Summer: HELLO! This is my third story on fanfiction and please excuse it for it being well not so good. It was spontaneous so I didn't plan it at all. Just felt bored so I published a oneshot yoai story.

Allen: Summer does not own D-Gray Man. If she did Tyki Mikk would have died a long long long long time ago.

Why? Why would the world punish me so cruelly? All I did was love him...Why me?


Allen looked blank at the meal in front of him. Lavi and him were on a rescue mission to find Lenalee and had forgotten to pack food. So Lavi went fishing and had cooked dinner that night.

"Lavi you don't honestly expect me to eat this do you? I mean everything is burnt!" he said a little too honest. "And I thought you were the one who had manners out the three of us!" Lavi mumbled sounding hurt.

Allen didn't know when he had started to grow feelings for the man but he sure did know that they were there.

He looked back down at the food and gulped. He didn't want to hurt Lavi's feelings so he pick up the burnt sushi and put it in to his mouth. It actually wasn't half bad considering it was burnt.

~5 minutes later..~

"Wow! That was actually a pretty good meal considering our circumstances!" Allen commented.

Lavi smiled and said, "Well I am just happy that you ate it!".

Allen blushed at the sight of Lavi's smiling face. It's a smile of an angel... he thought to him self.

"Well, Its time to hit the hay!" Lavi declared. Allen nodded in agreement and curled up in his sleeping bag.

Later that night...

Lavi felt something warm scoot towards him and he turned around to see a sad looking Allen scooting towards him.

"Allen what is it?" Lavi asked grumpily.

Allen blushed and looked to the side, "Well I kinda had a really bad nightmare and plus its getting really chilly so I was wandering if I could-". Allen was interrupted by Lavi cuddling him.

"Take that as a yes.".

"O-okay...". Allen simply snuggled closer to Lavi and started to enjoy the warmth of his body.

~The Next Morning...~

It took all of Lavi's patience not to do something violating to Allen. I mean come on! He is so adorable when he sleeps and the fact he got scared over a nightmare makes me wanna hug him! And more.. He thought.

Allen then woke up and noticed that he was still in Lavi's arms. He blushed and tried to look away from Lavi but there was no escape except to bury his head in Lavi's chest. Allen blushed even more at the thought of that.

"Hey! You alright?" Lavi asked concerned. But Allen didn't get to answer because his eye just then went off. The two men quickly got up and activated their innocence.

~7 very long hours later...~

Allen and Lavi had been fighting the akuma for seven hours straight and Allen was very weak. The akuma was about to kill him when Lavi stepped in front of him and took the hit while killing the akuma at the same time.

~FlashBack over...

I didn't even get to tell him I love him...

Summer: I hope you enjoyed this short little one shot! Please review! Flames are accepted but don't be too harsh please! Oh if you have any questions feel free to ask!

Lavi: Bye pretty fangirls!

Allen:*sweat drop* Bye...