The Lord's Maid

Disclaimer: All references to Final Fantasy are owned respectively to Square Enix. The concept is borrowed from that of Funimation's Black Butler, which I do not own as well.

A/N: Thought I'd write something a little fun which was inspired by Black Butler. Enjoy!

Reviews and Comments are appreciated!

Chapter 1: Deal with the Devil

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Her voice floated in and around him in a gentle darkness.

"I wouldn't have called you if I wasn't sure."

"Very well. But I'll only ask once more. Are you willing to sell your soul to me in order to fulfill your wish?"

"Yes, you fowl cur." He seethed into the dark. Upon his agreement the dark slowly lit with a pale glow which came from everywhere and nowhere. The figure of a woman appeared before him, dressed as a simple maid all in black. Her eyes glowed a brilliant red as she gazed upon him, lying half-naked in the snow. Lips spread into a knowing and carnal smile as she made her way to stand above him. Long dark hair trailed behind her, swaying with her hips. The woman stopped at his side and knelt, her hand reaching out to caress his face with white gloved fingers.

What he saw next were fangs protruding from her mouth as she lowered her face to his own. Her eyes growing brighter and more inhuman, then all there was was darkness.

The lord of the estate shot up out of bed, drenched in sweat. His breathing was rapid and shallow as he raised a shaking hand to cover his face. "A nightmare," He whispered.

From behind the door to his chamber he heard gentle footsteps, which stopped just before the solid oak barrier. Alertly he watched as the knob turned and in entered his maid of the estate. Long brown locks were combed and placed immaculately behind her shoulders, falling past her waist. Like her hair, her uniform was immaculate, washed and pressed to perfection. Her stride was proud, fluid, and elegant for one of her station. If anyone paid any attention to her movements they would say she personified all the elegance and grace of a feline.

With purposeful strides she made her way across the room to the heavy drapes covering the windows. In two quick movements she had them pulled to either sides of the grand sill and tied them with a golden cord. "Good morning, my lord." She chirped as she did this task. "It's a beautiful day today, with plenty to do." She turned to face him then, a gentle smile playing upon her lips. "Oh, I see you are already awake." Her lord merely nodded to her as she walked to the large wardrobe adjacent to the bed, pulling from it his black uniform of the day; pressed and folded perfectly.

His maid came back to the side of the bed, where his long muscular legs hung over the side. He was dressed in nothing but a half-button silk shirt drenched in sweat, and white undershorts; but his maid neither blushed nor shied away from her master's indecency, merely setting his clothes on the bed beside him and began undoing his night clothes.

He watched her as if half in dream and half waking. What broke him from his trance was the sight of her gentle wine colored eyes locking with his own. "What?" He questioned harshly, noticing she had stopped undressing him.

"Your clothes are soaked, my lord. Do you wish to bathe first?" She replied gently, her smiling never fading.

"No, I'll bathe after my morning."

She bowed her head and continued undressing him, carefully changing his shirt for a fresh one. "Very well, my lord." Next came his pants, her hands gliding effortlessly up toned legs and over firm cheeks. Following the waistband, her nimble hands buttoned and zipped them effortlessly. At the foot of the side table sat two black leather boots, which she now began placing onto each of his feet; making quick work of the buckles that ran the length of the inseam. From her apron pocket she pulled a regal looking comb. She walked around the side of the bed and positioned herself behind her lord's body, then grabbing a fistful of his long shimmering hair began to untangle it. Once finished with her task, she stood and dusted imaginary dirt off her dress. "I'll see to breakfast at once, sir."

The large muscled frame of her lord stood from the bed fidgeting in his long sleeved shirt, flexing it to his trained motions. His long silver hair, which, she had only moments ago combed swayed as he came to stand by the window, his green eyes calculating the events of the day.

"Will you be dining in the study or the drawing room this morning?"

He fiddled absently with the cuffs of his shirt, seemingly caught between the decision of rolling them up or not; despite having his maid button them a moment ago. If his maid was annoyed by this she made no indication. "The study, after I've had my morning workout and bath."

The maid nodded and bowed. "As you wish, my lord." Turning to leave, her hand had barely touched the door when her master turned and called to her.

"Tifa," She stopped and faced him, her face neither annoyed that she was stopped or happy that she was, just indifferent.

"Yes, my lord?"

"Send for both Fair and Strife this morning. I'm in a foul mood."

Tifa bowed her head, hands clasped before her. "Another nightmare, my lord?"

He glared at her now grinning face. "That is of no concern of a servant." He spat.

