only fifty-seven seconds left of 2011. The ball above Times Square was slowly descending down the pole as the crowd continued to count down.

Excitement began to flood through Blaine's body.


Blainefelt Kurt grasp his hand.

"What are you doing?" he said, giving Kurt a curious glance.

"Holding your hand," Kurt replied, a small smile playing on his lips, "because, unlike Ohio, nobody here cares."

Blaine returned the smile.

They were in Manhattan, the city that never sleeps. Here, gays were accepted.

Blaine remembered last summer when Kurt had told him that gay marriage had just been legalized in New York, Blaine had rarely ever seen Kurt that happy.


Excitement rushed through him, and he happily entwined his fingers with Kurt's.

Kurt looked at him and their eyes locked. They exchanged loving smiles as thousands of voices echo through the streets.


Kurt heard Blaine beside him start to follow the dramatic countdown.


Kurt squeezedBlaine's hand and joined the chanting.


Kurt turned his head to glance at Blaine again, and, at that very moment, something in his mind struck him like a ton of cement blocks.

This was it. This was just a taste of their potential future together. In a few years, Kurt and Blaine would be here living in the city, striving to pursue their dreams.

Together, Kurt thought.


Blaine turned to glance back at his boyfriend.




"You know, Blaine, of all things I could be doing right now, I'm glad I chose to be here with you."


The ball atop of Times Square illuminated the city and the chants of "Happy New Year!" errupted and echoed to the sky.

Kurt leaned over and kissed Blaine with a kind of passion that he had never felt before.

Blaine melted into the kiss with a gentle sigh.

Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck while Blaine slid his hands to Kurt's back, pulling him closer. Their lips moved together in a fluidic rhythm.

When Kurt finally pulled away, Blaine pouted.

"Happy New Year, Blaine," Kurt whispered.

Happy New Year, Kurt," Blaine replied.

Blaine quietly closed the door behind him as he followed Kurt into their room.

Kurt set his messenger bag down on the floor at the foot of the bed and kicked his shoes off. He sat down on it and collapsed a bit overly-dramatically. "Ugh!"

"Somebody's exhausted." Blaine walked over to sit next to him on the edge of the bed.

"Nah, I'm okay; today had just been a crazy day, don't you think?"

"I think you mean yesterday was crazy," Blaine said with a laugh.

"Whatever!" Kurt said, reaching up to shove Blaine playfully on the shoulder.

Blaine got up again to set his bag down against the wall and hang his coat up in the closet.

"You know," Kurt said, turning more serious again, "I really had a great time."

Blaine smiled. "Me too."

Kurt sat up to wrap his arms around his knees.

"I'm sorry we still didn't get to see a Broadway show."

"Blaine, it's fine. You were right, I should have said something sooner."

Blaine sighed and sat down beside Kurt again. He leaned in and kissed Kurt's cheek, cupping his chin in his hand.

Kurt rested his head on Blaine's shoulder and sighed. He felt Blaine breathe in deeply. Stange...that breath sounded almost nervous. He lifted his head. "Blaine?"

Suddenly he realized what Blaine was doing.

Blaine kissed the corner of Kurt's mouth as he unbuttoned Kurt's coar and slid it off of him.

Kurt shivered. "Blaine, what are you doing?"

Blaine rested his forehead against Kurt's. "I remember you mentioning something in your fantasy," he whispered, "about us making love till dawn."

A chilling sensation shot down Kurt's spine. "I did."

Blaine pulled back a little to gaze at Kurt with a look of hesitation, waiting for his consent.

Kurt just smiled and brought a hand up to rest on his love's cheek. "I love you, so much."

Blaine's expression relaxed, and, feeling reassured that he wasn't pressuring into anything, he smiled back. "I love you, too, Kurt."

Kurt leaned in and captured Blaine's lips, tossing his own coat off to the side and slowly lowering down into the mattress as he allowed Blaine to crawl on top of him.


Blaine felt Kurt tap his arm.


Blaine pulled his face back from where it was buried in Kurt's shoulder. "What?"

"The sun is coming up."

Blaine sat up slowly, remembering that his arm was still wrapped around Kurt's torso. He gazed at the beautiful boy that was lying beside him.

Kurt was beautiful in every single way possible. Kurt's pale chest looked as if it were almost glowing in the lamp light. His hair was a mess from earlier, probably as much a mess as Blaine's was.

Blaine stretched and rolled his shoulders.

"Blaine, look."

Blaine felt the warmth of sunlight coming into the room. He looked out the window and saw the bright sun rising up from behind the tall skyscrapers.

He broke his gaze for a moment to glance at Kurt, who was resting his head on the pillow as he stared out at the beautiful New York morning.

Blaine leaned over and once more wrapped his arm around Kurt's warm body, pulling him closer.

"This view is just so beautiful," Kurt said quietly.

Blaine just stared at Kurt.

After getting no response, Kurt turned his head to look at his boyfriend.

"Yeah, it really is," Blaine said softly, still staring. "Absolutely beautiful."

Realization of what Blaine meant struck Kurt, and a deep blush spread across his cheeks.

"And I find myself unable to look away."

Kurt couldn't help but giggle as he nestled his forehead into Blaine's neck. "You know, I wish I could wake up like this every morning."

Blaine allowed a small smile to curl on his lips. "Me too."

"So, I guess we're sleeping on the plane?"

Blaine laughed. "Yeah, I guess so."

"Good, because I'm exhausted."

"Then go to sleep; we don't have to be at the airport until about four-thirty."

"But I don't want to; not when I get to just lay here in your arms."

Blaine sighed. "Well, do you want to go out and do something."

"Mmm, maybe in a little while. I just want to be here with you right now."

"Okay." Blaine kissed Kurt's forehead.

They just stayed there like that for a while, in each other's arms, forgetting the rest of the world, and savoring the time they had before they would return home.


Next Fic shall be up within the next week! :D