"Of course it isn't, my lord. Forgive me; it wasn't my place to ask. I shall see to it that both boys are at the training area when you arrive." Her smile was still in place as she bowed once more and left the room.

"Cursed demon," He breathed, turning his attention back towards the window. Outside the sun was shining brightly over a grand garden. Trees lined the drive leading out into the country and not far beyond that the city of Midgar. Emerald eyes filled with rage and bloodlust, narrowed at the thought of those running the foul, corrupted city. They would pay, on his life and soul they would pay for their heinous deeds wrought upon him. Pulling away from the window, he decided that it was time to manifest his anger and frustrations of the night during his morning ministrations.

Tifa closed the door, choosing to ignore the snide comment referred to her. Oh yes, no matter how silently he breathed it, the ears of a demon could hear all mortal desires and fears. The mighty general was no different. His thirst for revenge against those who had brought him so low and used him as a lap dog had peeked her interest as well as her appetite for such a corrupted soul. She would allow him his little game of house, for in the end she was the ultimate victor. Once his wish was fulfilled she would make his soul sing as she devoured every last bit of it. Her hand twitched at the thought of ripping it from his chest, but doing so would break the pact they had made, and in turn denying her the full weight of what the soul had to offer. Cultivating a soul was like waiting for a fruit to ripen, harvesting it too early would leave you with a sour and bitter taste, while a ripened one gave you a sweet and savory treat to relish. Once long ago, she had decided to take a short cut on cultivating a soul through contract, but it had left her unsatisfied and longing. Only by fulfilling another contract with some eager mortal was she able to curb her gluttonous need.

No, she would not travel down that road again. She was already ravenous; any more provocation would result in unwanted blemishes upon her mortal skin. Best to curb the hunger with menial chores as she has become accustomed to these past few years.

Her steady gait took her straight into the servants' quarters where two men slept soundlessly in a dark room. Thrusting open the curtains none too gently she chimed, "Zack, Cloud get up."

Both men rolled in their beds ignoring the maid's orders. Her perfectly plucked eyebrow twitched, when neither man made a sound. "I said," She grabbed a corner of each blanket in either hand and pulled with enough force to pull both men along with it. "Get up." The two men's heads collided after being forcefully drug from their beds. Two pairs of blue eyes cracked open to look at the annoyed maid.

"Morning to you too, gorgeous." The dark haired man, Zack, joked. He rubbed the spot where he and his blonde counterpart had collided.

"If you'd learn to get up at an appropriate time, I wouldn't have to resort to such crude methods of waking the unconscious."

Zack grinned in reply and wiggled a little closer, under the hem of Tifa's calf-length skirt. "What color do you have on to-" He was abruptly cut off with the heel of a shinned slipper connecting with his jaw.

"I won't say it again. Get up and report to the training area, his Grace is in a testy mood this morning."

The brunette massaged his jaw as he sat up and followed the maid with his eyes. "Yeesh, what's got the fairy princess in a foul mood so early?"

Tifa opened another window before walking across the room to open a wardrobe, pulling from it two sets of identical training garb, "A nightmare, but that is none of your concern. Get dressed. You have five minutes to get there, before HE becomes cross with you."

At the mention of the General's wrath, both men bolted from their bed sheets, racing to get changed. In between pulling up and buttoning his pants Cloud, the blonde headed youth, asked in a shy voice: "You wouldn't have happened to make breakfast already would ya, Tifa?"

Tifa turned her head to the side taking in the youth, his movements were rigid and there was a growing blush upon his cheeks as he swapped shirts. "No, I haven't. Breakfast will be served after this morning's regiment." She declared walking out of the room.

"Awe, come on Teef!" The brunette called after her in the hall, jumping on one foot so as to put on his boot. "We don't stand a chance against the General without a proper meal!" Without turning her head, Tifa tossed two bright red apples over her shoulder which both boys caught.

"Thanks, Tifa!" They chimed with happy smiles.

Humans, such trivial creatures. Throw them a bone and they happily gobble it up no matter the cost. Well, I suppose if it was any more difficult we demons wouldn't be able to eat as freely as we'd like. No matter. It's not as if I've ever had trouble obtaining a soul.

She passed by one of the windows overlooking the garden and sparing area. Zack and Cloud had just scrambled out of the house and were just about to take a step into the arena when they suddenly stopped as if being slapped. Instantly they stood rigid, saluting the person who had caused their sudden stupor. Off to the side the General, her lord and master, walked up to them with a scowl upon his face. He visibly yelled at the two boys who could only look forward and take the verbal punishment. Tifa giggled at the sight. If only she could devour all of their precious, she wouldn't have to return to this wretched place for at least two centuries. Then again, what fun would that be? Humans provided some amusement in her long and solitary lifetime; perhaps it wasn't a good idea to be so gluttonous.

Outside, Zack and Cloud readied themselves for this morning's regiment, or torture session, depending on the mood of the General. This morning was probably going to fall under the latter. Both held identical training swords, firmly planting themselves so that their feet were shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. They watched their opponent for any sudden movements. The General stood his ground, his long sword Masamune held in his left hand, poised for an attack.

"Waiting for something?" He mocked. The men shot each other a curt nod before charging the man before them, Zack in the lead. With a swift swing of sword Zack aimed a blow for the General's abdomen which was easily blocked by the lengthy sword, causing a metallic clank throughout the empty garden. "Don't tell me that was a legitimate attack from you, pup."

The brunette applied more pressure against his opponent's blade. A grin lit up his once nervous face. "Of course not Sephiroth. What kind of SOLDIER would I be?" Green eyes narrowed at the cocky SOLDIER, as a yell rang out from behind the brunette. Having distracted the General long enough, Cloud was able to launch himself up and over Zack's body, swinging his sword downwards, aiming for the General's head.

Sephiroth smirked at their clever tactic, but easily floored the brunette with a well placed punch in the gut, freeing up his weapon. Next he raised his sword and blocked the blonde's well placed downwards slash. The General bent his knees and cushioned the man's attack, where the blonde seemed to be hovering above him in thin air. "Excellent form, Cloud." He praised before, pushing back on his sword and tossing the man off to the side.

Now back on his feet, Zack continued to assault the General and was shortly after joined by Cloud. Together both men attempted to strike the General but we're unable to ever land a blow. While Sephiroth merely toyed with them, connecting the heel of his boot or a well placed punch to either their stomachs or backs of their heads. So that within 15 minutes both subordinates were aching and seeing black spots across their vision.

"Awe, come on Seph! This was hardly fair!" Zack yelled from across the matted ground trying to stand, using his sword as a support.

"Fights are never fair, Zack. Learn this well and you won't get killed out in the field." Sephiroth returned, walking up to the two nearly unconscious boys. "As for you Cloud." The General used the tip of his sword to lift the blonde's chin to gaze up at him. "Work on your stamina and strength. They are nowhere where they need to be at your level of training."

"My Lord!" Tifa called out as she stood by a table, chairs, and a platter laden with cups and sandwiches. "It is nearly 9 o'clock. The messenger from the Shin-Ra Company will be arriving shortly. I thought you should know."

"Very well." Sephiroth replied. Looking down at two men, he dismissed them with a curt nod which they returned.

"I also brought some water and sandwiches for the boys. Seeing as they'd be leaving for early assignment." She lifted the platter and showed off the delicate sandwiches that seemed to shine on the silverware. With renewed energy Cloud and Zack jumped to their feet and scrambled across the matted floor towards the maid and their late breakfast.

"Take it to go!" Sephiroth ordered, watching them as they began scarfing down the sandwiches as Tifa held the platter.

"Yes, sir!" They said in unison, grabbing the platter a little roughly from Tifa and racing off towards the house. Tifa watched as they tripped over one another, fighting for ownership of the platter and the remaining food. If only they knew that two more platters awaited them in the kitchen. Perhaps she'd be able to pack it for them before they ran off to their assignment. As she was about to make her way back towards the mansion, Masamune came down and blocked her path.

The brunette followed the sword's length and up its owner's arm, to gaze into the face of the infamous General Sephiroth. "Yes, my lord? Was there something you needed?" He tossed her one of the neglected swords left by his subordinates which Tifa caught easily in one hand.

The maid looked at the metal weapon with a bored and unamused expression. "I'm afraid, my skills with a sword are particularly lacking, sir." Her statement was quickly disregarded as Sephiroth swung his sword at her, which she effortlessly parried. The General smirked and continued with a relentless assault characteristic of his position as the renowned wielder of the Masamune. Yet, from the actions of his opponent, it seemed as if he were vastly underpowered. Seeing his brows knit in annoyance, Tifa smirked to herself and ventured to address it.

"Something the matter, my Lord?" He swung his sword down upon her which she matched, bring them face-to-face. Her smile only broadened when his visage changed to that of a cruel and ruthless killing machine.

"Simply thrilled, that's all." He responded. The look he gave her sent chills down her spine. How she loved it when he had that murderous intent painted over his nearly godlike features. His soul was definitely worth any price she had to pay. Not noticing his hand had shot out beneath the connecting blades, Tifa quickly released her hold upon her weapon and back flipped out of the way of his surprise attack. "Letting your guard down? Perhaps selling my soul to a half-rate demon wasn't such a good idea." He mocked, picking up her relinquished weapon and brandishing it along with the Masamune.

Tifa narrowed her eyes at the insult he posed. How dare he? A fine feast he will make, once I've fulfilled his desires. With graceful movements, Tifa spread her legs and took up a fighting stance; her gloved hands clenching as she brought them in front of her chest. Taking her new stance as an invitation, Sephiroth charged her, both blades in hand; Masamune held by the hilt, blade facing his back, the other righted, preparing to impale the maid.

Quickly she ducked out of the way of his twined attack, swiping at her legs aiming to trip her opponent. Effortlessly he jumped back, before aiming another well placed slash downwards upon her head. Tifa looked up just in time to catch the thin blade in her hands as if in prayer. Sephiroth leaned down on her with as much weight as his one muscular arm could manage under the circumstance, which she merely smirked at. "Well timed, my Lord." The maid praised, before effortlessly standing to her full height holding the blade, now with only one hand. "If it were any other, he'd be dead for sure." Effortlessly she bent the sword in half, creating a metallic boomerang.

A frown graced the General's features as he swung the second sword around his side and into that of Tifa's, successfully ripping into her maid's uniform and lodging itself several inches into her ribcage. Taking an unconcerned looked at the sword nearly halfway through her, Tifa merely sighed. "Now I'll have to mend that. This was my only uniform."

"A demon concerned with her dress?" Sephiroth remarked, pulling the blade from the maid's bleeding body. "Never thought I'd see the day."

"It appears that we've company earlier than expected." Tifa remarked, locking eyes with her master. Her eyes glowed a brilliant red, before fading into a muted brown. Sephiroth scoffed and soured at the thought of his sparing match being ended so soon. In one swift motion he dropped the training sword and threw Masamune at the woman, who deftly caught it by the hilt. In another quick act he removed his shirt, exposing a chiseled chest, covered in sweat and dirt stains.

"Have my shirt washed and sword cleaned. We'll be having breakfast in the dining hall instead." The sound of multiple footsteps and a door closing caused the garden's occupants to turn towards the house. Walking from the grand estate were two men dressed in matching suits, one looking cleaned and pressed, the other unruly as if he had slept in them. The sharper looking of the two men, had the features characteristic of the Wutaian people, his straight black hair tied neatly behind him. The other unruly one had fiery red hair to match his disheveled look. With steady strides they approached the two.

"General Sephiroth," The Wutaian greeted, giving a slight bow. The redhead, simply nodded, placing his hands in his pockets as his partner addressed the general. Tifa had her master's shirt draped over one arm, hiding the now healed gash and tear in her uniform. If she was to serve breakfast, she would need to quickly mend this and begin preparations at once.

"If you'll excuse me gentlemen." She bowed courteously. "Breakfast will be served soon. Please make your way into the dining hall." She turned on her polished heels and began to make her way into the mansion.

"Tifa!" Sephiroth called over her shoulder. The maid's eyebrow twitched and her eyes narrowed when she stopped at her master's call, but she didn't turn around. "Make sure to show these fine gentlemen our topmost courtesies."

Plastering a beautiful smile that could charm the blind, Tifa turned and replied. "Of course, sir." She bowed once more, dismissing herself and bee lining for the kitchen.

"Quite a looker she is. How much did you pay for her?" Asked the redhead once Tifa was inside.

Sephiroth visibly tensed at the unabashed behavior of the unruly Turk, but what else did one expect of someone who would sell his mother if the price as right? He made his way to the table where a hand towel had been set aside for him. Picking it up he began to methodically dry himself off. "I paid nothing. She came to the estate highly recommended."

At this the redhead chuckled. "Must be good in bed too if she comes with such high regards."

The General's eyes narrowed at the perverse man, while his companion audibly reprimanded him. "Reno!" As if slapped the redhead bowed his head off to the side and remained silent. The Wutaian bowed to Sephiroth before speaking. "Please forgive, Reno. Despite his fowl mind he is a loyal and hardworking Turk."

Sephiroth merely nodded. "I'm sure." Was his reply, before making his way towards the mansion as well; his guests not far behind. He led them through the labyrinthine structure that was the Shin-Ra Mansion and stopped at the foot of a stairway and turned to face the two men. "Please make yourselves comfortable while I freshen up. I'll be down shortly. Tifa will show you to the dining room."

As if she had always been there Tifa appeared behind the two men with a gentle expression on her face. "If you'll be so kind as to follow me gentlemen." She gestured with her hand to follow her. The Turks turned from the maid to the lord of the mansion, stunned by the sudden and immaculate state that she was in, when only moments ago she had looked as if she had been drug through the dirt.

Sephiroth nodded to the men and began his ascent into the upper story of the building; Tifa took this cue to lead the two men into the dining room not far off. Wordlessly the two Turks followed her, the redhead being none too subtle about watching the tantalizing sway of her hips as she led. Coming to a stop before a set of double oak doors, Tifa took a step aside and pulled on one of the golden handles, revealing a brightly lit room. Inside was a long white dressed table laden with three sets of silverware. "Please, make yourselves comfortable. Would you like any sort of refreshments while you wait?" She indicated to the several chairs about the table.

The Wutaian walked up to the table and inspected the place settings. Before turning to gaze at the ever patient maid. "A coffee, if you please." He replied, now moving to inspect one of the few art pieces that decorated the grand hall.

"And you, sir?" The redhead seemed to be lost in a daze as he changed his view of the high vaulted ceiling to the form of the woman that stood by the door.

"I'll have the same." He indicated towards his companion with a jab of his thumb.

Tifa bowed courteously and replied. "Very well then. I'll be back momentarily with your refreshments." With a quiet click of the door, she turned and silently locked the doors behind her. No need to have Turks wandering around the mansion. Who knows what mischief they'd be up to, especially since they were only expecting one. No doubt Sephiroth was fuming over this subtle hint of treachery.

Locked in the dining room the two Turks took in the elegance of the fabled Shin-Ra Mansion. The entire estate built to house the President, his family as well as several hundred SOLDIERs, their elite fighting force. Reno let out a low whistle once Tifa had dismissed herself. "The boss spared no expense when it came to luxury." He stated, fiddling absently with a gold cord holding a set of heavy drapes back. His superior took a seat in one of the chairs which had a place setting before it and interlocked his hands, elbows spread upon the table. Reno turned and noticed his companion's solemn look. "Awe, come on Tseng! Lighten up a bit! We're supposed to be enjoying ourselves. How often do we get to come to Nibelheim?"

The Wutaian glared at the man. "That's the problem. We NEVER come to Nibelheim." Reno raised a red brow as he came and stood across from his superior. Flipping a chair around he took a seat, resting his elbows on the back of the chair.

"I'm failing to follow. So what if we were sent as messengers! Live a little! It's not as if there is a lack of wonderful scenery, if you get my drift." He winked at the older man, who had a blood vessel pulsing furiously on his forehead. But their casual conversation was interrupted when Tifa pushed open a side door and entered with a silver tray containing two cups and a coffee pot.

"So sorry for the wait." She apologized, serving both men a cup of coffee each. "Cream? Sugar?" She offered, showing them the other containers on her tray. Tseng waved her off, taking a cautious sip of the dark liquid, while Reno just sat back watching her with predatory eyes. "If you'll excuse me again. I'll see if my master is ready to receive you." Once more she excused herself this time seemingly forgetting to lock the door.

Her action didn't go unnoticed by the two Turks. Reno smirked and looked at his superior. "Looks like someone forgot something." He stood up, swiveling the chair back underneath the table.

Tseng looked at his subordinate with narrowed eyes. He took another sip of coffee before issuing his orders. "Exercise extreme caution. The General is not to know that he is being investigated for the string of murders within the Science Division. And if you're caught-"

"You worry too much, Tseng. This will be a piece of cake. SOLDIERs are muscled brutes for hire, not trained assassins. I'll be in and out before you know it." With a wave of his hand he left the dining room in search of his objective.

As he casually walked the halls, the Turk couldn't help but notice the pristine shine that accompanied any and all items in the mansion. Having familiarized himself with the floor plans, he maneuvered himself back towards the second story staircase. At every turn, Reno expected to see a random wandering SOLDIER or hired help but was continuously disappointed. He passed at least six oak doors before coming to a stop at a balcony window.

Just inside the last door the Turk passed, Tifa stood at attention as she watched her master dress himself. Her eyes darted to one side and followed the footsteps of the unwanted investigator. If she had been a normal human, the Turk would've gone undetected, but that as not the case. A cruel smile graced her lips as the man passed the door.

Sephiroth turned, shrugging on his leather duster. "Is something amusing to you?"

"Our visitors." Was Tifa's simple reply.

A silver brow rose in question, before a smile registered on his lips. "Be sure to show him a good time. That's an order." He walked past her exiting the room quietly.

Brown eyes burned into a vibrant red when she replied. "Certainly, my lord." Her form vanishing into shadow when the door closed behind the silver haired General.